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发布时间:2014-8-26      阅读次数:1139



过滤器固体或者离子交换树脂的破裂能导致碱液孔道和各个单元槽盐水进料的堵塞。为了防止发生这样的情况,必须在电解车间进料系统里安装0.5毫米过滤器。电解车间每个盐水和碱液进料系统安装一只过滤器。这些过滤器应该尽快安装到电解槽中。 如果使用一个压力槽进料系统, 建议在压力槽上游位置安装过滤器, 当部件发生堵塞时,该过滤器能提高压降限制压力槽的流速。在泵送系统里,这样大小的压降不会影响流速。因此过滤器可以定位在下游较远位置。   


在氯气电解车间里,如有足够的驱动力如电压,在电解槽盐水和碱液供给和出口液体里可能产生杂散电流。因为盐水和碱液具有比较高的电阻率,电流可以从电解槽单元槽或者从电解槽单元槽通往地接点或者来自地接点。 这些泄露电流或者杂散电流可以导致腐蚀现象,例如沿着导电通路引发单元槽的任何金属组件的阳极和阴极、在线仪器、地接面板等端口的腐蚀。


BICHLORTM 单元槽和电解槽的漏电的保护措施设计如下。长而狭窄的供给管路使流入和流出的单元槽出口总管液体保持较高的阻力,喷射而出,这样可以破坏电流通流的连续性。电解槽采用隔离衬垫与支持框架隔离,进一步与其地接隔离。

使用牺牲目标电极对直接连接地接的产品和优先溶解的流体线路提供额外保护。 如果有重要金属损失,可以随时进行检查并替换。通常的金属电极,在盐水里使用钛金属涂层电极,在碱液里使用镍金属涂层电极,采用一个空芯的圆柱形和(顶帽)和镶边在凸缘连接处插入到管道中,并收紧固定就位。镶边上的垂片连接本地地接。电极的位置十分接近电解槽。电极和电解槽之间的输送管线装置采用塑料材料,只允许在电极以外位置使用金属零部件。
Rules for from electrolyte to feeding electrolytic workshop filter
Solid or ion exchange resin filter can lead to the bursting of the lye concreted complete blockage of each unit tank brine feeding. In order to prevent such a situation, must be installed in potroom feeding system 0.5 mm filter. Each saline and alkaline electrolytic workshop installation of a strainer feed system. These filters should be installed as soon as possible to the electrolytic cell. If you use a pressure tank feeding system, it is suggested that in the upstream pressure slot position installed filters, when the clogging components, the filter can improve the flow rate of the pressure drop limit pressure tank. In pumping system, so the size of the pressure drop will not affect the flow velocity. So far away filters can be positioned in the downstream position.
Stray current
In chlorine electrolytic workshop, if you have enough driving force, such as voltage in electrolyzer saline and alkali liquor supply and export of stray current may be produced in the liquid. Because of salt and alkali liquor has a higher resistivity, current can be from electrolyzer unit tank or from electrolyzer unit to contact or from the contact. The leakage current or stray current can cause corrosion phenomena, such as along the conductive path trigger unit tank any metal component of anode and cathode, on-line instruments, such as port to connect panel corrosion.
Reach a certain potential of anode oxidation or leakage current () from the device to the ground can lead to a certain degree of titanium and nickel metal melting and loss. Similarly, to achieve a certain potential of the cathode or low voltage electric current (from) to connect to the equipment can pass water to produce hydrogen, it will not threaten the nickel metal, but can produce titanium through the formation of the hydride embrittlement and loss.
BICHLORTM unit slot and electrolyte leakage protection design is as follows. Long and narrow supply line makes the inflows and outflows of cell slot liquid export manager maintaining high resistance, shot out, it can destroy the continuity of electric current flow. Electrolytic cell using isolated pad and support framework, further with ground isolation.
Use sacrifice target electrode to connect directly to the products and preferential dissolution of fluid lines to provide additional protection. If there is a important metal loss, can inspect and replace at any time. Metal electrodes, usually use titanium coating electrode in salt water, using nickel metal coating electrode in lye, using a hollow cylindrical and (hat) and edge in the flange joint is inserted into the pipe, and tighten fixed in place. Edge of the hanging piece join local pick up. The position of the electrode is very close to the electrolytic cell. Between the electrode and the electrolytic cell line device adopts plastic materials, only allowed outside the electrode position using metal parts.

