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发布时间:2014-5-31      阅读次数:1381


(3). 导管,接线盒等的标签和鉴定

(4). 电缆的标签和标记




这项工程目的是建造光纤通信系统作为在Xeset-1 发电厂和Saravan 变电站之间的主要通信系统。



a) 光纤(FO)系统
b) 电话系统
c) VHF 通信系统


投标商必须提供国际上有名和达到要求标准的,有经验制造商提供的光导纤维,并符合投标指南9.3 条款的规定。 除上面的资格标准之外, 投标商必须提供来自制造商的国家之外的机构,至少3 份不同的官方的证明书,证明在试运行

之后,提供的光导纤维通信设备成功地进行超过3 年的商业操作。 没有满足上述要求将导致投标拒绝。设备试运行之前,对提供至少二周的雇用人员通信系统光导纤维工地训培。

这个部分包括一般设计,制造,组装以及承包商的工场测试, 包括了交付,施工,试运行,设备的测试以及光纤通信系统的操作。
纤维光缆或者OPGW 将采用36 光导纤维(单模)。 光导纤维来用建立全部电话要求功能的通信通道。Tele 保护,SCADA(将来)和其它数据传输必须符合规定。集中的电信管理体制(TMS)将监督并控制光纤的通信系统。

Tele 保护信号设备(距离保护)

数字化继电保护将连接64 kbit/s接口可调谐光分插复用器,发送/接受跳闸信号之间的保护。

电话通信的电话设备(2线用户)将在64 kbit/s 信道连接进入多路复用器。 提供一条64 kbit/s 信道连接SCADA系统进入多路复用器

Fixed Equipment Labeling and identification

All fixed equipment label shall be made of stainless steel materials.

(3) Labeling and identification of Catheter and junction box, etc

Catheter label shall use 6 MRN high aluminum card, and use float protruding for inscriptions.

Other types of labels shall be approval by engineers.

Equipment shall clearly indicate the phase and the relevant internal purposes, including screw fixed parts of colored plastic tray or indicate the connection of the casing to or use

Article labeling

All wires shall use appropriate targets are out sex color or plastic connecting sleeve, to fuse panel and cable terminal using complete switchgear.

(4) Cable labels and tags

After the completion of the installation, each cable will permanently in the terminal connections, shall be approved by the engineer's arrangement, in the middle position, the corrosion resistance of metal plate shall be identified

Size of cable, voltage, rated power, wire size shall be marked.

Cable identification number shall be follow with the cable schedules, according to the electric shovel actual demand quantity provided by the contractor. Cable schedule arrangement display at each end and cable pipe

Number of cables, the size of the cable, about length, voltage, conductor, conductor size, the number of terminal and the connection are also required.

All the cable and at the entrance to the building blocks of cable pit shall be labeled, using the aforementioned tag type

6. Communication system

6.1. General provisions

EDL existing by telephone communication and tele-communications system shall be protected with the system of the PLC communication system.

Project is aimed to build optical fiber communication system as in power plants and Saravan Xeset - 1 main communication systems between substations.

Engineering installation requirements of communication system shall consider the following aspects:

No long distance transmission relay station

High reliability

The project communication system project installation consists of the following parts:

A) Fiber (FO) system

B) Telephone system

C) VHF communication system

For all communication equipment, the bid includes system design, power supply, construction, installation, testing and equipment commissioning of delivery. The installation of the equipment products,

Testing and commissioning of equipment shall be responsible by qualified engineers.

Bidders shall provide internationally famous and reach the standard requirements, experienced manufacturers of optical fiber, and comply with the provisions of the bidding guide to clause 9.3. In addition to

The above eligibility criteria, the bidder shall provide from manufacturers of countries outside of the organization, at least three different official certificates, prove in commissioning

Provide optical fiber communication equipment after successfully for more than three years of business operation. Does not meet the above requirements will lead to a bid rejected.

Equipment before commissioning, to provide at least two weeks of hired personnel optical fiber communication system construction culture.

6.2. Optical fiber communication systems

This section includes general design, manufacturing, assembly and tests the contractor's works, including the delivery, construction, commissioning, test and optical fiber communication equipment

Operation of the system.

Fiber optic cable or OPGW will use 36 optical fiber (single mode). Optical fiber shall establish all calls with communication channel.

Tele protection and SCADA (future), and other data transmission shall conform to the rules.

Concentration of telecom management system (TMS) shall monitor and control of optical fiber communication systems.

Communication system is used to transmit signals of the following:

Telephone system

Tele protection signal equipment (distance)

Different methods to protect

Supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA) network (future)

Digital relay protection will connect 64 kbit/s interface tunable optical multiplexer, send/receive protection tripping signals.

Telephone communication of telephone equipment (line 2) will be in 64 kbit/s with the multiplexer channel connection. Provide a 64 kbit/s channel connecting SCADA system into more

Lk multiplexer


