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发布时间:2013-7-25      阅读次数:1163

凝结水泵出口:      电导率表、溶氧表、钠表、人工取样
除氧器出口:        溶氧表、人工取样
省煤器入口:        pH表、电导率表、硅表、人工取样
炉水(左侧、右侧):  pH表、比电导率仪、人工取样
饱和蒸汽(左侧、中、右侧): 电导率表、硅表、人工取样
过热蒸汽(左侧、右侧): 电导率表、硅表、人工取样
再热蒸汽入口(左侧、右侧): 人工取样
闭式循环冷却水:  人工取样
高压加热器疏水:  人工取样
低压加热器疏水:  人工取样
凝结水精处理出口:  pH表、电导率表、人工取样

序号 取样点 温度(℃) 压力(MPa)
1 凝结水泵出口 45 3.5
2 除氧器出口 181 0.925
3 省煤器入口 257 20.4
4 炉水(左侧、右侧) 365 20
5 饱和蒸汽(左侧、中、右侧) 365 20
6 过热蒸汽 548 18.4
7 再热蒸汽入口(左侧、右侧) 336 4.32
8 闭式循环冷却水 20 0.35
9 高压加热器疏水 218 3.35
10 低压加热器疏水 192 1.08
●  炉水水质控制项目和标准:(PO43尽量控制在1.0―1.5ppm)
PH:9~10   PO43 :0.5~3.0ppm   SiO2≤250  PPb  DD≤20us/cm
●  给水水质标准:
硬度:0umol/l   溶解氧≤7ppb  PH :9.0~9.3   DD≤0.3us/cm
N2H4 : 10~30ppb   Fe3+ ≤20ppb  Cu2+≤5ppb
●  蒸汽控制项目、标准:
SiO2≤20ppb     Na+≤10ppb    DD≤0.2us/cm
●  凝结水控制标准:
硬度<1umol/l    氢电导率≤0.3us/cm    溶解氧≤30ug/l
●  经精处理混床处理后水质标准:
硬度0 umol/l   电导率≤0.2us/cm  二氧化硅≤15ug/l   钠  5ug/l
铁≤8ug/l  铜≤3ug/l
第二节 水汽系统的加药系统
●  给水、凝结水加氨系统:
●  给水加联氨系统:
●  炉水加磷酸盐系统
●  给水及凝结水加氨系统
●  给水加联氨系统

II. Operation flow of desalinization system:
     Filtration sea water -> Tubular mixer -> Multi- medium filter -> Activated charcoal filter -> Sea water hyperfiltration system -> First class fresh

water tank -> Second class hyperfiltration system -> Second class fresh water tank -> Mixes ion-exchange reactor -> Desalinization water tank ->

Desalinization water pump -> thermodynamic system of main building.
Section two Operation mode of system
This desalinization system equipment: Filtering processing includes more than 8 medium filter and 5 activated charcoal filters. Under the normal condition,

there are more than 8 medium filters and 5 activated charcoal filters may be operated at the same time; while a failure occurred in 1 unit or in a process

of back flushing, the output power the other equipment shall comply with the requirements of normal operation of the system. Under the normal condition, 2

sets of sea water hyperfiltration system and 2 sets of two sets of second hyperfiltration system may be operated at the same time; the output power of sea

water hyperfiltration system is about 128m3/h; the output power of second hyperfiltration system shall be 85 m3/h. Under the normal condition, two mixing

bed shall be arranged and one mixing shall be treated as backup unit in case of failure.
Section three Preparation before the operation of system
I. Inspection before the startup of system:
1. Inspection before the startup of desalinization system:
●Check whether the desalinization equipment system is switched on and whether the voltage is complied with the requirements.
●Check whether the water pump is complete and in a readiness condition; the water pump inlet gate shall be opened.
●Check whether the current meter and pressure gauge are complete; instruments cock shall be opened;
●Check whether the water levels of water tanks are above 2/3; the outlet passage shall be opened; the water quality shall be clean and comply with the

relevant requirements;
●Check whether the air supplies in air compressor are sufficient; the pressure of gas tank shall be 0.4MPa above.
●Drugs, measuring appliances and instruments of chemical examination shall be prepared and in a good condition;
●The opening and closing of the valves of desalinization system shall be flexible and reliable;
2. Inspection of dosing system:
1. Inspection of sodium hypochlorite dosing system:
●Inspection of the flow level of sodium hypochlorite storing tank;
●Inspect whether the sodium hypochlorite dosing pump is in a normal operation.
●Inspect whether the inlet and outlet channel of sodium hypochlorite dosing pump is opened;
2. Inspection of the flocculating agent system:
●Inspect whether the motor and dosing pump is in a normal operation.
●The watering feeding vent and discharging vent of solution tank shall be tightness; the inlet and outlet vent of dosing pump shall be open before

●Dissolve the dosing materials:
A. Open the watering supply vent of solution tank, add water to 4/5 and slowly pour proper amount coagulant into the unit.
Start the mixer for stirring.
B. Open the watering supply vent and add the water to a required height.
C. Stop stirring after 20 minutes; open the outlet vent to discharge the solution to the gauge tank.

