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发布时间:2014-9-18      阅读次数:1174



Support and train and volunteers to provide service for the elder
There are a lot of paperwork "consult" and chaim to share psychology method. This noun is not entirely contains the writer think of sharing activities (see table 8). It is more appropriate for countries such as the United States market economy more emphasizes the humanized service, and British tradition is common of the national health service. However, in the field of counseling, produce the leading idea of sharing a lot about psychology, now it's time to look at these concepts.
Consultation: and this is not what is this
There are many definitions about consulting (see Ketterer1981, as or a. one, 1984, p. 3, for example), a lot including the following common elements:
Consulting is a need to other people (clients) to provide services of individual voluntary (consultant) to another as a special professional knowledge, can help counselors to his/her customers with better service (consultant) consult process
So, consultation is usually refers to a trio of work, involved three parties as a consultant, consultant and client. For example, the three parties can be an education or school psychologists (consultant), school teachers (consultants) and students (client). Could this tripartite contains a mental health professionals, a general medical practitioner and a patient. Each party may represent not just one: advisers can be a team (such as family therapy group), may be some of those who seek help consultants (such as an organization or work team), seeking help may be for some clients and consultants all customers to provide services (such as how to deal with customers with special problems, ordinary class management, special projects). Because a wide range of personalized services, provides the service personal type many, the possibility of consulting is so obviously have very different.
In order to more accurately define consulting, many writers have troubled with how to distinguish between consulting relationship and other possible confusion. , Caplan (1970) the first writing, the book is by far the most influential the subject of a book to write, the original subject of the entire framework is given, and the "mental health counseling. He hopes to be able to understand management does not include consultancy or education or other similar process, two people have parent-child relationships, not looking for other partner at a lower level, to continue or suspend the relationship, or the freedom agenda. Advisers and counselors is the relationship between cooperation, not set tension of hierarchical authority, there is no pressure on both sides. Consultant for consultant's work without responsibility, consultants to also do not want to respond to the consultant's advice or influence. The basis of the concept of this is Caplan about consulting. A lot of people follow the idea. He thought is different in the field of professional advisers and consultants, they work in different institutions, therefore he thought to maintain its independence, promote both sides of the partnership. This relationship is advocating equality, consultants have counselors need professional knowledge, counselors is need to pay the customer.

