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发布时间:2013-7-29      阅读次数:1062

编程语言采用梯逻辑和功能结构图。如果无法避免, 其他语言只允许在指定功能的自定义操作块之内进行。

15.5 一般概念:
15.5.1 在基本的项目阶段期间,自动化系统的所有设备和元件的建筑以及供电理念必须由VSB事先批准。
15.5.2 必须考虑PLC的数字,不仅包括“全周期,而且必须与工厂互动;如有可能,即使CUP无法运行,其它部件可以继续运行而不受影响;
15.5.3 试运行后,PLC的CPU必须至少留有30%的记忆空间;
15.5.4 同一个模块所有输入和输出(输入/输出)不应该集中在相同模块,如果这个模块发生故障,所有相似的设备的控制数据不会丢失。
15.5.6 应该预设每个PLC模块的独立保护装置。
15.5.7 如果PLC式模块没有任何保护反对大气浪涌,必须安装流电绝缘材料。
15.5.8 PLC的所有不同的输入/输出模块必须至少留有15%预配备件。
15.5.9 所有PLC底板必须至少留有10%自由槽孔扩容。
15.5.10 遵照以下标准,作为参考:
ISA-C 5.1仪器工作标志和标识
ISA-C 5.2处理操作二进制逻辑图
ISA-C 5.3分布控制/共享显示仪器、逻辑和计算机系统图形符号
ISA-C 5.4仪器回路图
ISA-C 5.5处理显示图形符号
ISA-C 20程序测量和控制仪器、主要元件和控制阀规格图
ISA-C RP60控制中心设施
ISA-C 88成批控制
ANSI ISA-C 95企业-C控制系统一体化
ANSI ISA-C 99制造业和控制系统安全
IEC 61131-3可编程序逻辑控制器               
15.5.11 PLC和SCADA装置的构造必须完好,当执行任务时以便容易了解并保持良好的操纵稳定性。这些指令必须使用葡萄牙语,并且,如果不可行,在事先通过VSB团队的批准,使用英语指令。
15.5.12 VSB团队必须接受所有与开发项目有关的原始代码,并且拥有所有使用软件的许可证明。许可证明必须允许自由安装到多个机器,方便开发和维护。 必须在具体项目开始之前证实该问题。
15.5.13 供应商必须以书面方式提交自动化系统相关重要设备(即再热炉)故障的后备计划。
16.1 普通条款:
16.1.1 所有发射机必须有测量的可变物的本地显示。
16.1.2 主要仪器供应必须通过UPS进行。注意安装设施的整体电磁兼容性。
16.1.3 必须预见稳定电源发射机冗余24 Vdc。不同的电源供应不同的电路。
16.1.4 发射机和其他智能类型元件必须应用在主要功能并且通过PROFIBUS PA连接互联网。
15.4 Programmable Logical Controller (PLC)
It must be responsible for the plant operation proper. All process control function of variables
and commands for the equipment must be executed through  it,  including, while the
operation is running, via the local control panels. Only the commands installed on the
emergency desks and panels will not pass through the PLC.
Data inputs and outputs and commands (RIO) may be installed near the monitoring and
control points, as long as they are sufficiently protected. The correction of these RIO's with
the CPU's must be made via fiber optic with different redundancy and routes.
All the plant's units and subsystems must be connected to the PLC via network and those
different from the installation standard must be connected via input and output modules.
VSB will inform the supplier the name of the PLC manufacturer to be used. The model will
be jointly determined in function of the plant's requirements and the standardization in view
of future facilities. The use of PLC's from different suppliers in one plant will not be allowed,
except if there is previous authorization by VSB.
The entire philosophy for developing and identification (tags), arrangement, comments,
memory map, etc. will be discussed between the developer and the VSB team at an
opportune time. Therefore VSB must present a specific standard guideline or validate the
developer's presentation or, still, develop it together.
The programming language must be Ladder Logic and/or the Function Block Diagram.
Other languages will be allowed only, if unavoidable, within customized operational blocks
for specific functions.
|       Issue Date       | 18/06/2008         |      Revision      |      002     | Revision Date   |         04/09/2008         | Page 20 of 25 |
15.5       General concepts:
15.5.1 The architecture, as well as the electrical supply philosophy for all equipment and elements
of the automation system, must previously be approved by VSB already during the basic
project stage.
15.5.2 The number of PLC's must be determined by considering not only the "Total Cycle Time" but
also the interdependence of the plant's areas, thus making it possible that, even if some
CPU is out of operation, other parts of the plant, whose operation can continue, will not be
15.5.3 The CPU's of the PLC's must have at least 30% spare space in the program's memory,
considered after commissioning.
15.5.4 All inputs and outputs (l/O's) of the same functionality should not be concentrated in the
same module so that, if this module fails, the control of all similar equipment will not be lost.
15.5.5 Redundant digital or analog signals must be connected to different PLC modules.
15.5.6 Independent protection devices for each PLC module should be foreseen.
15.5.7 Galvanic insulation  must be installed if the PLC's analog modules do not have any
protection against atmospheric surges.
15.5.8 All different I/O modules of the PLC must have at least 15% of prewired spares.
15.5.9 All PLC backplanes must have at least 10% free slots for future expansions.
15.5.10 The following standards, as reference, are to be complied with:
ISA- 5.1 Instrumentation Symbols and Identification
ISA - 5.2 Binary Logic Diagrams for Process Operations
ISA - 5.3 Graphic Symbols for Distributed Control/Shared Display Instrumentation, Logic
and Computer Systems
ISA - 5.4 Instrument Loop Diagrams
ISA - 5.5 Graphic Symbols for Process Displays
ISA - 20 Specification Forms for Process Measurement and Control Instruments, Primary
Elements, and Control Valves
ISA - RP60 Control Center Facilities
ISA - 88 Batch Control
|       Issue Date       | 18/06/2008         |      Revision      |      002     | Revision Date   |         04/09/2008         | Page 21 of 25 |
ANSI ISA - 95 Enterprise - Control System Integration ANSI ISA - 99 Manufacturing and Control Systems Security IEC 61131-3 Programmable Logic Controllers
15.5.11 The PLC and the SCADA must provide a well-structured base of comments with the
purpose to facilitate understanding and agility when performing tasks. These comments
must be in the Portuguese language and, should this not be possible, VSB must previously
authorize that in such cases the comments will be in English.
15.5.12 VSB must receive all source codes related to the developed programs, as well as all used
software licenses. The licenses must provide freedom to install a sufficient number of
machines for optimum performance of development and maintenance. This matter must be
clarified prior to the Detailed Project.
15.5.13 The supplier must present in writing a Contingency Plan for the case of failure in the
automation system related to critical equipment (e.g. reheating furnaces).
The instrumentation must perform all necessary measurement and control functions for the plant's perfect functioning. The control philosophy must always be

agreed between the plant's supplier and the VSB team, benefiting at maximum from the know-how accumulated by the parties. The list of sub-suppliers may

contain only first class manufacturers and the models to be applied must be previously approved by the VSB team. Knowledge of standard VS-E-011-2 is

mandatory for the project's development and the specification of the instrumentation elements.
16.1       General conditions:
16.1.1 All transmitters must have a local indication of the measured variable.
16.1.2 The supply of the main instruments must be made via UPS. Attention must always be paid
to the installation's electromagnetic compatibility as a whole.
16.1.3 Redundant 24 Vdc stabilized sources for supplying the transmitter must be foreseen. Each
source must be supplied by different circuits.
16.1.4 Transmitters and other intelligent type elements must be applied in the main functions and
interconnected via PROFIBUS PA network.

