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发布时间:2014-8-22      阅读次数:1512






不会超过正负3mbar。但是,必须避免离子膜震颤的发生,由于控制系统过于敏感, 它会引起离子膜和网眼之间的摩擦损害。





对于装载超过一个BICHLORTM 电解槽的电解车间来说,关键是压强和差压控制器要在一台BICHLORTM 电解槽和另一台BICHLORTM 电解槽的开车







4.6 Differential Pressure Control
4.6.1 Cellroom Differential Pressure Control

Differential pressure is normally controlled on the cellroom as a whole from measurements of working pressure and differential pressure at the common cellroom outlet headers upstream of chlorine and hydrogen cooling. For a typical cellroom with downstream chlorine cooling and drying train, the simplest preferred control scheme involves using chlorine as the master working pressure controller with hydrogen pressure following this via a differential pressure controller that vents hydrogen to atmosphere.

The cellroom differential pressure controller must operate at all times with a set point of 15 mbars hydrogen over chlorine. The control systems should be tuned, such that under steady state operating conditions, the fluctuation in differential pressure around the set point does not exceed +/- 3 mbar.
However, what must be avoided is membrane ‘flutter’ due to an oversensitive control system, which can cause abrasive damage of membranes against the meshes.

For operating excursions, trips etc greater fluctuations in measured differential are permissible. The differential pressure control system must be designed such that under all conceivable operating excursions from disturbances such as rectifier trips, the differential pressure never goes outside the range of –10 to + 40 mbars hydrogen over chlorine. Any departure from this range, however short in duration, could result in irreversible damage to membrane and Electrolyser components.

It is essential that full consideration is given to the reliability of differential pressure measurement instruments and the potential requirement for building redundancy into this system.    

4.6.2 Local Electrolyser Differential Pressure Control

For cellrooms containing more than one BICHLORTM Electrolyser, it is essential that pressure and differential pressure controllers are provided to permit start-up and shutdown of an Electrolyser independently from other Electrolysers in the cellroom. The controllers will control local sidestream vents from the Electrolyser, which will pass polarisation and purge gases into chlorine absorption (for chlorine) and atmosphere (for hydrogen), when the isolation valves to the main gas headers are closed. 

The set point for the local differential pressure controllers must be 10-15 mbars hydrogen over chlorine. The control systems should be tuned, such that under steady start-up / shutdown conditions, the fluctuation in differential pressure around the set point does not exceed +/- 3 mbar. The control system must be designed such that under all conceivable transient events during start-up and shut-down operations, differential pressure never goes outside the range of 0 to + 30 mbars, hydrogen over chlorine.

These systems must be sized for full inerts purge requirements at start-up and shutdown, and for gases generated during polarisation. However, it may be necessary to size them for process gas flows up to the equivalent of 1 kA/m2 if there is a requirement to prevent purge gases entering the main gas headers during start-up and shut-down of a single electrolyser. They must also be set-up so that pressure can be smoothly raised and lowered between atmospheric and cellroom operating pressure, with differential pressure always within the control envelope defined above.

