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发布时间:2013-7-14      阅读次数:1288

1.  新装置第一次启动:将螺杆泵进水管转接清水池(水槽及水箱),开启排油阀,排气阀后启动螺杆泵,逐级进液,排气,直至相应筒体满流后关闭相应的排油、排气阀,各级全部满流后继续运行半小时,一般采用循环方式,既运行水也可返回水池(槽或箱)。
2. 一般启动:先将螺杆泵进出水管转接清水池运行半小时,并逐级排气至满流。
3. 装置的运行:处理装置经清水运行半小时,并逐级排气至满流后,将进水管转入废水池进入处理运行,同时根据含油废水的含油浓度确定排油周期,排油只需开启排油阀,并通过排油观察控制开启时间,一般条件下,每班只需开启一次(8小 时一次)。
4. 装置的停运:结束运行前应将螺杆泵进水管转入清水池(槽或箱)运行半小时,然后再停泵,停泵时就关闭所有阀门,保持筒体的满流状态。
第八节  装置运行的注意事项
第九章  化学监督与分析方法
第一节   停炉保护
一.  总则:
1. 停炉保护方法:
a. 给水压力溢流保护法:
b.  蒸汽压力法:
c. 热炉放水
d. 干燥剂或液氨法、联胺法。
● 对长期停用的锅炉,采用此法。
● 氨液法:用含氨500mg/L的稀氨溶液充满锅炉。
● 联胺法:用PH≥10,含联胺150—200mg/L的氨—联胺溶液充满锅炉。
Section Four System operation

1. Operation of high speed mixing:
1. Inspection of high speed mixing before startup:
●Check tank pressure shall be 0.6-0.7Mpa
●The control panel shall be power on; the electromagnetism valve box shall has the air supply, power on and has the operating condition.
●Each on-line measuring appliance is in the readiness condition; analysis measuring appliance, instrument and drugs are prepared.
●The circulating pump and motor are in a good readiness condition; the manual operating gate of the inlet and outlet of pump shall be in an opening condition.
● The corresponding manual valve of commissioning mixing bed (e.g.: inlet and outlet manual gate, etc.) shall be in an opening condition; the # 1, # 2 and # 6 manual handle of electrical operating gate of f commissioning mixing bed throws transports shall not be opened or closed too tightly;.
●The resin level of commissioning mixing bed shall be a moderate height; the water feeding and air discharging of mixing bed shall be a readiness condition.

2. Operation of high speed mixing:
The operation procedure of high speeding mixing shall be: Raise pressure, recirculation and commissioning; closes bypass. (For details information, please refer to procedure table)

3. Shut down of high speed mixing:
The operation procedure of shut down of high speeding mixing: open the bypass gate, close the inlet and outlet, release pressure, prepare to transmit the resin.( For details information, please refer to procedure table)

II. Regeneration of high speed mixing:
1. Air flushing:
2. Resins separations:
3. Anion resins regeneration:
4. Anode resins regeneration:
5. Resins mixing:
Note: Operation above carries on program control; for details information, please refer to procedure table.



Mixing bed operation Pressure boost Recirculation Operation of mixing bed Shut down of mixing bed Pressure discharging Loose resin Failing resin Failing resin Confirmed resin Mixing resin Feeding water Adjusting the water level Resin mixing Resin sedimentation Feeding water
 Time 1 10 / 1 2 2 20 5  50 5 10 10 3 5
 Procedure 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Valve of mixing bed unit valve name Valve No.               
 Water inlet 10LDF10AA001  ⊙ ⊙            
 Water outlet 10LDF10AA003   ⊙            
 Air inlet 10LDF10AA007      ⊙  ⊙     ⊙  
 Air discharging outlet 10LDF10AA501     ⊙ ⊙     ⊙ ⊙ ⊙ ⊙ ⊙
 Feed washing gate 10LDF10AA401       ●  ●  ●    ●
 Recirculation gate 10LDF10AA004  ●        ●  ●   
 Back-up valve 10LDF10AA002 ●              
 Resin inlet 10LDF10AA005          ●     
 Resin outlet 10LDF10AA006       ● ●       
 Recirculation discharging 10LDK10AA401          ●  ●   
 Bypass gate 10LDK05AA101               
 Recirculation outlet 10LDK10AA001  ●             
 Mixed resin air inlet 00LDC30AA001               
 Resin air inlet transmission 00LDC30AA002               
 Discharge the resin from isolating gate 10/20LDP20AA191       ● ● ●      
 Transfer the resin to isolating gate 10/20LDP30AA191          ●     
Valve of regeneration unit Hot tank feeding 00LDP20AA011    ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ●
 Resin feeding of anion tower 00LDP20AA003       ● ● ●      
 Intermediate discharging of anion tower 00LDP20AA404       ● ● ●      
 Bottom discharging of anion tower 00LDP20AA402       ● ● ●      
 Air discharging of anion tower 00LDP20AA502       ● ● ●      
 Resin outlet of anode tower 00LDP20AA008          ●     
 Bottom inlet of anode tower 00LDP20AA408          ●     
 Transfer the resin to the isolating gate 00LDP20AA002          ●     
 Recirculation pump 10LDK10AP001  ●             
 Washing pump 10LDK10AP001     ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ●
 Root’s air blower 00LDC20AN001               
 Hot tank heating 00LDP20BB004   ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ●

Description:1. The ● means the opening status of the correspondent valve/equipment, the area without ● means the closing status of the correspondent valve/equipment;
2. Fill the hot water tank up before regeneration process; carry out heat up process 4 hours in advance;
3. Step 9 means waiting the regeneration unit signal;
4. When the water temperature in outlet is greater than 50 degree or pressure exceeds 3. 5MPa, 100% opens bypass 10LDK00AA101, at the same time, close the inlet water valve of mixing bed and the mixing bed unit is out of service;
5. Take 10LDF10BB001 as the example of mixing bed failing;
6. The time in the tables is only for reference, which may be adjusted on site;
# 2 resins cleaning
Instruction: 1.Procedure 2-6 with # mark may be duplicated. It may be circulated for many times according to the water quality;
2. The Root’s outlet pneumatic valve of 00LDC20AA501 is often in an opening status, which is interlocked with the air blower . It shall be closed 10 seconds later after the startup of air blower. The air blower may startup automatically after the closing the air blower. The cooling water valve 00LDC20AA502/503 shall be started 15 seconds in advance before opening the Root’s air blower. Close this valve after shut down the air blower for 15 seconds. It is required to maintain the fluid level of acid and alkali storing tank before the regeneration process;4. The time in the tables is only for reference, which may be adjusted on site.
