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发布时间:2014-8-18      阅读次数:1348



5.2.9 其它可选择的跳闸系统


1. 进料侧盐水槽液面低位(近于零)可以用来启动所有联合低/无流量盐水进料跳闸系统。
2. 对于多用型电解槽电解车间,室内氯气高压能用来启动所有联合整流器跳闸系统。
3. 对于多用型电解槽电解车间,室内氢气高压能用来启动所有联合整流器跳闸系统。
4. 氯气压缩机跳闸能用来启动所有联合整流器跳闸系统。
5. 全仪表气源故障能够用来启动所有联合整流器跳闸系统。
5.3 重要安全警报






(i) 单个单元槽测量装置警报的设定能随单个单元槽的使用时间和情况进行调节。设定值应在单元槽电压最大载入值之上0.25伏特。
(ii) 电压对比装置比较包括一个电解槽内相等数量的单元槽的两组电压。装置设定根据单元槽的使用时间和情况进行调节,使得在正常运行条件下,两组之间相对电压为零伏特。通常可以采用硬接线的单臂电桥回路,但该性能也可以在DCS内运行。该电压偏离警报设定应为+/-0.25伏特,一组单元槽的最大数为10。

5.3.3 电解槽进料侧盐水和进料侧碱液高温警报(重要)

Trip Actions

Activates associated rectifier trip system.

5.2.9 Other Optional Trip Systems

Depending upon the process and specific factors it might be desirable / necessary that the following failure modes provide inputs to the relevant trip systems.

1. Low low level in brine feed tank (close to empty) can be used to initiate all associated low / no flow brine feed trip systems.
2. High cellroom chlorine pressure for a multi Electrolyser cellroom could be used to initiate all the associated rectifier trip systems.
3. High cellroom hydrogen pressure for a multi Electrolyser cellroom could be used to initiate all the associated rectifier trip systems.
4. Chlorine compressor trip could be used to initiate all associated rectifier trip systems.
5. Complete instrument air failure could be used to initiate all associated rectifier trip systems.

5.3 Essential Alarms

Alarms required for reliable and safe operation of Electrolysers are detailed in this section. Those labelled ‘essential’ must be provided. Others labelled ‘optional’ are recommended, but not considered essential. Their inclusion is generally decided on a case by case basis.

5.3.1 High voltage on each Electrolyser (optional)

This alarm is adjustable with module age/condition and will give early warning of an individual Electrolyser problem. The setting should be the maximum load Electrolyser voltage plus 0.05 volts multiplied by the number of modules in the Electrolyser.

5.3.2 High voltage for each module (optional)

The signal for this alarm can come from one of two types of module voltage measurement device (see section on trips for further information). Module voltage can either be measured directly using a module voltage scanning instrument, or if there is no automatic voltage monitoring system, it can be inferred from a comparison of voltages across two groups of modules in the pack. Details of the settings for the alternative systems are provided below:

(i) Individual module scanning device alarm setting can be adjusted for individual module age/condition. Setting should be 0.25 volts above maximum load module voltage.
(ii) Voltage comparison device compares voltages of two blocks comprising an equal number of modules within an Electrolyser. The setting of the device is adjusted for module age/condition such that at normal operating conditions the relative voltage of the two blocks is zero volts. Typically a hard wired Wheatstone Bridge circuit will be used for this duty but this function could also be performed within a DCS. The voltage deviation alarm should be set at +/- 0.25 volts, and the maximum number of modules in one block is 10.

5.3.3 Feed brine and feed caustic high temperature to Electrolyser (essential)

Measurement and alarm on Electrolyser feed brine and caustic temperatures, set at maximum allowable temperature consistent with Electrolyser and plastic pipework limits. Setting should be 89C. If common heat exchangers are used to control feed temperatures, single alarm on common feeds will suffice.  

