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发布时间:2013-8-9      阅读次数:1654


As well as the Feasibility Reports &Preliminary Designs for the Second and Third Phases. 以及关于二期与三期工程的可行性报告与初步设计。
(1) Main Section (K0~K68+300)shall be performed in accordance with Motorway Standard, with 24.5m roadway width and 100km/h Design Speed.With safety and road equipment, bridges, culverts and drainagefacilities. (1)主干道(K0~K68+300)应根据高速公路标准建设,路宽24.5米,设计车速100km/h。并配备安全与道路设备、桥梁、涵洞以及排水设施。
The detailed breakdown of this is provided as following and Table 6.1.1: 具体明细如下以及表6.1.1:
(2) Link Section:  (2) 连接线公路:
The linking road from S¨¦p¨¦ Junction toBoumnyebel shall be surface treatment.  从塞佩到布姆尼埃贝尔的连接线公路应进行路面处理。
The width shall be the same as the existing highway between Yaound¨¦ and Douala. 路宽应与现有的雅温德-杜阿拉高速公路相同。
(3) Villages or cities located at a distance of less than 100m shall be connected to the motorway by a surface treatment link road. (3) 100米范围之内的村庄或城市应通过经过路面处理的连接线道路与高速公路相连接。
Table 6.1.1Main Technical Index Table 表6.1.1 主要技术指标表
Item  Main Section  项目 主干道
Motorway Classification Motorway 高速公路类别 汽车高速公路
Design Speed (Km/h) 100 设计速度(km/h) 100
Route Length (km) 68.3 路长 (km) 68.3
Lane number 4 车道数 4
Road-way width (m) 24.5 路幅宽(m) 24.5
Lane width (m) 3.75 车道宽(m)  3.75 General Description 总说明
The Design-Builder shall not rely on the physical description contained in this Section to identify all Project components.  设计建造商不应仅仅依赖本节中的形式描述来界定所有的项目组成部分。
The Design-Builder shall determine the full scope of the Project through examination of the contract and the Project Site, or as may be reasonably inferred from such examination. 设计建造商应通过审阅合同并考察项目现场,或可以通过从审阅与考察中进行推测,从而决定本项目的全范围。
The Project will include:  本项目将包括:
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Construction of the MainSectionand Link Section. 主干道与连接线公路施工。
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Construction of link roads to Villages or cities 通往村庄或城市的连接线道路施工。
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Construction of bridges and culverts,rehabilitation of NkolBisson Interchange. 桥梁与涵洞施工、恩格毕松立体交叉道修复。
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Construction of the various road and safety equipment. 各种道路与安全设备施工。
The proposed construction activities for this roadinclude the following: 针对该道路建议的施工活动包括如下:
(a) Clearing and Grubbing  清理和挖除
(b) Removal of structure,Sign,and so on 移除结构、标志等等
(c) Roadway Excavation, 路基开挖
(d) Embankment, 路堤
(e) Roadbed , 路基
(f) Pavement, 路面
(g) Structural Concrete for Culverts, 用于涵洞的结构混凝土
(h) Structural Concrete for Bridges, 用于桥梁的结构混凝土
(i) Structural Concrete for Retaining Walls, 用于挡土墙的结构混凝土
(j) Concrete Curb, 混合土路缘石
(k) Drainage Ditch, 排水沟
(l) Sidewalk, 人行道
(m) Pavement Markings and Road Studs, 路面标线与路钉
(n) Permanent Signing, 永久标志
(o) Safety and Roads Facilities, 安全与道路设施
(p) Illumination, 照明
(q) Construction of Two TollGates 两个收费站的建设
6.1.2 ITEMS OF WORK 6.1.2 工程
The work shall consist of furnishing all design plans, documentation, equipment, materials, labor and incidentals necessary to successfully complete the project in compliance with the contract provisions.  工作应包括提供所有必要的设计方案、文件、设备、材料、劳动力与杂项,从而根据合同规定成功地完成本项目。
The Design-Builder for this project shall perform, as minimum, the primary item of work listed below.  本项目的设计建造商至少应履行下列基本工作项。
This list is not all inclusive and the Design-Builder shall be responsible for identifying all items of work and executing them according to the design and specifications to meet the Employer¡¯s requirement. 下列清单并未包罗一切,设计建造商应负责界定所有的工作项并根据设计与规范加以执行,从而满足业主的要求。
Design work Items  设计工作项
- Topographic Survey 地形测量
- Geotechnical investigation 岩土调查
- Geometric and Pavement design  几何与路面设计
- Bridge Design  桥梁设计
- Culvert Design  涵洞设计
- Drainage ditch Design 排水沟设计
- Retaining wall design  挡土墙设计
- Permanent Signing  永久标志
- Pavement Marking 路面标线
- Illumination Design 照明设计
- Safety and Roads facilities Design 安全与道路设施设计
- Toll Gate Design 收费站设计
- Design Document (record drawings of as built as plans) 设计文件(竣工方案的竣工图)
Construction work Items  施工工作项
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Construction of the roadway to Motorway standard,  根据高速公路标准开展道路施工
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Constructing Bridges, culvertsand drainage ditches 桥梁、涵洞与排水沟施工
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Constructing Paved pavement  铺装路面施工
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Constructing Toll Gates 收费站施工
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Constructing of Safetyand roads facilities  安全与道路设施施工
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Constructing Retaining Walls 挡土墙施工
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Pavement Markings and Erecting Traffic Signs  路面标线与安装交通标志
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Lighting 照明
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Product warranties 产品质保
- Other ancillary works  其它辅助工程
The design work shall be performed in accordance with the following Chinese standards, specification or Reference Documents.  应根据下列中国标准、规范或参考文件开展设计工作。
If a specific standard, specification or Reference document is not listed herein, the Engineer shall identify the pertinent standard, specification or Reference Document to the Design-Builder.  如果某项具体标准、规范 或参考文件未列在本文中,业主工程师应为设计建造商界定相关标准、规范或参考文件。
Minimum design standards of criteria can only be utilized upon approval of the Employer.  只有经过业主批准,方可使用相关标准的最低设计标准。
Item Code No.  项目 规范编号
Name 名称
1 JTG B01-2003 Technical Standard of Highway Engineering 公路工程技术标准
2 JTG D20-2006 Design Specification for Highway Alignment 公路路线设计规范
3 JTG D30-2004 Specifications for Design of Highway Subgrades 公路沥青路面设计规范
4 JTG D50-2006 Specifications for Design of Highway Asphalt Pavement 公路沥青路面设计规范
5 JTJ 018-97 Specification of Drainage for Highway 公路排水设计规范
6 JTG D60-2004 General Code for Design of Highway Bridges and Culverts 
7 JTG D6l-2005 Code for Design of Highway Masonry Bridges and Culverts 公路圬工桥涵设计规范
8 JTG D62-2004 Code for Design of Highway Reinforced Concrete and Pre-stressed Concrete Bridges and Culverts 公路钢筋混凝土及预应力混凝土桥涵设计规范
9 JTG D63-2007 Specifications for Design of Ground Base and Foundation of Highway Bridges and Culverts 
10 JTG D80-2006 General Specification for Design of Freeway Traffic Engineering and Roadside Facilities 高速公路交通工程及沿线设施设计通用规范
11 JTG D81-2006 Specification for Design of Highway Traffic Safety Facilities 公路交通安全设施设计规范
12 JTG C10-2007 Specifications for Highway Reconnaissance 公路勘测规范
13 JTG C30-2002 Hydrological Specifications for Survey and Design of Highway Engineering 公路工程水文勘测设计规范
14 JTJ 064-98 Specifications for Survey of Highway Engineering Geology 公路工程地质勘察规范
15 JTG F10-2006 Technical Specifications for Construction of Highway Subgrades  公路路基施工技术规范
16 JTJ 034-2000 Technical Specifications for Construction of Pavement Base 公路路面基层施工技术规范
17 JTG F40-2004 Technical Specifications for Construction of Highway Asphalt Pavements 公路沥青路面施工技术规范
18 JTJ 041-2000 Technical Specifications for Construction of Highway Bridges and Culverts 公路桥涵施工技术规范
19 JTG F71-2006 Technical Specification for Construction of Highway Safety Facilities 公路交通安全设施设计细则
20 JTG E40-2007 Test Methods of Soils for Highway Engineering 公路土工试验规程
21 JTJ 052-2000 Standard Test Methods of Bitumen and Bituminous Mixtures for Highway Engineering 公路工程沥青及沥青混合料试验规程
22 JTG E30-2005 Standard Test Methods of Cement and Concrete for Highway Engineering 公路工程水泥及水泥溷凝土试验规程
23 JTG E41-2005 Specification for Rock Testing 公路工程岩石试验规程
24 JTG E42-2005 Standard Test Methods of Aggregate for Highway Engineering 公路工程集料试验规程
25 JTJ E60-2008 Specification for Site Testing of Sub-grade and Pavement 公路路基路面现场测试规程
Where the aforesaid codes, standards and specifications are silent on any aspect, the following standards in order of preference shall be adopted, unless otherwise directed by the Engineer:  若某些地方前述规范、标准在任何方面没有涉及,应根据优先次序选用下列标准(除非业主工程师另有指示):
(a) American Association of State Motorway and Transport Officials (AASHTO). 美国国家公路与运输协会标准(AASHTO)
(b) Association Fran?aise de Normalization (AFNOR) 法国标准化协会(AFNOR)
(c) American Society of Testing Materials (ASTM). 美国材料实验协会(ASTM)
(d) British Standards (BS) 英国标准(BS)
(e) Any other standard proposed by the Design-Builder and approved by the Employer 由设计建造商建议并业主批准的任何其它标准
The construction work shall be performed in accordance with the following standards, specification or Reference Documents. 应根据下列中国标准、规范或参考文件开展施工工作。
(a) General Specifications for Road and Bridge Works ofRepublic of China 中华人民共和国公路桥梁通用规范
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6.2.  6.2.
General Requirement 一般要求
6.2.1.    6.2.1.  
The Design-Builder shall establish the contract duration for the subject project.  设计建造商应为工程主体订立合同工期。
The contract duration shall be 60 months.  合同工期应为60个月。
The schedule supporting the proposed contract duration will be submitted with the Technical Proposal.  应根据技术建议书,提交建议合同工期附属的进度计划。
6.2.2.    6.2.2.  
The Design-Builder shall submit a project schedule to establish contract duration as part of the Technical Proposal.  设计建造商应提交项目进度计划,从而订立合同工期,作为技术建议书的一部分.
The Proposed schedule should allow 20 working days for the Engineerto review the design submittals.  所建议的进度计划应允许业主工程师有20天的工作日用于审核设计提交项。
The activities shall be those listed below: 项目进度计划应包括下列工作:
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Commencement Date 开工日期
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Design Submittals 设计材料提交
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Design Survey 设计测量
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Design Review by the Engineer 业主工程师设计评审
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Design Review/ Acceptance Milestones 设计评审/接受里程碑
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Geotechnical Investigation 岩土调查
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Construction Mobilization 施工进场
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Start of Construction 施工开始
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Clearing and Grubbing 清理和挖除
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Embankment/Excavation 路堤/开挖
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Foundation Design 基础设计
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Foundation Construction 基础施工
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Substructure Design 下部结构设计
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Substructure Construction 下部结构施工
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Superstructure Design 上部结构设计
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Superstructure construction 上部结构施工
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Retaining Wall Design 挡土墙设计
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Retaining Construction 挡土墙施工
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Roadway Design 道路设计
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Roadway Construction 道路施工
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Signing and Pavement Marking Design 标志与路面标线设计
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Signing and Pavement Marking Construction 标志与路面标线施工
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Erosion control 防冲控制
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Additional Construction Milestones as determined by the Design-Builder  设计建造商决定的其它施工里程碑
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Final Completion Date for All work  所有工程的最终竣工日期
The Employer review period commences upon the Engineerreceipt of the valid submittal or re-submittal and terminates upon the transmittal of the submittal back to the Design-Builder.  业主评审期自业主工程师接收有效提交项或再次提交项开始,在将提交项交回设计建造商时结束。
The Engineer review is not meant to be a complete and detailed review. 业主工程师评审不意味着属于完全且详细的评审。
Final signed and sealed plans will be delivered to the Engineer a minimum of 10 working days prior to construction of that component. 最终签字盖章的方案应在该工程部分施工之前至少提前10天交付业主工程师。
The Engineer will sign and stamp ¡°Released for construction¡±.  业主工程师应签字盖章“施工放行”
Only stamped and sealed plans are valid and all work that The Design-Builder performs in advance of the Engineer release of Plans will be at the Design-Builder¡¯s risk. 只有经过签字盖章的方案方有效,设计建造上在业主工程师对方案放行前而开展的所有工作均应由设计建造商自行承担风险。
The Software requirement for all schedules shall be Microsoft project recent version. 所有进度计划所要求使用的软件,均应为Microsoft Project最新版本。
6.2.3.    6.2.3.  
The Design-Builder¡¯s work shall be performed and directed by key personnel identified in the contract.  设计建造商的工作应由合同界定的关键人员执行与指导。
In case the Design-Builder outsources the design task to a professional design firm, the firm to render these services shall not be affiliated with the Engineer.  若设计建造商将设计工作外包给某家专业设计公司,提供此类服务的该公司不应与业主工程师。
6.2.4.    6.2.4.  
The Design-Builder shall anticipate periodic meetings with the EmployerPersonnel and other bodies as required for resolution of design and/or construction issues.  设计建造商应计划与业主人员或其它团体进行定期会议,用于解决设计和/或施工问题。
During construction, the Engineer shall meet with the Design-Builder on a weekly basis and provide a one-week look ahead for activities to be performed during the coming week.  施工期间,业主工程师应与设计建造商每周举行一次会议,并计划下一周应执行的工作。
The Engineer shall, on monthly basis, provide written reports that describe the items of concern and the work performed on each task.  业主工程师应每周一次,提供书面报告,说明关注事宜以及各项工程任务的工作开展情况。
The Engineer shall: 业主工程师应:
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Plan and schedule weekly meetings with the Design-Builder to discuss Project progress, issues, and planned Work for all phases of design and construction. 计划并制定时间表,从而安排与设计建造商开会讨论项目进度、问题,并为各阶段设计与施工工作制定计划。
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The Engineer shall develop the meeting agendas and shall provide meeting facilities. 业主工程师应制定会议日程表并应提供会议设施。
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The Engineer shall record minutes of each coordination meeting and distribute copies to the participants within five calendar days of the meeting date for the Design-Builder information and confirmation. 业主工程师应为每次协调会议做会议记录,并应在会议日期之后5天之内将文本分发给与会者,以便设计建造商知悉并确认。
6.2.5.  6.2.5.
The Design-Builder shall provide office space and equipment as specified in this section.  建造设计商应根据本节规定提供办公空间与设备。
This shall include providing a common location for the Design-Builder staff, the Engineer staff and other personnel working under the direction of the Employer.  这应包括为设计建造商员工、业主工程师员工以及其他人员提供一个共同的办公点以便在业主的指导下工作。
All Design-Builder staff including administration, design and construction staff shall be located in the Yaound¨¦-DoualaMotorway Project Office except that construction staff may be located in field offices located on the Project site. 设计建造商的所有员工,包括行政、设计与施工员工均应在雅温德-杜阿拉项目办公室办公,除非施工人员可能在项目现场的现场办公室办公。
The Design-Builder shall make its proposed facilities available for inspection and approval by the Engineer prior to the Engineer occupying any the Design-Builder provided facilities.  在业主工程师入驻设计建造商提供的任何设施之前,建造设计商应允许业主工程师检查并审批所建议的设施。
Both parties shall participate in a facility condition inspection prior to and at the completion of occupancy. 在入驻之前以及完成入驻时,双方均应参加设施条件检查。
The Design-Builder shall secure site, obtain all site permits, install, set up and provide utility services and maintain the facilities as part of the work. 设计建造商应保证现场安全,取得所有的现场许可证,安装并提供公用设施服务且将该设施作为工程的一部分加以维护。
In the event that office spaces or appurtenant facilities are destroyed, or damaged during the work, the Design-Builder shall at its expenses repair or replace those items provided to their original condition within 14 working days except for those reasons beyond the Design-Builder¡¯s control.  在工作期间,如果办公空间或附属设施被损毁或损坏,设计建造商在14个工作日内应自费对所提供的品项加以维修或更换,除非损毁或损坏的的原因超出设计建造商控制范围。
The Design-Builder shall furnish the Engineer with facilitiesthat are indicated in Appendix A.  设计建造商应为业主工程师提供附录A所列设施。  
Project Office 项目办公室
The project office shall be located alongYaound¨¦-DoualaMotorway Project.  项目办公室应位于雅温德-杜阿拉高速公路项目上。
The selected site shall be approved by the Engineer before the commencement of the establishment of the project office.  在开始建造项目办公室之前,所选场地应经过业主工程师审批。
The Design-Builder shall provide space and facilities to allowthe Engineer Staffs to co-locate within the same compound as the Design-Builder staff.  设计建造商应提供空间与设施以便业主工程师员工与设计建造商员工在同一个办公设施中一起办公。
The Design-Builder shall furnish the Engineer with facilitiesthat are indicated in Appendix A.  设计建造商应为业主工程师提供附录A所列设施。
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6.3.  6.3.
Topographic Survey and Construction Staking 地形测量与施工放样
The Design-Builder shall conduct all work necessary to meet the requirements associated with land surveying and survey mapping, including horizontal and vertical control surveys, topographic surveys, right-of-way surveys, bridge surveys, utility surveys, design surveys, construction surveys, as-built surveys, and all other land surveying services necessary to complete the Project in an accurate, neat, and timely fashion. 设计建造商应开展一切必要的工作来满足土地测量与测绘相关要求,包括水平与垂直控制测量、地形测量、用地测量、桥梁测量、公共设施测量、设计测量、施工测量、竣工测量以及一切其它必要的土地测量服务,以便于准确、整洁、及时地完成项目。
6.3.1 MANDATORY STANDARDS AND REFERENCE PUBLICATIONS 6.3.1强制性标准与参考出版物 Mandatory Standards 强制性标准
GeneralPerform survey work in accordance with the requirements of the standards listed by priority in Table 6.3.1.  概述: 应根据表6.3.1按优先级所列标准的要求,开展测量工作。
This is not a comprehensive list and other publications may be required to complete all design and construction elements.  该表并非包罗一切,为完成所有的设计与施工工作,可能也要求参考其它出版物。
Additional publications may be used upon the approval of the Employer.  经过业主批准,也可以参考其它出版物。
If a specific standard, specification or Reference document is not listed herein, the Engineer shall identify the pertinent standard, specification or Reference Document to the Design-Builder. 如果某项具体标准、规范 或参考文件未列在本文中,业主工程师应为设计建造商界定相关标准、规范或参考文件。
Conflicts and PriorityIf there is any conflict between different standards, the Mandatory Standard indicated in the contract shall prevail. 冲突与优先度:如果不同的标准之间有任何冲突,应以本合同中的强制性标准为准。
AmbiguityIf there is any unresolved ambiguity in standards, obtain clarification from the Employer before proceeding with design or construction.  不明确点:如果标准中有任何未解决的不明确点,在继续进行设计或施工之前,应先取得业主的澄清。
Version and DateUse the most current version of each listed standard as of the initial publication date of this contract unless modified by addendum or change order. 版本与日期:根据本合同初次公开日期,使用各个所列标准的最新版本,除非附加合同或工程变更通知单对其加以修改。
All field survey work, design and construction will be done in project ground datum and all survey controls must tie with the National Grid.  所有的现场测量工作、设计与施工必须根项目现场地面基准进行,所有的测量控制必须依据国家格网。
Table 6.3.1 Mandatory Standards for Survey 表 6.3.1 测量用强制性标准
Author or 制定者或机构 名称 文件

