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发布时间:2012-10-28      阅读次数:1600


上津古镇位于鄂西北边陲,秦岭南端的金钱河畔,素有“商王故里、天子渡口”之美称,是国家4A级风景区、革命老区、南水北调水源区,湖北省解放的第一个县级政权、湖北边贸口子镇、中国历史文化名镇。Shangjin Ancient Town is located in the Hubei Northwestern frontier, at the Money Riverside to the south of Qinling. Known as the hometown of the Emperor Shang and the Emperor Ferry, it’s a national 4A-level scenic spot, as well as the old revolutionary base area, the source of South-to-north Water Diversion, the first county-level regime liberated in Hubei Province, Hubei border town and the historic town of China

上津曾23次建县、7次设郡、4次置州、古为商王族故里,春秋属楚,战国属秦。三国魏文帝黄初三年(公元222年)始建平阳县,从商王族始迄今已有4000多年历史。古城始建于明朝永乐初年,东西长262米,南北宽306米,面积8万平方米,呈靴子状,设有五门,东日通郧、北日接秦、南日达楚、西日抵汉、西南再辟便民门。城内古香古色、商贸云集、景象繁荣,是全国保存最好的袖珍古城。Shangjin has built its county for 23 times, its prefecture for 7 times and state for 4 times. In ancient times, it is the hometown of Shang Dynasty; then it belongs to the Chu Dynasty in the Spring and Autumn Period and Qin in the Warring States Period. During the Three Kingdoms Period (AD 222 years), Emperor Wei started Pingyang county which is more than 4000 years old from Shang Dynasty. Built in the Ming Dynasty Yongle period, the ancient city is 262 meters long from east to west, 306 meters wide from north to south, covering an area of 80000 square meters. It is just like a boot, with five doors, it is on the east by Yun, north by Qin, south to Chu and east to Han, and there is another convenient door in the southwest. Here, with its antique beauty and prosperous businesses, it is considered to be the best preserved ancient city with the smallest size.


Combined with sophisticated culture, sightseeing, leisure, water entertainments and ecotourism, there are ancient city, Three Gorges Hall, Shangguan Museum, Tianpeng Mountain, Qili Gorge, Yuhuang Beach, Hubei Da Liang, Xiangu Cave, Catfish and other 50 scenic spots in Shangjin, which is considered to be a shinning pearl of Three Gorges golden tourism route.


休闲乐士 自然古朴Leisure paradise   Natural beauty






Located in the border of Hubei and Shanxi, Shangjin is known as the throat of Qin and Chu and the Emperor Ferry. Since the Three Kingdoms Period, Emperor Wei has started Pingyang county. More than 1800 years, it has built its county for 23 times, its prefecture for 7 times and state for 4 times. In 2007, Shangjin is named as the Historic Town of China by State Building Department and State Administration of Cultural Heritage. It is one of the 9 historical and cultural towns in Hubei province, the only one in Shiyan city and the only intact four county-level cities at present. With its ancient city, once-thriving halls, various temples of incense, colorful operas and local theater stages, it is the first established county People's Armed Regime in Hubei. And the beautiful eight attractions, precious intangible cultural heritage of dragon lantern and stilt walk are all fascinating.


