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发布时间:2013-8-21      阅读次数:1316


Ministry of Communications of the People¡¯s Republic of China Design manual for Highway traffic safety facilities JTG/T 中华人民共和国交通部
 D81-2006 2006 
Ministry of Communications of the People¡¯s Republic of China 中华人民共和国交通部
 Technical Standard of Highway Engineering JTG 
 B01-2003 2003 
Ministry of Communications of the People¡¯s Republic of China Traffic signs and road marking GB  中华人民共和国交通部
5768-1999 1999 5768-1999 1999
Ministry of communications of the People¡¯s Republic of China The reflective film of the road traffic signs GB/T  中华人民共和国交通部
18833-2002 2002 18833-2002 2002
Ministry of communications of the People¡¯s Republic of China The panel of the road traffic signs JT/T  中华人民共和国交通部
279-2004 2004 279-2004 2004
Ministry of communications of the People¡¯s Republic of China Standard technical requirements of road outline sign 中华人民共和国交通部
388-1999 1999 388-1999 1999
Ministry of communications of the People¡¯s Republic of China Technical Specification for Construction of Highway Safety Facilities JTG 中华人民共和国交通部
 F71-2006 2006 Reference Publications 参考出版物
Use the publications listed in Table 6.16.2 as supplementary guidelines for the design, provision, installation, and construction of the landscape and aesthetic improvements.  
These publications are listed in alphabetical order by the author or issuing agency and then by title, as they have no established order of precedence. 这些出版物是由其制定者或制定机构按照字母顺序,然后按照题目排列,因为他们没有特定的优先顺序。
Table 6.16.2 Reference Publications for Signing 表6.16.2 道路参考出版物
Author or 制定者或
Agency Title Date 日期
FHWA Manual On Uniform Traffic Control Devices (Millennium Edition)  
AASHTO A Policy on Geometric Design of Motorways and Streets 2001 AASHTO(美国国家公路与运输协会标准)   AASHTO 道路几何设计原则
Design, furnish, and install all components of a sign system necessary to provide a complete and functional system that meets the following performance requirements: 
(1) Provide for the orderly and predictable movement of all traffic. 
(2) Provide such guidance and warnings as are needed to ensure the safe and informed operation of individual elements of the traffic stream. 
6.16.4 DESIGN REQUIREMENT 6.16.4 设计要求 56
The design-builder shall prepare a signing plan and sign specification sheets giving the location of the sign, the size of the sign, sheeting type, the legend of the sign, and the mounting type.  
For overhead signs, sign elevation sheets showing the sign position in relation to the travel lanes shall be provided.  
Prior to fabrication of any sign elements, a guide sign concept plan with proposed formats shall be submitted to the Employer for review and approval. 
The Design-Builder shall provide a Signing Conceptual Plan for the entire project.  
The Employer will respond within 15 Working Days of receipt of each Signing Conceptual plan. 
The Design-Builder shall develop a Permanent Signing Concept Plan for the Project that includes all necessary guide, warning, regulatory, and marker.  永久标志.
The Permanent Signing Concept Plan shall include and provide for all signing necessary for the Project inside and outside of the Project limits. 永久标志.
Sign structure foundations should not encroach into shoulders.  
Any shoulder encroachment will require documentation and approval for a spot deviation. Material Requirements 
Provide signing materials that are new at the time of installation and meet the requirements of Ministry of Communications of the People¡¯s Republic of China, Trade Standard of the People¡¯s Republic of China, Standard Specifications for Permanent Signing.  中华人民共和国交通部 永久标志.
6.16.6 SUBMITTALS 6.16.6 提交项 Permanent Signing Concept Plan 永久标志概念方案 50
The Design-Builder shall develop a Permanent Signing Concept Plan for the Project that includes all necessary guide, warning, regulatory.  永久标志.
The Permanent Signing Concept Plan shall include and provide for all signing necessary for the Project inside and outside of the Project limits. 永久标志.
The Permanent Signing Concept Plan shall include the following: 永久标志:
1.  1.
Sign locations 
2.  2.
Panel legends 
3.  3.
Types of proposed sign structures 
4.  4.
Permanent signing proposed on bridges 永久标志
5.  5.
Single-Pole sign structure 
6.  6.
Double-Pole sign structure 
7.  7.
Hang over over-bridge sign structure 
8.  8.
Door-Style sign structure 
9.  9.
Hang-Style sign structure 
10.  10.
Grade of reflective film Permanent Signing Plan 永久标志方案 51
The Design-Builder shall prepare permanent signing plan sheets.  永久标志.
The Permanent Signing Plans shall include, but not be limited to, the following items: 永久标志 方案:
?  ? 
Sign Specification Sheets containing all necessary fabrication, installation, station, and offset 
?  ? 
Design drawings showing location of all signs  
?  ? 
Include sign number reference from Sign Specification Sheet 
?  ? 
Include small scale layout of all signs including guide, regulatory, and warning and object markers 
?  ? 
Sign format plans including panel sizes, background and legend color, border width and corner radius, text height, font and character spacing 方案
?  ? 
Design drawings (other than Standard Plans) showing details of sign mounting, foundations, base connections, and frames 方案
?  ? 
For each overhead span and cantilever sign structure, depiction of a cross section with indication of footing details, offsets, sign placement, mounting heights and vertical clearance 
?  ? 
Complete design of overhead signs and sign structures. Release for Construction Signing Plans 施工标志方案放行 51
All comments from the review of the Permanent Signing Plans shall be responded to prior to releasing the Plans for Construction.  永久标志 方案 方案.
The signing plans shall include as a minimum, the following: 方案:
(a) Design drawings showing existing and proposed utilities (公共设施
(b) Design drawings showing type and location (station and offset) of signs 
(c) Panel sizes 
(d) Design drawings showing details of sign mounting, foundations, base connections, and frames 
(e) For each Type Overhead sign, depiction of a cross section with indication of footing details, offsets, and mounting heights 
(f) Complete design of overhead signs and sign structures.  
For all the vehicle drivers, the signs shall be clear at night. As-Built Documentation 竣工文件 51
The Design-Builder shall submit digital photographs cross-reference to the sign number and location for all new signs and existing signs to remain within the Project limits.  
The Design-Builder shall submit as-built plans for the signing system after construction is complete.  竣工 方案.
Final acceptance will not be granted until this material is submitted. 
6.17.1 GENERAL 6.17.1 综述
The Design-Builder shall conduct all work necessary to meet the requirements for illumination in accordance with this contract Standards and publications, performance requirements, design and construction criteria, warranty of work, maintenance during construction, and submittals are covered herein. 设计与施工标准, 提交项.
The electrical/illumination elements shall include the following: 
1.  1.
Light standards 
2.  2.
3.  3.
4.  4.
Junction boxes 
5.  5.
Conduits and Wirings 
6.  6.
6.17.2 MANDATORY STANDARDS AND REFERENCE PUBLICATIONS 6.17.2强制性标准与参考出版物 Mandatory Standards 强制性标准
General.  综述.
Design and construct the illumination system in accordance with the requirements of the standards listed by priority in Table 6.17.1. 根据表6.17.1按优先级所列标准要求,设计并施工道路。
Conflicts and Priority.  冲突与优先度.
If there is any conflict between different standards, the Mandatory Standard indicated in the contract shall prevail. 冲突与优先度:如果不同的标准之间有任何冲突,应以本合同中的强制性标准为准。
Ambiguity The Design-Builder shall request clarification of any ambiguity or conflict contained in these mandatory standards from the Engineer. 若此类强制性标准有任何不明确点或冲突,设计建造商应要求业主加以澄清。
Version and Date Use the most current version of each listed standard as of the initial publication date of this contract unless modified by change order. 版本与日期:根据本合同初次公开日期,使用各个所列标准的最新版本,除非附加合同或工程变更通知单对其加以修改。
Table 6.17.1 表6.17.1
Author or 制定者或
Agency Title Document or 机构 标题 文件或
Report No.  报告编号
Date 日期
Ministry of Communications 中华人民共和国交通部
of the People¡¯s Republic of China General Specification for Design of Freeway Traffic Engineering and Roadside Facilities JTG D80-2006 2006 综述
Ministry of Communications 中华人民共和国交通部
of the People¡¯s Republic of China Specification for design of Highway traffic safety facilities JTG D81-2006 2006 
The Design-Builder shall design and construct all components of a roadway lighting system necessary to provide a complete and functional system that meets the Chinese Standard. 照明.
The Design-Builder shall be responsible for determining the number and location of the proposed illumination components required by the Mandatory Standards.  强制性标准.
6.17.5 DESIGN REQUIREMENTS 6.17.5 设计要求  58
The designer shall provide a complete set of roadway illumination Construction Documents. 
The Design-Builder shall design and construct the illumination system with consideration to future maintenance. 
The Design-Builder shall design the illumination system to meet the light level requirements contained in China Design Manual Issued by the Ministry of Communications of the People¡¯s Republic of China. 中华人民共和国交通部.
This work shall include calculation for Light Level, Uniformity and Veiling Luminance.  
These calculations are used to determine the spacing of the luminaires to illuminate the design area.  
6.17.7 SUBMITTALS 6.17.7 提交项 Released for Construction (RFC) Documents 施工设计文件 53
The illumination design plans and the Engineer back up data shall include as a minimum, the following: 照明设计 方案:
?  ? 
Luminaire type, distribution, wattage. 
?  ? 
Luminaire spacing. 
?  ? 
Mounting height and height calculations to achieve proposed mounting heights.  
Attach cross sections for review. 
?  ? 
Service voltage. 
?  ? 
Electrical load calculations and line loss calculations to support breaker, wire and lighting contactor sizing.  照明.
?  ? 
Calculations to support transformer sizing, and transformer over current protection. As-Built Plans 竣工图 54
The Design-Builder shall submit as-built plans, product manuals and shop drawings for the illumination system after construction is complete.  竣工 方案, 施工图.
Final acceptance will not be granted until this material is submitted 
6.18.  6.18.
6.18.1 GENERAL 6.18.1 综述
The Design-Builder shall design, furnish, and install Motorway safety facilities for the Motorway Section in accordance with the requirements of this contract, including reference standards and publications, performance requirements, design and construction criteria, and submittals.  设计与施工标准, 提交项.
The safety facilities of highway section shall be performed in accordance with the Trade Standard of the People¡¯s Republic of China. 
6.18.2MANDATORY STANDARDS  6.18.2 强制性标准
GeneralDesign, furnish, and install the safety facilities in accordance with the requirements of the standards listed by priority in Table 6.18.1.  根据表6.18.1按优先级所列标准要求,设计并施工道路。
This is not a comprehensive list, and other applicable publications may be required to complete all design and construction elements.  该表并非包罗一切,为完成所有的设计与施工工作,可能也要求参考其它出版物。
Conflicts and Priority.  冲突与优先度.
If there is any conflict between different standards, the Mandatory Standard indicated in the contract shall prevail. 冲突与优先度:如果不同的标准之间有任何冲突,应以本合同中的强制性标准为准。
Ambiguity.  不明确点
The Design-Builder shall request clarification of any ambiguity or conflict contained in these mandatory standards from the Employer.  若此类强制性标准有任何不明确点或冲突,设计建造商应要求业主加以澄清。
Version and Date.  日期.
Use the most current version of each listed standard as of the initial publication date of this contract unless modified by change order. 版本与日期:根据本合同初次公开日期,使用各个所列标准的最新版本,除非附加合同或工程变更通知单对其加以修改。
Table 6.18.1 表6.18.1
Author or 制定者或
Agency Title Document or 机构 标题 文件或
Report No.  报告编号
Date 日期
Ministry of communications of the People¡¯s Republic of China General Specification for Design of Freeway Traffic Engineering and Roadside Facilities JTG  中华人民共和国交通部  综述
D80-2006 2006 
Ministry of communications of the People¡¯s Republic of China Specification for design of Highway traffic safety facilities JTG 中华人民共和国交通部
D81-2006 2006 
Ministry of communications of the People¡¯s Republic of China Design manual for Highway traffic safety facilities JTG/T 中华人民共和国交通部
 D81-2006 2006 
Ministry of communications of the People¡¯s Republic of China Technical Standard of Highway Engineering JTG 中华人民共和国交通部
 B01-2003 2003 
Ministry of communications of the People¡¯s Republic of China Expressway wave beam guardrail JT/T 
 281-1995 1995  281-1995 1995
Ministry of communications of the People¡¯s Republic of China Standard technical requirements of road glare screen GB/T 
 333-1997 1997  333-1997 1997
Ministry of communications of the People¡¯s Republic of China Standard technical requirements of road outline sign JT/T 
 388-1999 1999  388-1999 1999
Ministry of communications of the People¡¯s Republic of China Technical Specification for Construction of Highway Safety Facilities JTG 
 F71-2006 2006 
Design, furnish, and install all components of safety facilities necessary to meet the following performance requirements: 
The guardrails can prevent vehicles out of control dashing out of road or crossing the median divider. 
The guardrails shall have a better capacity to absorb the energy from vehicle collision.  
The guardrails shall change the driving direction of collision¡¯s vehicle. 
6.18.4 DESIGN REQUIREMENT 6.18.4 设计要求 49
The Design-Builder shall Design, supply, and install metal plate beam guardrails at locations and in conformity with the details, dimensions and design as approved by the Engineer. 
The completed guardrail shall be neat, and there shall be no visible deviations from line and grade.  
The posts shall be straight and vertical.   
The rail beam shall not be warped but shall be in a vertical plane parallel to the road centerline except at flared sections.   
The galvanized surface on the rail shall be smooth and continuous, free from abrasions and scratch?es.   
Any damage to the surface shall be made good at the Design-Builder's expense. 
6.18.5 SUBMITTALS 6.18.5 提交项
The safety facility design plans and specification shall be provided to the Engineer for approval. 
6.19.  6.19.
Land Acquisition/Resettlement 
The Design-Builder shall be responsible for identifying the road reservation and submitting the land acquisition application to the Employer within 30 calendar days before work commenced of this section. 
The Employer will be responsible for the land acquisition/resettlement works for this project including making necessary compensation to relevant individual or organization.  
The Employer will deliver the site to the Design-Builder before commencement of work. 
6.20.  6.20.
6.20.1 GENERAL 6.20.1 综述
The Design-Builder shall conduct all work necessary to complete the Toll Gate design for the Project in accordance with the requirements of this section, including reference standards and publications, design requirements, design and construction criterion.  
There shall be 2 toll Gates to be set up throughout the first phase as following: 
1) Main section toll Gate (enter) 
2) Main section toll Gate (exit) 
6.20.2.    6.20.2.  
General:  综述:
Design and construct the roadway in accordance with the requirements of the standards listed by priority in table 6.20.1 根据表6.20.1按优先级所列标准要求,设计并施工道路
Conflicts & Priority.  冲突与优先度
If there is any conflict between different standards, the Mandatory Standard indicated in the contract shall prevail. 冲突与优先度:如果不同的标准之间有任何冲突,应以本合同中的强制性标准为准。
AmbiguityThe Design-Builder shall request clarification of any ambiguity or conflict contained in these mandatory standards from the Employer. 
Version and Date.  
Use the most current version of each listed standard as of the initial publication date of this contract unless modified by change order. 
Table 6.20.1 Mandatory Standards for Roadways 表 6.20.1 用于道路的强制性标准
Author or 制定者或
Agency Title Document or 机构 标题 文件或
Report No.  报告编号
Date 日期
Ministry of communications of the People¡¯s Republic of China Design Specification for Highway Alignment JTG D20-2006 2006 
Ministry of communications of the People¡¯s Republic of China Technical Standard of Highway Engineering JTG B01-2003 2003 
6.20.3DESIGN REQUIREMENTS 设计要求 6.20.3
The Design-Builder shall through traffic analysis to determine the number of toll booths and lanes.  
Toll island size and toll gate geometric design shall be in accordance with Trade Standard of the People¡¯s Republic of China, Standard Specification. 
6.21.  6.21.
Control of Work and Material 作业与材料控制 59
The currentpublication of Chinese standardshall be used by the Design-Builder as requirements for material and construction. 
For Asphalt Pavement, Post Tensioned beams for bridges, road markings, Traffic Signs, the construction and control of quality shall be as per the recent publications of Chinese Standard. 
Before construction activities begin, the Design-Builder shall prepare and submit a signed and sealed construction specification package of the project tothe Engineer, which including all applicable Divisions and Special Provisions in hard and softcopies.  
The Design-Builder must show this review time in his schedule.  
Upon review and approval by the Engineer, the Construction Specification Package will be stamped ¡°Released for Construction¡± and initialed and dated by the reviewer. 
6.21.2 PLANS AND WORKING DRAWINGS 6.21.2 方案与作业图 59
Design-Builder is responsible for design and will be required to provide project Design Documents to the Engineer for review. 
The Design-Builder shall furnish the design Documents to the Engineer and shall obtain the approval of the final Design Documents.  
The Design-Builder shall construct the Project in accordance with the Released for construction Documents. 
C      Keep one full set of the Released for constriction documents on the project site at all time. 
Reviews, inspections, tests, and approvals conducted by the Engineer and others do not constitute acceptance of the materials or Work reviewed, tested, or inspected.  
The Engineer may reject or accept any Work or materials request changes, and/or identify additional Work that must be done to bring the project into compliance with contract requirements at any time prior to the Final acceptance of the contract work, whether or not the Engineer or any such Persons conducted pervious reviews inspections, tests, or approvals.  
The Design-Builder shall not be relieved of obligations to perform the Work in accordance with the contract Documents or any of its obligations, by reviews, tests, inspections, or approvals performed by any Persons, or by any failure of any Person to take such action. 
The Design-Builder shall indicate all deviations from the contract and shall also itemize and explain all deviations. 
F Upon receipt of an approved copy of the shop working drawings, the Design-Builder shall provide the Engineer items as follows: 
1.  1. 
Two sets of prints approved 
2.  2. 
A set of electronic file that is viewable and printable. 
Perform Work and furnish materials to meet contract requirements, including the requirements established in the Released Construction Design Documents. 
When Work fails to meet Contract requirements but is adequate to serve the Work¡¯s intended purpose, the Engineer will decide the extent to which the Works will be accepted and remain in place.  
The Engineer will identify the basis of acceptance by Variation Order and adjust payment according to payment adjustment clauses listed in the Contract documents. 
Remove, replace, or remedy Work at Design-Builder¡¯s own cost when a work item does not meet specified requirements and results in work inadequate to serve the design purpose. 



