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发布时间:2019-5-21      阅读次数:1065


is made this day of 2010 协议拟定日期:2010年 月 日 BETWEEN the lenders who and whose administrator’s executors and assigns are Where not inapplicable more particularized in Schedule One hereto of the first part and the respective Accounts Coordinators who and whose administrators executors and assigns are where not inapplicable more particularized in Schedule Two hereto of the second part and the Borrower who and whose administrators executors and assigns are where not inapplicable more particularized in Schedule Three of third part. 贷款方,指贷款方本人或其管理执行官或其委托人以及其他依据条款一所列举的其他适用方,以下称为甲方;账目协调员,各自的账目协调员本人和其管理执行官或其委托人及其他依据条款二所列举的各方,以下称为乙方;借款方,指借款方本人和其管理执行官或者其委托人以及其他依据条款三所列举的其他适用方,以下称为丙方。本协议在上述各方之间拟定和签署。 WHEREAS for the purpose of the expedient establishment of the international credit and/or banking facilities (hereinafter referred to us “ the said international credit and/or banking facilities”) the parties hereto have hereby subscribe and define their perspective rights and obligations arising out of and relating to the said international credit and/or banking facilities. 鉴于权宜建立国际信贷和/或者银行机构(即在下文中所提到的“上述国际信贷和/或者银行机构”)的目的,本协议各方在此签署并且对于他们由上述国际信贷和/或者银行机构产生,或者是与之相关的长期的权利和义务作出规定。 NOW THE PARTIES have agreed in terms as follows:- 现在本协议各方同意如下这些条款: 1. No party hereto itself or through its agent or any authorized third party or associated party or otherwise make any contact deal with involve in any transaction of any kind a result of which affording each other having contact of the other whether or not having any antecedent relationship between each other or on the introduction of any of the Accounts Coordinators; 本协议中没有任何一方本身或者通过它的代理人,或者任何授权的第三方或者协议中相关的另一方来接触,处理或者参与到任何可能由接触造成双方相互支持的交易,而无论双方之间在此之前是否有任何关联或者经过任何账目协调员所相互介绍。 2. The Lender, the Accounts Coordinators and the Borrower their respective principals associated persons or agents or authorized representatives shall not do or suffer to have done anything calculated to be prejudicial to the rights on the fees chargeable by the Accounts Coordinators; 贷款方,账目协调员和借款方他们各自的负责人,联系人,代理人或者授权代表不应该实施或者参与任何故意损害账目协调员所收取费用的权利的行为。 3. The validity of this agreement comprising the fee protection in favour of the Accounts Coordinators as per the Consulting Fee Agreement shown in the Schedule Four shall extend a period of five years from the date of execution hereto covering any subsequent ensuing or derivative transaction whether or not arising from this agreement; 这份协议的有效性包括了有利于账目协调员的费用保护内容,这部分内容在位于条款四的“咨询费协议”中,并且自本协议执行开始向后延续五年,并且适用于在此后接连发生的或是由此派生的交易,而无论这些交易是否由于本协议而发生的。 4. All the data information material covering the identity details and particular of the Lender and/or the Borrower and/or Accounts Coordinators, their principals, P.1(第一页) agents and associated parties are the property exclusively of the Accounts Coordinators surviving this Agreement for an indefinite period of time. 所有包括贷款方和/或者借款方和/或者账户协调员,以及它们的负责人,代理人或者相关各方的身份细节和详细说明的数据,信息,材料都是本协议所执行及存期间内账目协调员所单独掌握的资产 5. Any kind of data information and material of the Lender, the Borrower and the Accounts Coordinators, their respective agents or associated parties including but not limited to the names, dates of birth, family background, nationality, home telephone numbers, office telephone numbers, home fax numbers, office fax numbers, mobile phone numbers and email accounts shall in any event be kept in confidential by all the parties hereto unless and until the consent in writing has been given by the party suffering the detriment on release of the foregoing information and material in confidential shall be strictly observed and performed at all time during and surviving this Agreement; 任何种类的有关贷款方,借款方,账目协调员,以及它们各自的代理人或者相关各方的数据信息和材料,包括但是不限于姓名,出生日期,家庭背景,国籍,家庭电话号码,办公室电话号码,家庭传真号码,办公室传真号码,移动电话号码和电子邮件账户,在任何情况下都应该由协议各方来保证其存放的机密性,除非并且直到蒙受损失的一方以书面形式对于上述保密信息的释放表示同意,并且在合同存在和执行期间这些机密的材料应该被严格的监管和运作。 6. In the event of dispute on any interpretation deed and conduct arising out of and relating to this Agreement, all the parties shall submit to arbitration to be conducted in Hong Kong in accordance with the rules on arbitration of International Chamber of Commerce with its headquarter located in Paris Europe; 在对于由本协议引发的或者跟本协议相关的解释或者是行为存在争议的情况下,所有各方应该根据总部设立于欧洲巴黎的国际商会的有关仲裁的规定上交仲裁,并于香港执行。 7. On a case of breach of this Agreement found to have committed by any of the parties hereto, any defaulting party or parties shall pay to the other parties a liquidated damage equivalent to the rate of commission having previously agreed by the parties hereto prior to the execution of this Agreement which rate of commission is contained in a fee protection agreement with specified format hereto shown in Schedule Four. 假如本协议的任何一方指控出现了违约情况,协议各方在协议执行以前就达成一致,任何违约一方或几方应该向其他各方支付等同于佣金率的损失赔偿金,佣金率则位于本协议中条款四里的指定格式的费用保护协议中。
