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发布时间:2021-11-19      阅读次数:790


Jianghan District --- National Demonstration Zone for Modern Service Industry


Wuhan Financial City is situated in the hinterland of Hankou business center and core area of Jianghan District.  Jianghan District has been known as “the First Prosperous Place in the Middle Region of Chu State” since ancient times. It covers an area of 28.29 square kilometers, with a GDP of 131.906 billion in 2020, which ranks first among all urban areas in economic density, population density and output per unit area. Moreover, Jianghan District is also a national demonstration area for modern service industry. At present, Jianghan District has formed a “3+3” modern service system, which led by finance, trade circulation, communication information, business service, cultural creative services, scientific and technological services. The value-added production of the service sector accounts for more than 93% of GDP.
































Wuhan Financial City


The Core Area of Regional Financial Center



Construction Working Group Wuhan Financial City


Wuhan Financial Street Management Committee


Tel: 027-82293323


Address: 9th Floor, Building 3, Hengrong Business Center, Yunfei Road, Jianghan District, Wuhan

































Wuhan -- Central City in the Middle Region of China  


Wuhan, the capital of Hubei Province, is located in Central China, the east of Hubei Province and the intersection of the Yangtze River and the Han River. It is a national famous historical and cultural city, a central city in the middle region of China, an important industrial base, science and education base and comprehensive transportation hub in China, At the beginning of the 14th Five Year Plan, Wuhan Municipal Party Committee and government anchored the overall positioning of modern Wuhan as a National Central City, and a core city of the Yangtze River economic belt, which accelerated the construction process for establishing a national economic center, a national scientific and technological innovation center, a national trade and logistics center and a regional financial center. On this bases, Wuhan Financial City was built up and came into existence here.































江风蕴金 汉水流商

The Chosen Land for Lively Commercial Hub


Over the past two decades, Jianghan District adheres to apply only one blue print for development that continuously promoted the transformation and upgrading of financial industry. In 2020, the financial industry of Jianghan District realized the tax revenue of 7.465 billion yuan, accounting for 46.18% of the tax revenue of key enterprises in the district. The scale of financial market entities and the financial contribution of the financial industry rank the highest level in the entire province and the whole city.

金融业                   生产总值(GDP)328.03亿元

Finance Industry           GDP:32.803 billion yuan   

工业                     生产总值(GDP)30.01亿元

Industry                  GDP:3.001 billion yuan

住宿和餐饮业             生产总值(GDP)44.24亿元

Hotels and Restaurants       GDP:4.424 billion yuan  

建筑业                   生产总值(GDP)70.04亿元

Construction Industry        GDP:7.004 billion yuan

房地产业                 生产总值(GDP)223.99亿元

Real Estate Industry         GDP: 22.399 billion yuan

交通运输、仓储及邮政业   生产总值(GDP)156.9亿元

Transportation, Warehouse and Post Industry   GDP: 15.69 billion yuan

批发和零售业             生产总值(GDP)172.26亿元

Wholesale and Retail Industry   GDP: 17.226 billion yuan

其他服务业               生产总值(GDP)403.02亿元

Other Service Industry       GDP: 40.302

总部云集 产业高地

Gathering Area for Headquarters and Strategic Highland for Enterprises


Hankou Bank, Union Life, Bank of Communications International Trust Co., Ltd, National Trust, Changjiang Securities and other national headquarters are rooted in Jianghan; Changjiang Securities has long led the Hubei market, and the resources of securities companies account for more than 50% of the province. Provincial branches of Bank of China, China Construction Bank, Bank of Communications, Postal Savings Bank of China, provincial regional headquarters of China Merchants Bank, China CITIC Bank, Shanghai Pudong Development Bank, China Guangfa Bank, China Bohai Bank and China Zheshang Bank, and Hubei Regional Headquarter of world top 500 insurance enterprises such as Ping An Insurance, PICC and Pacific Insurance are all gathered in Jianghan Distict. By the end of 2020, more than 300 financial institutions entered into Jianghan District, becoming the only 100 billion level financial industry cluster in Hubei Province.




Wuhan Financial City - A Core Area of Regional Financial Center

武汉金融城, 区位得天独厚,核心范围约7.7平方公里,规划“一轴两核三带”的城市空间布局。以建设大道为发展轴,以省级金融业集聚发展示范园区武汉金融街和武汉中央商务区核心区为两大发展核心,以长江大道青年路段、汉江大道宝丰北路段、新华路为三条纵向拓展带。区域内交通便利、楼宇林立、配套完善,为金融机构、金融人才入驻发展提供全方位服务和保障。

With an exceptional advantage of favourable regional location, the core area of Wuhan Financial City is about 7.7 square kilometers, planning the urban space layout of “One Axis, Two Cores and Threes Belts”. By taking  Jianshe Avenue as a benchmark for development, Wuhan Financial Street, a provincial financial industry cluster development zone for demonstration, together with the core area of Wuhan Central Business District are planned to build up as two major core areas for development, which expended in three vertical directions, including Changjiang Avenue Youth Section, Hanjiang Avenue Baofeng North Section, and Xinhua Road Section. With convenient transportation, office buildings and complete supporting facilities, this region may provide all-round services and support capability for settlement and development of financial institutions and financial talents. 


