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发布时间:2013-6-9      阅读次数:1327

SEC 设计最高潮位                         7.58m
  CRF 设计最高潮位:          4.54 m
  CRF 设计最低潮位:          -1.47m
   SEC 设计最低潮位:           -3.35m  
 CRF 设计最低水位:          -6.72m
   SEC 设计最低水位:           -8.00m  
顶:                           -7.0m *
底:                 -11.5m*
    运行平台标高        8.0m*
 水渠宽度:                     5.5m*
 闸门数量:                 16(每机组8个)
 宽度:                   5.5m*
 高度:                   4.5m*
 设计水头差:               9.1m*
 导槽数量:             16副(每机组8副)
 导槽长度:                  20.0m*
6) 工程的材料
 闸门结构:              碳钢
 平衡阀:               碳钢
 密封:                  氯丁橡胶
导槽:                                 316L
7) 泄漏
闸门是水密性的,但在出现低水阻或密封构件被污物垫塞时会发生一些泄漏。当闸门完全浸没时每米密封长度的最大泄漏率为0.05L/s,部分浸没时最大泄漏率为0.l L/S。
8) 起重能力
9) 闸门自动抓梁装置技术规格
c) Technical specification of strobe and guide barrel
A strobe is welded by steel plate and steel section, which is sealed around by electrometric neoprene seal with preformed section and fixed by a pressure plate and a fastener. The strobe shall apply static water open-close, only bearing unidirectional pressure and adopting unidirectional water stopping. Each strobe is set with a balance valve. The movement of balance valve is a part of lifting and lowering processes. After the lifting hook of grabbing beam has grasped, it is required to lift and open the balance valve for drawing water to balance the pressure on both sides of strode before exalting it. When both sides have been balanced, strode will be lifted. A strode is positioned by a trolley and a guide block in the guide barrel on one side, pressing rubber seal on a sealed surface for sealing. The strode is installed with a bottom finding detection facility to prevent strode from being blocked on guide rail during descending, causing lifting hook of grabbing beam to escape away accidentally.

2)Guide barrel
The guide barrel consists of a sealed angle iron, bottom sill, door head and an upper guide rail angle iron, which are all made of angle steel and fastened by bolts and adjusting nuts. An anchor plate is installed during one time of grouting. During installation, the bolt is welded into the anchor plate, aligning the guide barrel and each part correctly with the adjusting nut. The material of guide barrel is seawater corrosion resistant and the height of guide barrel includes the whole structure of the guide barrel.

3)Anti-corrosion requirements
Combined protection by using preservative coatings and sacrificed anode is applied and the total service life is designed to be 60 years.

4)Data of plant site
 Tidal levels of outer-sea are:
SEC designed highest tide level:                7.58m
  CRF designed highest tide level:    4.54 m
  CRF designed lowest tide level:    -1.47m
   SEC designed lowest tide level:   -3.35m  
 The water levels of front tank(sea reservoir)of pump room are:
 CRF designed lowest water level:          -6.72m
   SEC designed lowest water level:  -8.00m  
5)Equipment data
          The elevation of orifice of strobe:                  
Top:                           -7.0m *
Bottom:                 -11.5m*
    Elevation of operation platform    8.0m*
 Width of water channel:                    5.5m*
 Number of strobe:             16(8 for each unit)
 Width:                   5.5m*
 Height:                   4.5m*
 Designed head difference:               9.1m*
 Number of guide barrel:            16 set(8 for each unit)
 Length of guide barrel:                  20.0m*
6) Engineering material
 Structure of strobe:              Carbon steel
 Balance valve:               Carbon steel
 Seal:                  Neoprene
Guide barrel:                            316L
7) Leakage
The strobe is water tight, but leakage may occur when low water resistance takes place or the sealed component is padded by dirt. When the strobe is completely immerged, the maximum leakage rate of seal length per meter is 0.05L/s, and the maximum leakage rate of seal length per meter is 0.l L/S if it is partly immerged.
8) Lifting capability
The weight shown in the parameter table of equipment data is the dead weight of strobe. During lifting, it is suggested that two times of dead weight for lifting should be reuired to overcome the friction between strobe and seal surface as well as bite force and adhesive action on guide barrel.
9) Technical specification of automatic beam grabbing device for strobe
The automatic beam grabbing device can grasp and trip automatically during lifting of strobe. Guide blocks are installed on both sides of the automatic beam grabbing device for positioning in the guide barrel and aligning with rise-fall dot of strobe. The lifting hook is connected to components of rotating shaft which decides its retractable deviation. During lifting, the accurate action of rotating shaft will help the lifting hook and strobe grasp or trip automatically. The grabbing beam is set with an interlocking gear to prevent lifting bar and strobe from tripping before the movement of measuring device.


