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发布时间:2013-3-22      阅读次数:1879

XX城建工程有限公司和亚法人,注册总公司位于Voluntari市,;商业登记编号为:xxxx2002, 财政登记编号为xxx,其正式委派的代表为xx总经理;本协议称之为客户在下文称为“客户”
XX城建设计研究总院有限责任公司, 根据中华人民共和国的法律登记注册的法人实体;注册的办公地址为:北京,西城区,阜成门北方街5号;审核授权部门为北京工商管理局,登记号码为xx;法定代表人:wa女士,本协议称之为设计顾问下文称为“顾问”
1. S.C. 居民区中央公园DOI S.A.公园;罗马尼亚法人的总部位于布加勒斯特,1aa,第二楼,第2办公室,第二区;商业登记编号为:aa,财政登记编号为:aa,以受益人的身份, 在布加勒斯特第1区,aa,计划施工(工程)总面积为433 平方米。(在下文称为“土地”),根据附件1的详述特性,由多功能的饭店和居住公寓大楼组成(“大楼”);命名为NIRO塔;
2.北京城建工程有限公司和NIRO S.A. 任命为工程总承包人,有权利以其名义签订合同;
1)按照附录1中的要求,大楼设计概念的总面积为29,500平方米,由饭店和居住公寓组成,包括地下室、底层和楼层、停车场和技术区域。(设计主题:符合附件1说明中的特性,提供最佳的地下室和楼层的数量;使大楼表面的使用土地最大化;并包括下列范围:建筑、 结构、防护、通用装置(卫生、供暖、空调、电路、低电流),外观改进、 交通设计(停车场、胡同、进入通道)、竖向规划和内部系统的协调;为客户准备和向客户递交与工程概念阶段有关的文档,文件由以下部分组成,但不限于:书面文件和示意图。工程的一般特性必须在项目组成部分(“工程概念”)中分别说明项目功能和技术之间的关系:
1.书面文件 –工程综述;
2.示意图  –常规方案;
2)在整个设计阶段期间,现代大楼解决方案、技术、材料和设备的选择和实施过程中的推荐、提议和帮助,包括但不限于:建筑、 结构、防护、通用装置(卫生、供暖、空调、电路、小电流),外观改进、 交通设计(停车场、胡同、进入通道)。建议的提出如总大楼工程的实施和执行费用的最佳方案;顾问建议采用的材料和设备必须通过验证,或者可能在欧盟市场经过批准 (饭店部分:建议履行国际4/5星级饭店标准)。
No. [●]/[●]
The parties:
BEIJING URBAN CONSTRUCTION ENGINEERING & NIRO S.A., Romanian legal entity, having its registered head-office in Voluntari City, Şos. Afumaţi no. 13, Office no. 8, District Ilfov, registered in the Trade Registry under no. J23/315/2002, Fiscal Registration Code RO14492710, duly represented by Mr. Ilie Suba – General Manager, as Client, hereinafter referred to as the“Client “
BEIJING URBAN ENGINEERING DESIGN & RESEARCH INSTITUTE Co., Ltd., a legal entity incorporated under the laws of the People’s Republic of China with its registered business address at No.5 Fuchengmen North Street, Xicheng District, Beijing, the registry authority is Beijing Administration for Industry and Commerce, its registration number is 1100001057458, and its legal representative is Mrs. Wang Liping, as design consultant, hereinafter referred to as the ”Consultant”,
Hereinafter referred to as ”Party” and collectively as ”Parties”,
1. S.C. CENTRAL RESIDENTIAL PARK DOI S.A., Romanian legal entity with the headquarters in Bucharest, 13A Şos. Ştefan cel Mare, 2nd floor, office no.2, district 2,  registered with the Trade Register under no. J40/1212/2006, Fiscal Registration Code no. RO18884163, in its capacity as a Beneficiary, intends to develop a construction project (the ”Project”) on the land located in 22A Expoziţiei Blvd., 1st District, Bucharest, having a total area of 4,040 sqm. (hereinafter referred to as the ”Land”), according to the characteristics detailed within the Annex 1 attached hereto, consisting of hotel and residential complex of block of flats of multiple functions (”the Building”); that shall be denominated „NIRO TOWER” ;
2. BEIJING URBAN CONSTRUCTION ENGINEERING & NIRO S.A was appointed General Contractor for the Project, having in this quality the right to enter into contracts in its own name;
3. The Consultant possesses the necessary logistics, know-how and qualified personnel and intends to offer the Client services consisting of realizing  the Project’s conceptual design in the following fields: architecture, structure, resistance, general installations (sanitary, heating, air conditioning, electrical, low currents), exterior improvements, traffic planning (car parks, alleys, access roads), vertical planning, coordination of the inside systems against, as well as technical consultancy for the entire duration for implementing the Project, for the due retribution as agreed upon in Chapter III,
4. The project to the Construction’s authorization, the basic design (the “Basic Design”), the details design (the ”Details Design”) as well the compliance of the whole architectural project with the Romanian legislation shall be performed by a designer dully authorized according to the Romanian law (the “Romanian Designer”), appointed by the Client,
Have concluded this design and consultancy contract (hereinafter referred to as the “Contract”), under the following terms:
Article 1 Based on this Contract and according to the Client’s requirements and to the prices, terms and conditions provided herein, the Consultant undertakes to offer the Cient its services consisting of:
a. Conceptual project for the Building with an estimative 29,500 sq. m. gross area, consisting of hotel and residential apartments, developed with basements, ground floor and floors, sheltering parking, technical areas, according to the desired characteristics, as detailed in Annex 1 (the design theme shall, by observing the characteristics contained within Annex 1, provide optimum number of basements and floors as to maximize the usable Building surface on the Land and shall cover the following fields: architecture, structure, resistance, general installations (sanitary, heating, air conditioning, electrical, low currents), exterior improvements, traffic planning (car parks, alleys, access roads), vertical planning, coordination of the inside systems) and preparing and delivering to the Client the documentation related to the conceptual project stage, consisting of, but not limited to, written parts and schematic drawings, general characteristics of the Project that should illustrate the functional and technical relations among the Project’s components (“Conceptual Project”), respective:
1. Written Part       -Project’ General Presentation;
2. Sketches           -General Situation Plan;
- Architecture Plans;
3.   Project Replica (scale 1:200)
as described in Appendix 2 to the present contract.
b. During the entire design phase, recommending, proposing and assisting in the selection and implementation of modern building solutions, technologies, materials and equipments, afferent but not limited to, the architecture, structure, resistance, general installations (sanitary, heating, air conditioning, electrical, low currents); the recommendations shall be made such as the total building costs for the implementation and performance of the Project shall be optimal; the Consultant shall recommend materials and equipments already certified or which may be certified within the EU markets (for the part of the hotel, the recommendations shall comply the international standards stipulated for a 4/5 stars hotel). 


