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发布时间:2013-6-16      阅读次数:1124

e) 阴极保护系统设计规格书
2.3.6 施工相关的规格书
2.3.7 维护
3 技术描述
3.1 总则
3.2 设备描述(由投标商填写)
3.2.1 设备规格 加氯框技术规格 闸门及导槽技术规格 闸门自动抓梁装置技术规格 闸门储存间导槽技术规格 钢丝绳牵引固定式格栅除污机技术规格 鼓形滤网技术规格 水位差计控制设备技术规格 阴极保护设备技术规格
4 检查及试验
4.1 概述
4.2 厂内检查及试验
4.3 现场试验
a) 回路泄漏状况的检查
b) 保证人员安全和设备安全的措施的检查
c) 额定水流量的检查
d) 设备和自动功能的正确动作的检查
e) 消耗电能检查
f) 噪声检查
4.3.1 鼓形滤网系统 安装后的检查
a) 水位差计正确动作的检查
b) 阀门正确动作的检查
c) 填充物(油及润滑剂等)质量及数量的检查 启动后检查
a) 润滑回路运行的检查
b) 过滤器旋转机构的运行正确 临时验收前的检查
a) 高速运行后鼓形滤网的水头损失
b) 反冲洗过滤器的水头损失
4.3.1 Drum shape strainer system Inspection after installation
These inspection and test including:
a) Inspection of correct movements of differential liquid level gauge
b) Inspection of correct movements of the valve
c) Inspection of quality and quantity of packing material (Oil and lubricant, etc.) Inspection after starting
Inspections include but not limited to:
a) Inspection of lubricating circuit operation
b) Correct operation of the rotating organization of filter Inspection before temporary acceptance
Inspection the basic operation condition of all equipment; simulate a high speed operation test of head loses.
The recorded data of test are as follows:
a) Head loses of drum shape strainer after high speed operation.
b) Head loses of back flushing filter
And then, simulate the limit high speed operation test of head loses. Test before the final inspection
These tests include:
a) Check the surface situation of drum shape strainer (there is no remarkable deformation damage according to relevant requirements) 
b) Inspection of sealed state and sealed efficiency
4.3.2 Spotter Field inspection and testing before starting
Inspection and testing after assembling; these inspection and test mainly include:
a) Correct movement of spotter; no-load inspection of the function of limit switch and differential liquid level gauge;
b) Inspection of lubricating part, rotating part and hoisting part
c) Inspections of quality and quantity of packing materials (Oil and lubricant, etc.) Inspection and test before temporary acceptance
Check the basic operation condition of all equipment.
The following several items shall be checked specially:
a) Safety device, safety switch and ultra limit of position trip protection
b) The operation of differential liquid level gauge (implement true test in priority if head allows, otherwise carry out the simulating test) 
c) Debris cleaning circulation
d) The rubbish removal condition of rubbish discharge dipper Inspection and test before the final acceptance
These inspections include:
a) Correct operation of spotter;
b) All limit switches can be moved effectives.
4.3.3 Gate
Field inspection and test before starting
The test of the gate shall be implemented under no load condition. In the test, the following several items shall be checked specially:
a) Intensity of the seal pieces;
b) Correct movements of balance valve;
c) The gate location and in guide groove and horizontal travel of bottom;
d) Measurement of leakage rate;
e) Auxiliary device of hoisting;
4.3.4 Chlorination frame
Implement inspection so as to ensure:
a) The chlorination frame can be installed, promoted in the guide groove conveniently;
b) The flange connected with the flexible hose shall free of leakage.
4.3.5 Cathodic protecting system
Check the stability of impressed current of cathodic protection.
5 Performance assurances
5.1 Summary
Performance test shall determine the performance of relevant system and whether there is a deviation with the description guarantee. The quality duration of the equipment is two years after testing. Performance test shall be implemented in the process of the final testing stage. Performance test period is about two months. Installment work shall be finished 24 hours at least in advance before implementing performance test. Installation shall be carried out under the normal operating condition closing to the practical operation condition as much as possible. Testing shall maintain steady for an hour at least. Each test shall carry out for twice, which shall maintain for half an hour at least each time.
The supplier is responsible for supplied equipments and system.
5.2 Performance assurances
If the defect is found in performance test stipulated in “General article”:  suppliers shall be responsible for characteristic that examined under the normal operating condition.
5.2.1 Flushing system
Flushing pump shall meet the requirements of each operating procedure of the system. The normal pressure of the spray nozzle is about 1.7bars- 5%.
In the field comparing test of measuring of the spray nozzle pressure, the supplier shall provide the correcting curve of the flow-pressure of the nozzle.
5.2.2 Drum shape strainer
The circular velocity of the rotation of drum shape strainer shall be measuree in sealing ring of supports
Low-speed    2.5m/mm    ±20%
Moderate speed  10m/mm    ±20%
High speed  20m/mm    ± 20%
Measuring deviation ± 1%
After filtering process, the diameter of remained rubbish shall not be greater than the hole of the mesh.
5.2.3 Spotter
Speed of operation  6m/min ±10%
During the operating process, the unit shall free of special noise, rock and blockage.
6 Others
6.1 The systematic design of processing and interface materials
The supplier shall provide the complete design of filter processing system and installation design according to the basic requirements of this technical specification instruction. And provide the interface materials. The documents include but not limited to the following contents:
6.1.1 Execution document of project
- Inventory design documents ( IED)
-Monthly review of progress
- Inventory of design interface
- Progress design
-Manufacturing and delivery progress
6.1.2 Design document
-Calculate the book of overall design specification of the system and equipment design 
-System manual
-Simulation, logic picture, I/O inventory, definite value manual
-System flow chart, equipment layout and installation diagram of equipment pipeline
-Data list of the equipment
-Technical specification book of the equipment
1. -Equipment and materials inventory ( Including machinery, electric apparatus and instrument controlling equipment) 
2. -Sign inventory of the equipment
3. -Specie tool inventory
4. -Electric load inventory

6.1.3 Manufacturing, installation, inspection, testing, operation and maintenance documents
- Manufacturing documents ( Including part drawing and detail drawing) 
- Manufacturing and assemble procedure
- Welding procedure and certificate of welding stuff
-Machinery and allowance inspection procedure
-Heat treatment procedure
-Repairing procedure
-Regulation of checking and final inspection 
-Non destruction testing procedure
-Cleaning description 
-Coating description
-Packaging and transportation document
-The shipment plans and supplies and loading inventory
-Spare part inventory of the repair piece
5. -Consumables inventory ( Including recommend substitute products inventory and description ) 
-Field storage procedure 
-Installation procedure of the equipment
-Installation drawing
-Electric drawing and wiring drawing
-Regulation of software
6. -The configuration software description and controlling procedure set ( Including the procedure description ) 
-Equipment operation maintenance manual (EOMM), including the detail drawing and part structure and explosion chart of all equipment.
-Testing guideline ( CP)
-Test procedure ( TP)
-Operating procedure
6.1.4 Quality assurance and quality controlling documents
-Quality control manual
-Project quality assurance procedure ( PQAP)
-Applicable to the management procedure and project organization chart of this project
- Applicable document list ( ADL)
-Examining report of the qualification of subcontractor
-Qualified subcontractor list
-Quality plan
-Purchasing order
-Welding data include:
The general layout and detail drawings of welding mark;
Procedure description of welding process
Assemble and welding order
All inspection of welding process
The whole unit shall has qualified inventory so as to define the effective range  of procedure inventories;
-Non-consistent report
-Manufacture completion report ( EOMR)
Quality certificate
Inspection record of material test
All material certificates
Witness record of acceptance test of welding material and workshop finished product
Assessment record of welding process  ( PQR)
Welding record
Inspection and test record
Non destructive test record
All heat treatment records
Deviation and/or non-consistent report
Final size of the equipment and error measuring report
Manufacture completion certificate
6.1.5 The interface controlling documents
The supplier shall provide the detail interface information according to requirements of the following form; provide the final design information of interface with buyer appointed designing institute to the buyer according to the requirements of the progress of the fourth part of enclosures B-8 of the contracts.
 Project  Interface No.
1 Relevant design materials of building construction (Including factory building, layout, foundation size, load, ditch, embedded iron and pore, etc.)   
2 Pipeline interface processing documents 
3 Electric ( Electric load form and requirements of load power supply etc.); control interface documents  
4 Systematic manual  
6.1.6 Submission of instrument controlling documents



