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发布时间:2013-6-14      阅读次数:1186

参考电极是高纯度锌 (99.9%),用固定在取水口水室墙壁上的UPVC导管保护。参考电极电缆联结到参考电极接线箱中。阳极/参考电极联箱
2.3.3 加氯框 概述
运行时,框架浸没在海水中。加氯管内最大水流速度为lm/s,最大压力为2bar。加氯管道中次氯酸钠最大浓度为2000ppm,经过加氯框后海水中次氯酸钠的浓度为1ppm。 设备规格
b) 泵房进水渠处加氯框
 加氯框数量:                  16(每机组8个)
 宽度:                          5.5m*
 高度:                                4.5m*
 管道尺寸:                  80mm*
 软管长度:        工程的材料
 框架结构:                 不锈钢316L
 管道:                    不锈钢316 保护
2.3.4 总体控制原则 总体控制要求
a) 通过中央控制室启动和停止鼓形滤网及其冲洗设备,钢绳牵引式格栅除污机及其他设备的启停通过就地控制盘进行,重要的报警和指示信号根据需要送到中央控制室;
b) 由柴油发电机组作为鼓形滤网低速电机及冲洗设备的的备用电源;
c) 在丧失仪表用气源时,循环水过滤系统可以保持运行。在出现控制电源故障时,电厂及设备的安全不受影响;
d) 中央控制室不可用时,由远程停堆站执行其安全功能。 控制原则
a) 钢丝绳牵引固定式格栅除污机
1) 当两个钢绳牵引式格栅除污机进出口差压均小于0.12米水柱时,除污机由定时电路控制;
2) 当两个钢绳牵引式格栅除污机进出口差压有一个达到0.12米水柱时,启动除污机进行清污。
3) 当两个钢绳牵引式格栅除污机进出口差压有一个达到0.25米水柱时,向主控时发出报警信号
b) 鼓形滤网
1) 3组差压探测器信号阈值均小于0.1m水柱时,鼓形滤网切换到低速运行;
2) 3组差压探测器信号阈值中有一个大于0.1m水柱时,鼓形滤网切换到中速运行;
3) 3组差压探测器信号阈值中有两个大于0.2m水柱时,鼓形滤网切换到高速运行;
4) 3组差压探测器信号阈值中有两个大于0.3m水柱时,向主控室发出第一次报警信号;
5) 3组差压探测器信号阈值中有2个大于0.8m水柱时,送向主控室发出第二次报警信号。
c) 鼓形滤网的冲洗
冲洗水泵及鼓形滤网在中央控制室手动控制,必须提供同一列泵与泵、泵与鼓形滤网之间的连锁,泵跳闸时相应所在列的鼓形滤网也要停止运行。 Transformer rectifier
The system has four groups of electric potential control transformer rectifier. When the voltage and electric current is in the full power, implement the air cooling process in event that the environment temperature reach 40℃. Platinum and titanium plated anode
The anode shall the titanium bar with the platinum coating of 5μm. The anode is 2.0m or 3.0m in length and the diameter is about 12mm. The normal design service life shall be 15 years when the electric current is about 40 amperes (3.0m) or 20 amperes (2.0). Each anode is located in UPVC pipe offering mechanical protection for electrode. Each anode connected with a 15m and 25mm2 cable which processed in the workshop. The terminal is in the joint case on the ground. Reference electrodes
The materials of reference electrodes apply the high purity zinc (99.9%), which used protect with UPVC pipe fixed on water chamber wall of the water intake. Reference electrode cable is connected with the junction box of reference electrodes. Anodes / joint case of reference electrode
The junction box is located on the earth zinc-plated supporting frame. The frame surface of junction box is sprayed with polyester coating.
2.3.3 Chlorination frame Summary
The chlorination frame is welded stencil plate structure which located in the guide groove of gate. Hoisting steel wire rope hauls the hoisting process of chlorination frame under the positioning of guide groove roller and guide block. A chlorine water spray nozzle for injecting is sea water arranged on the frame. The end of injecting pipeline is one section of hoses and connects. The design of the frame and choice of the thickness of Model U shelf shall be easy to the installation of gate guide groove in the vertical direction.
The frame, chlorination spray nozzle and pipeline shall apply the stainless steel. The external diameter of pipeline shall not be smaller than 76.1mm and have one protruding platform every 0.50m.
During operation process, the frame is submerged in the sea water. The maximum speed of rivers is about lm/s in the chlorination pipeline. The maximum pressure is about 2bar. And the maximum density of chloric acid sodium is about 2000ppm in the chlorination pipeline. The concentration of chloric acid sodium of the sea water after processed from the chlorination frame shall be 1ppm. Equipment specification
b) Chlorination frame of the ditch of pump house
Quantity of chlorination frame: 16                 (8 of each unit) 
Width:            5.5m*
Highly:               4.5m*
Size of the pipeline:               80mm*
Length of the hose: Material of the project
Frame structure:            Stainless steel 316L
Pipeline:             Stainless steel is 316 Protection
The frame shall subject to the acid-washing and soaking and passivation treatment after the completion of manufacturing and it is required to apply the antiseptic coating for sea water corrosion.
2.3.4 Overall principles of controlling Overall requirements of controlling
a) Start and stop a drum shape strainer and the washing process of equipments through the central control room. Start and stop of steel rope traction grid spotter is controlled through the local control panel. The important alarm and instruction signal shall send to the central control room according to the requirement;
b) Diesel generator set shall be arranged as the emergency power source of the drum shape strainer low-speed electrical machinery and washing equipments;
c) When the gas source instrument is unavailable, the circulating water filtering system may maintain operation. The security of the power plant and equipment is not influenced in case of failure of control supply;
d) When the central control room is unavailable, the remote shutdown station shall implement the security function. Controlling principle
a) Steel wire ropes traction fixed grid and spotter
The steel wire ropes traction fixed grid spotter may operate under the automatic or manual mode. In automatic operating mode:
1) When pressure difference of the inlet and outlet of two steel wire ropes traction fixed grid spotter are smaller than 0.12 meters of water columns, spotter is controlled by the timing circuit;
2) When one of pressure difference of the inlet and outlet of two steel wire ropes traction fixed grid spotter reach 0.12 meters of water columns, spotter is started for cleaning process.
3) When one of pressure difference of the inlet and outlet of two steel wire ropes traction fixed grid spotter are smaller than 0.25 meters of water columns, send out the alarm signal to main control room.
b) Drum shape strainer
The automatic control of the drum shape strainer includes:
1) When the signal threshold value of 3 groups of pressure difference detector are all smaller than 0.1m water column, the drum shape strainer is switched to operate at a low speed;
2) When one signal threshold value of 3 groups of pressure difference detector is greater than 0.1m water column, the drum shape strainer is switched to operate at moderate speed;
3) When two signal threshold value of 3 groups of pressure difference detectors are greater than 0.2m water column, the drum shape strainer is switched to operate at high speed;
4) When two signal threshold values of 3 groups of pressure difference detectors are greater than 0.3m water column, send out the first alarm signal to the main control room;
5) When two signal threshold values of 3 groups of pressure difference detectors are greater than 0.8m water column, send out the second alarm signal to the main control room;
When the speeds of the drum shape strainer drops, for not to damage the equipment, the low-speed motor shall maintain an appropriate speed.
c) Washing process of drum shape strainer
Wash the water pump and drum shape strainer are under the manual control of the central control room. It is required to provide the leakage between the pumps of same series, and pump and drum shape strainer. The corresponding drum shape strainer shall shut down as well when the pump trips.


