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发布时间:2013-7-11      阅读次数:1463


五.  磷酸根的测定

六.  溶解氧的测定(靛蓝二磺酸钠葡萄糖比色法)
(4)靛蓝二磺酸钠葡萄糖溶液:量取上述靛蓝二磺酸钠和葡萄糖贮备溶液各5ml,氢氧化钾溶液5ml,加水10ml,充分混合后,立即注入25ml滴定管内,并用矿物油作油封。使其充分变成柠檬黄色后使用,时间通常为1 ~2小时。
瓶号 溶解氧含量 溶液颜色
1 0.000 黄带绿色
2 0.005 微绿黄色
3 0.010 橙黄色
4 0.015 橙黄带红色
5 0.020 粉红色
6 0.025 桔红色
7 0.030 红色
8 0.035 绛红色
0.040 绛红色
10 0.050 绛红微紫
11 0.060 红紫色
12 0.070 浅红紫色
13 0.080 紫色
14 0.100 深紫色
VI.Acid Rinsing:
On electrolyzing seawater, it is unavoidable to generate precipitates as calcium and magnesium besides sodium hypochlorite and hydrogen gas, which accumulate on the cathode of the electrolytic cell, resulting in the increase of cell voltage, the decrease of current efficiency and the growth of power consumption as well. Therefore, it is necessary to do some acid rinsing to the electrolytic cell regularly so as to remove the precipitates on the surface of cathode. At this moment, PLC is used to analyze the running time and the abnormality of cell voltage in order to judge if acid rinsing is required. Giving alarming signal during acid rinsing and light warning on the panel of control cabinet is necessary for acid rinsing. During the course of acid rinsing, the generator will be locked till the acid rinsing is completed, which shall be unlocked automatically for standby after it. 
Operation mentioned above does not need disassemble any equipment or pipeline and do no harm to operators.

Section two  Working Principle and Technical Specification of Main Equipment
I. Seawater Booster Pump:
The seawater booster pump selects Dalian Acid-resistant Pump, LH vertical type   single-stage and single-suction submergible pump, 3 sets. The model: LH50—400; the flow rate: 34m3/h; the pressure: 0.35 MPa; the axial length: 4.5m; the axle, axle sleeve and impeller of the seawater booster pump are all made of 316L stainless steel form abroad. The bearing of vertical long-axle submerged pump is an inlet one; the motor speed is 1450r/min.

II.Automatic Backwashing Filter:
1.Working Principle:
Automatic backwashing filter utilizes the pressure difference of system to implement backwashing without any influence on flowing of seawater and no special cleaning fluid is required during the cleaning process. In the normal operation, crude seawater runs into sieve through the inlet of filter, all impurities with diameter larger than 0.5mm will be retained on the sieve. This process carries on until the impurities accumulate to a certain degree, which causes the increase of pressure difference, when the pressure differential controller achieves the preset value(0.035Mpa), automatic backwashing starts up. Sliding seal plate connected to the backwashing outlet will clean each part of sieve effectively. The internal pressure in the filter shell is higher than that of backwashing outlet pipe, thus some seawater flows in an opposite direction through sieve and cleans all accumulated impurities effectively, discharging them into trench through the blowdown valve.
The whole process is carried out by the differential pressure controller automatically. After all sieves of filters were cleaned, the automatic backwash cycle stops, and filters restore to the normal mode till next action of the pressure controller takes place, washing repeatedly.
2.Characteristics of Equipment:
- It is unnecessary to shut down during backwashing and the water consumption for backwashing is quite low.
 Backwashing adopts small and light motor with low power for convenience of maintenance. 
● The lid of filter shall be easily disassembled for maintenance of the sieve,
● Unique structure of sieve prevents from being blocked by impurities with strong anti-mechanical wear and anti-scour abilities.
● The possibility of damage is eliminated due to the separation of sieve and backwashing components.
● The import 316L stainless steel has strong anti-corrosion ability to seawater and longer service life.
● The low inertia of backwashing components ensures the minimum power consumption.
● The blowdown valve adopts an electric ball valve, which opens automatically during backwashing and closes after it.

3.Equipment Specification:
ZHG56-LA Automatic Backwashing Filter, water treatment capacity is 68m3/h.

III.Sodium Hypochlorite Generator:
1.Working Principle:
The seawater that passes through the electrolytic cell shall be electrolyzed at both anode and cathode with chemical reactions as below: 
Anodic reaction:    2Cl—2e→Cl2                                    (1)
Cathodic reaction:   2H2O+2e→2OH-+H2↑                            (2)
Reaction between electrodes of electrolytic cell:   Cl2+ 2NaOH→2NaClO+H2↑ (3)
Hypochlorous acid and hypochlorous acid ion are all called effective chlorine, and prevention of sea biological defile is realized by using effective chlorine which is generated from electrolyzing seawater.

2.Characteristics of Equipment:
Lid of electrolytic cell: the lid is made of UV-resistant organic glass which is transparent so that the operator is able to directly observe chemical reactions in the cell through the lit during operation which is helpful for operators to judge and master maintenance of electrolytic cell and time of acid rinsing well.

Shell of electrolytic cell: the shell is made of PVC with perfect corrosion resistance to the sodium hypochlorite. This material possesses features of high strength, anti-aging and corrosion resistance compared with other materials with higher safety and stability, eliminating the leakage of liquid. 
