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发布时间:2013-6-5      阅读次数:1252


目            录
1 工程概况 3
2 设计依据及引用标准 3
2.1  设计依据 3
2.2  引用标准 3
3 基础资料 4
3.1  气象资料 4
3.2  产量预测及井站布局 4
3.3  物性参数 5
4  设计规模和设计参数 5
4.1  设计规模 5
4.2  设计参数 5
5 油气处理工艺 6
5.1 原油脱水主工艺流程 6
5.2 辅助工艺流程 7
5.3 产品 7
5.4  主要设备选型 7
6 机泵、阀门、管道及管道附件 10
6.1 机泵 10
6.2 阀门 10
6.3 站内管道 10
6.4 管道配件 11
6.5  管道材料等级表 11
7 管道及设备布置 12
7.1 管道布置 12
7.2 离心泵布置与安装 12
7.3 容器布置与安装 12
7.4 油罐布置与安装 13
8 主要工程量 13
9 施工技术要求 14
10 站内试运转 17
11 生产管理 1
1 工程概况




2 设计依据及引用标准
2.1  设计依据
 “塔一联合站工程” 初步设计文件
大庆油田工程有限公司油气集输室    2008年8月;
塔木察格油田  2008年8月。
2.2  引用标准
2.2.1  国家标准、法律、法规及规程规范
《油气集输设计规范》                               GB50350-2005
《石油天然气工程设计防火规范》                     GB50183-2004
《建筑设计防火规范》                             GB50016-2006
《低倍数泡沫灭火系统设计规范》                     GB50151-92(2000年版)
《室外给水设计规范》                               GB50013-2006
《室外排水设计规范》                               GB50014-2006
《建筑给水排水设计规范》                           GB50015-2003
《低压配电设计规范》                               GB50054-95
《66kV及以下架空电力线路设计规范》                GB50061-97
《电力工程电缆设计规范》                           GB50217-2007
《火灾自动报警系统设计规范》                       GB50116-1998
《采暖通风和空气调节设计规范》                     GB50019-2003
《混凝土结构设计规范》                             GB 50010-2002
《砌体结构设计规范》                               GB 50003-2001
《钢结构设计规范》                                 GB 50010-2002
2.2.2  行业、地方、企业有关标准、法规、规范和规定
《油田道路工程技术要求》                           Q/SY DQ0638-2000
《油气田及管道仪表控制系统设计规范》               SY/T0090-96
《油气田及管道计算机控制系统设计规范》             SY/T0091-96
《石油化工企业可燃气体和有毒气体检测报警设计规范》 SH3063-1999
《石油与天然气钻井、开发、储运防火防爆安全生产管理规定》  SY/T5225-2005
《区域性阴极保护技术规范》                         Q/SY 29.1-29.3-2002
3 基础资料
3.1  气象资料

3.2  产量预测及井站布局
表3.2-1    塔一脱水站产量预测及井站布局表
时间(年) 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017
产油量(t/d) 473 994 1652 1821 1673 1548 1445 1348 1258 1176
产液量(t/d) 488 1061 1836 2242 2342 2439 2509 2612 2679 2733
产水量(t/d) 15 67 184 421 705 891 1064 1264 1421 1557
管辖环状掺水井场(口) 97 231 308 308 308 308 308 308 308 308
管辖阀组间数(座) 5 9 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11
处理液量(t/d) 2125 4819 6799 7205 7305 7402 7472 7575 7642 7696
含水率(%) 78 79 76 75 77 79 81 82 84 85
3.3  物性参数
3.3.1 原油物理性质,见表3.3-1
表3.3-1  原油物理性质
样品位置 密  度
(20℃kg/m3) 粘  度
(50℃mPa•s) 凝固点
(℃) 含蜡量
(%) 气油比
铜钵庙 0.8233~0.841 4.85~10.86 19~20.3 42.1 29
3.3.2 油层水性质,见表3.3-2
表3.3-2  油层水性质
样品位置 总矿化度(mg/L) PH值 氯离子Cl- (mg/L)
铜钵庙 4053.3 1010.6 8.9
4  设计规模和设计参数
4.1  设计规模
4.2  设计参数
(1)  集油阀组间来油进站压力:  0.3~0.4 MPa(表压);
(2)  集油阀组间来油进站温度:  25℃;
(3)  集油阀组间来油含水率(质量):75~85%;
(4)  掺水出站温度:        70℃;
(5)  掺水出站压力:        2.5 MPa(表压);
(6)  单井平均掺水量:      0.6m3/h•口;
(7)  一段三相分离器脱水温度:25℃;
(8)  一段三相分离器脱水压力:0.3MPa(表压);
(9)  一段三相分离器脱水沉降时间:60min;
(10)  一段三相分离器脱水破乳剂投加量:20mg/L(液量);
(11)  一段三相分离器脱水原油综合含水率(质量):20~30%;
(12)  二段大罐沉降脱水温度:60℃;
(13)  二段大罐沉降脱水压力:常压;
(14)  二段大罐沉降破乳剂投加量:≤50mg/L(低含水液量);
(15)  二段大罐沉降时间:3~ 6天;
(16)  净化油综合含水率(质量):≤0.5%;
(17)  原油脱水器出水含油率:≤1000 mg/L;
(18)  防垢剂投放量:       10mg/l(掺水量);
(19)  井口回压:           ≤ 1.3 Mpa(表压)。
5.4.10 Floor type dirty oil recovering tank
The maximum oil receiving amount of ground raw oil is about 50t/d and the water content is about 6%. The design adopts the dirty oil tank for floor type

recovering. The installation of dirty oil tank is embedded under the ground. The ground raw oil adopts the hot water coil for oil heating after discharging

into the dirty oil tank. The heating time is about 23 hours. The unit applies the submerged pump and transmits the oil into the oil discharging buffer tank

after the melted ground raw oil flows through the filter screen for sand removal. The design selects oneφ3m × 15.6 m horizontal type oil tanks with

submerged pump. The caliber of heating coil is aboutφ60 and 200m in length.
When caliber of loading crane pipe is about DN80, the loading time ≤ 30min and velocity of crane pipe ≤ 4.5m/s, the maximum loading flow is about 580m3/h

for loading 8 tank truck. For adapt to situation of small loading amount, the design selects 3 load pumps for application (Q =200m3/h, H =60m, P =55kW).
The one part of dehydrated water of water cut-oil settlement tank is transmitted into the sewage settlement tank by pressurized water pump, the other part

transmits into the three-phase separator water chamber in order to supple water content. Considering the small amount of sewage in initial stage, the

maximum liquid amount is about 10m3/h. As the maximum output flow rate is about 30m3/h in later stage, the design adopts water supply pump (Q =15m3/h, H

=60m, P =11kW) 3 of 11kW; two units for operating and one for standby.
For avoiding the situation that the dehydrating system fluctuates greatly when opening the auxiliary pump, the design adopts two auxiliary pump (Q =20m3/h,

H =60m, P =11kW) 2, so as to ensure the oil supply of oil discharging point is available for pumping into the dehydrating system in 24 hours;
One oil recovering pump of sewage settlement tank (Q =20m3/h, H =60m, P =11kW) is available as the standby unit for auxiliary pump respectively;
According to developing prediction, the sewage amount outside this station is about 10- 45m3/h. In initial stage it is unable to realize the continuous

transmission. One sewage pump (Q =60m3/h, H =60m, P =30kW) shall be arranged; one for transmission and one for standby; adopt the automobile for

The thermal load of heating stove is about 1.3MW. The maximum flow of heating water is about 65m3/h. The design selects two heating pumps (Q for use

=60m3/h, H =60m, P =30kW); one for transmission and one for standby;
According to systematic calculation outside the station that the water amount is 0.6m3/h for each oil well of 231 oil wells in 2009 years and 9 oil

collecting groups, each heating water yield is about 2m3/h. The maximum water content of this station is about 156m3/h; the water valves are 13 groups;

selects three water pumps (Q =80m3/h, H =200m, P =110kW); two for transmission and one for standby;
6 Pumps, valve, pipeline and pipeline fittings
6.1 Pump
(1) The main pump dehydrate unit consists of an oil pump, a sewage pump, an auxiliary pump and a dosing pump.
(2)Oil pump, sewage pump and auxiliary pump select horizontal type multistage centrifugal oil pump; the pump body material of oil pump selects cast steel;

the impeller material selects cast steel as well.
 (3)The shaft seal of the centrifugal pump selects double mechanical end face.
 (4)The prime mover selects motor and attaches with pump logging sledge.
 (5)The grade shell protection of the prime mover complies with the IP44 grade, F grade insulating grade and anti-blast grade (dIIBt4) of International

Electrotechnical Commission, so as to meet the requirements for installation environment.
 (6)The input voltage of motor is about 380V; three phases; unit frequency is 50Hz, F grade, B grade temperature rising and two district explosion-proof.
 (7)Oil pump and sewage pump are arranged with frequency converter for flow regulation, in order to economize the electric energy.
 (8)Dosing pump is applied in the chemical dosing measure of station; the dosing pump selects the diaphragm metering pump.
6.2 Valve
(1)Valves mainly include bulkhead gate, wedge valve, choke and stop valve, non-return valve and pressure relief valve, etc.
(2)The intercepting valve of inlet and outlet station and large tank select the bulkhead gate of small moment, high airtight and small volume; arranges the

non-return valve in the pipeline for preventing the liquid flow backwards.
 (3)Valve body selects cast steel.
 (4)The sealed surface of the valve adopts the hard alloy or lining polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE) for sealing.
 (5)Accords to the regulation of fire-resistant valve API 598, the oil gas pipeline selects key valve.
 (6)The valve fastener material selects steel No. 35 or 35CrMoA.
 (7) When the nominal pressure is about 2.5Mpa or less, flange seal of valve body end modes is raised surface type flat welding flange.
6.3 Pipeline inside the station
6.3.1 Pressure grade of pipeline
The design pipeline pressure of dehydration unit is divided according to the following grades:
(1)Process system of raw oil: 1.6Mpa;
(2)Sewage system: 1.6Mpa;
(3)Natural gas system: 1.6Mpa;
(4)Air duct system: 1.0Mpa;
(5)Heating and heat tracing system: 1.0Mpa.
6.3.2 Pipeline material selection
(1) Pipeline craft inside the station shall select the pipeline with steady performance, extensive supply and moderate price.
(2)The pipeline ≤DN200 inside the station shall select the seamless steel tube of high-quality carbon steel No. 20.
(3) Pipeline craft> DN200 inside the station shall select spiral seam steel tube.
(4)Dosing pipeline and select the lining polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE).
(5)Purifying ventilation duct shall select the seamless steel tube of No. 20 steel.
(6)Cleaning water pipeline shall select the zinc-plated welded steel pipe of Q215B+zinc-plated material.
6.4 Pipeline fittings
6.4.1 Pipeline flange
While the nominal design pressure of steel pipeline flange≤2.5Mpa, it applies flat welding flange of No.20 steel materials.
6.4.2 Pipe fittings
The steel butt welding tee, bend, concentric reducer, eccentricity reducer and pipeline fittings materials shall be the same.
6.4.3 Fastener
Fastener of bolt and nut material shall select 35 steel or 35CrMoA according to the application terms of fastener.
6.4.4 Spacer
Spacer core plate and wrapping material shall select the low carbon steel.
2.5 Table of Grading of Pipeline Material
The pipeline material selection sees table 6.5-1.
Table 6.5-1   Pipeline material grade 
Design condition  Design pressure / Mpa  1.6~2.5  Basic material  Carbon steel  Operating medium  Raw oil, dirty oil
 Design temperature / ℃ ≤ 80  Corrosion allowance / mm  2.5
Project  Nominal diameter DN/mm  Specification type  Material  Standard number
 15≤DN≤200 Seamless steel tube for sending fluids  Steel No. 20  GB/T8163- 1999
 DN ≥200  Spiral welding seam steel  Q235-B  SY/T5037-2000
Pipe fittings  90° elbow
45°  50- 150  Seamless Sch40  Steel No. 20  GB/T12459- 2005
  200- 600  Seamless STD  Steel No. 20  GB/T12459- 2005
 Equal-diameter tees 200- 600  Seamless STD  Steel No. 20  GB/T12459- 2005
 Sealing head  15- 150  Pipe cap Sch40  Steel No. 20  GB/T12459- 2005
  200- 600  Pipe cap Sch30  Steel No. 20  GB/T12459- 2005
Valve  Gate valve  Ordinary  Steel flange gate valve Carbon steel GB12221
  Key position and inlet and outlet of large tank  Hand drive screw press gate valve  Carbon steel  GB12221
Flange  15- 600  Flat weld flange RF PN1.6MPa  Steel No. 20  HG20593- 97
  Flat weld flange RF CLASS 150- 300 Steel No. 20  ANSIB16.5
Stud   Full flight screw 35CrMoA  HG20613- 97
Nut   Hex nut 30CrMo  HG20613- 97
Spacer   Flexible graphite spacer  Core plate and wrapping u material adopt low carbon steel  HG20608- 97


