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发布时间:2013-6-29      阅读次数:1213

灰处理系统翻译-中英对照 Ash pond灰场
The ash pond site is located at Dong Son Trai hamlet, Binh Khe commune, approximately 1.5 km northwest to the power plant. Refer to bid drawings for location of ash pond. There are two (2) electrical line of 35 kV to go through the ash pond plan and some local houses to exploit sand and poor coal as well as to plant a trees. 
灰场位于Khe Binh镇,Dong Son Trai 村,离电厂大约1.5 公里的西北处。参见招标设计图文件。场地上有两条35千伏的电线穿过灰场和一些本地房屋,一些当地的房屋用于开发沙料和贫瘠的煤料,并种植有树木。
The Owner is responsible to handover the Ash pond location plan and disposal area to the local Contractor but not EPC Contractor and permits for the position and extent (if any) after complete all necessary lawful procedures of its plan borderline.
The Local Contractor is responsible for all works in design and construction of ash pond and associated berm system including access roads, rain water drainage system. Measures for prevention of settlement and environmental protection such as several layers of high intensity polyester geotextile and geogrid or HDPE geomembrane in bottom below layer shall be taken as necessary.
The elevation at top of ash pond dams shall be EL.+39.10m.
The ash pond service road shall be constructed on top of all damps and all around ash pond at EL. of +39.30m. The road structure shall be as shown in appropriate bid drawings in Volume 12. Access road to ash pond shall connect to ash pond service road as indicated in Volume 12 bid drawing(s) also.
灰场便道的施工必须安排灰场周围的全部矿业之上,El.+39.30m处。道路的结构必须按照投标设计图中第12卷的要求。按照投标设计图中第12卷的要求,灰场入口必须和灰场便道相接。 Ash discharge tranfer conveyor system from power plant to the ash  pond从电厂到灰场的排灰转运输送系统
Ash discharge tranfer conveyor foundations shall be hermetic ash discharge tube conveyor system from power plant to the ash  pond with the reinforced concrete footing type, unless otherwise specified. Piled foundations shall be used and special care shall be taken with the foundations to prevent settlement and lateral displacement to the upper structure if necessary based on latest survey results and complied with suitable codes and standards requirements with approve of the Owner. Refer to clause 3.2.2 and 3.3.1 mentioned above.
除非另作说明,灰场的排灰转运输送系统的底架必须为密封排灰转运输送系统,从电厂中排出。为钢筋混凝土底脚类型。使用桩柱地基,必须特别小心地基,防止上方结构的沉降和横向位移,如果有必要,必须按照业主同意的最新调查结果和合适要求规则和标准执行。参考上述第3.2.2 和3.3.1条款。 Pipe / Cable Rack Foundations and Trenches管道/电缆支架基础和沟渠
a) - The specifications will apply to pipe rack foundations.
b) - Trenches shall be of reinforced concrete. Piling and replacement of soil or
other necessary measures shall be adopted for foundations to ensure the stability of the structures.
b)-沟渠必须使用钢筋混凝土。土壤的堆积和堆放或者其它必要施工必须确保施工结构的稳定。 Powerhouse主厂房 General Description总体描述
The powerhouse shall consist of the turbine house and control house and shall have a ground floor, mezzanine and operating floors connected by operating platforms. 
The step-up transformer bays shall be situated in front of the turbine hall. 
The H2 & CO2 cylinders shall be stored in a covered area adjacent to the turbine hall.
H2 & CO2汽缸必须储存在涡轮室附近的覆盖区域。
In the turbine house, steam turbines and a generators shall be installed on each T/G Block with the condenser installed under the T/G Block.  Auxiliary equipment and various pumps shall be located on the ground floor and major piping and other plant shall be located on the operating platforms.  An overhead travelling crane shall be installed inside the turbine house and an unloading bay shall be located for maintenance and periodic inspections of the plant.
在涡轮机室,每个T/G组块必须安装汽轮机和一台发电机,并T/G组块下安装冷凝器。 辅助设备和各种各样的泵材位于底层,主要管道和其它的装置设置在操作平台。桥式起重机必须安置在涡轮机室内,设置一个用于维修和定期设备检查的卸货间。
The boiler feed water heaters shall be located on  the operating floors and the deaerator  on the roof deck. The boiler feedwater pumps shall be located on the ground floor.
In the Central Control Building, various facilities for Control and Instrumentation and electrical equipment shall be located mainly on the first (1) and second (2) floors.  These include the plant control room, electrical equipment room, engineer’s/programmer’s room, switchgear MCC room, DC switch room, battery room, instrumentation workshop and instrument storage room.  Auxiliary rooms such as the shift room, conference room, air-conditioning and ventilation plant room, documentation storage room, toilet, meal room, storage etc.  shall be also arranged on these floors.  The emergency diesel generator, sampling rack, chemical dosing system, instrument and service compressors shall be located on the ground floor.
The steam generator and bunker bay shall be positioned adjacent to the powerhouse.  An access passage between the powerhouse and steam generator structure shall be installed on  the mezzanine floor, operating floor and roof deck of the Powerhouse.
在中央控制大楼、各种各样的控制设备、测试设备和电气设备主要在第1楼层和第2楼层,包括设备控制室、电气设备室、工程师/程序员办公室、开关装置电动机控制中心、DC 接通室、电池室、测试设备车间和仪器贮存室。辅助房间 (例如替换间、会议室、空调系统和通风装置室、文档编制贮存室、洗手间、用餐间和贮存室等等)也安排在这些楼层上。紧急柴油机、取样齿条、化学制品加料系统、仪器和装置压缩机位于发电厂底层。蒸汽发电机和煤舱位于发电站附近。在发电站和蒸汽发电机之间的一段入口通道必须设置在夹层楼层。操作发电站楼层和屋顶平台之间
The following waste water sumps shall be provided in the Powerhouse each having adequate lining material according to the quality of each waste  water :

