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发布时间:2014-8-15      阅读次数:1494

5.5.2 进入电解槽的碱液流量
5.5.6 进入阴极液的软水流量控制
盐水酸化流量控制对于进入每一台电解槽 或整流器系统的酸(盐酸)都是必须的。
6. 电解车间建筑设计
6.1 单元槽组装和维修区
1. 为组装和测试所提供的楼层总面积至少要达到一百五十平方米的最低限度。然而,如果为了要赶上项目的建设目标而需要以一个更快的速度来组装单元槽,将会需要更多的面积。空间和布局必须在项目的起始阶段通过Ineos技术来论证。
2. 即使是位于主要的电解车间内,该区域的温度也要保持在十五℃到三十℃之间,而且能够自我控制。
3. 墙壁应该被涂漆用以提供一个无尘的环境。应该提供充足的照明。
4. 以下服务时需要的:
- 处理洗涤产生的水
- 去矿物质化的水。
- 无油空气下的已组装电解槽的压力测试(4bar g)
5.5 Essential Control Systems
It is essential for reliable and safe operation of the Electrolysers that the following control systems are installed:
5.5.1 Brine flow to Electrolyser
Brine flows to each Electrolyser needs to be controlled within 1-2% variation, to maintain consistent depletion across each Electrolyser. Automatic control is desirable.
5.5.2 Caustic flow to Electrolyser
Recycled caustic flow to each Electrolyser needs to be individually controlled to permit fine tuning of the Electrolyser heat balance (outlet temperatures). Automatic control is desirable.
5.5.3 Brine feed temperature to Electrolyser
The temperature of the brine to the operating Electrolysers needs to be controlled by the feed brine heat conditioning system at a single point. In a multi-electrolyser cellroom the feed brine temperature to a single electrolyser going through it’s heating or cooling cycles must also be controlled
5.5.4 Caustic feed temperature to Electrolyser
The temperature of the caustic to the operating Electrolysers needs to be controlled by the feed custic heat conditioning system at a single point. In a multi-electrolyser cellroom the feed caustic temperature to a single electrolyser going through it’s heating or cooling cycles must also be controlled
5.5.5 Hydrogen / chlorine pressure & differential pressure control
It is essential that the pressure and differential pressure at the Electrolyser exit ports is automatically controlled, during all modes of operation (normal operation, start-up, shutdown etc.), according to the tight limits specified in sections 3 and 4.6. The main requirements and features of these control systems are detailed in section 4.6.
5.5.6 Demineralised water to catholyte circuit flow controller
It is essential that the demineralised water make-up flow to the common cellroom catholyte circuit is automatically controlled. The set point can be set by a DCS system (calculated to be proportional to the total load on all Electrolysers in the cellroom). 
5.5.7 HCl flow control for Feed brine acidification 
For Electrolysers employing feed brine acidification flow control is required for acid (HCl) feed to each Electrolyser / rectifier system. 
6. Cellroom Building Design
6.1 Module Assembly and Maintenance Area
Adequate floor space and the associated utilities must be provided for on-site assembly and maintenance of electrolyser modules. The main operations undertaken in this area will be assembling of modules with pre-wetted membranes, and Electrolyser repair work including electrode renewal. Assembled modules will also need to be pressure / leak tested before installation in the Electrolyser.
The following specifications must be adhered to in design of this area:
1. The total floor area provided for Assembly and testing should be a minimum of 150 m2. However, more area will be required if there is a requirement to assemble modules at a faster rate to meet project construction targets. The space and layout must be discussed with Ineos Technologies at an early stage in the project.
2. The area should be within the temperature range 15 - 30C and be self contained, even if located in the main cellroom.
3. The walls should be painted to provide a dust free environment. Adequate lighting should be provided.
4.The following services are required:
- Process wash down water
- Demineralised water.
- Oil free air for pressure testing of the assembled Electrolyser  (4 bar g)
