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发布时间:2013-9-21      阅读次数:1342

4.1 提供有关图纸资料
卖方提供的图纸应在商务合同生效后10天内分别向船东、船厂、设计院提供认可资料共 6 套(另供可编辑电子版3 套),并在得到确认后(收到船厂汇总意见)10 天内提供正式工作图共 8 套(为主)以及可编辑电子版共 3 套(为辅),交货时提供纸版完工图(包括安装及维修手册)6 套及CD 光盘资料 6 套给船东。所提供的设备资料和文件须以中文或中英文对照书写。
对电子版的资料文件采用 Office 文档格式,图纸采用 AutoCAD 格式,按实际尺寸绘制。电子文件不能替代相应的书面文件。
4.2 中标后的供图内容
序号 图纸名称 认可图 工作图 完工图
1 系统原理图 √ √ √
2 电缆接线图 √ √ √
3 外视图 √ √ √
4 安装图 √ √ √
5 装箱清单   √
6 备件清单   √
7 保修卡   √
8 使用和维修说明书   √
9 验收单   √
10 收货单   √
4.3 交货时需提交的证书或文件
1) 工厂合格证书      1正3副
2) 使用和维修说明书     6套
3) 安装说明书、安装图    6套
4) 电气系统图、原理图、外接线图  6套
5) 材料清单、附件清单、备件清单  6套
5 试验、验收和证书
6 产品服务
7 保修期
7.1. 保修期
保修期内,凡因设计、制造、安装质量问题引起的卖方设备发生故障,卖方负责免费更换或修复,对出现的影响船舶安全或营运的故障,卖方在24 小时之内派出维修工程师登船维修。
8. 其它
8.1 有关说明
8.1.1此技术文件内没有列出的卖方标的设备中,为满足该系统正常运行需配置(除船厂负责的电缆外)的附件、配套件等,不论是否属于CCS 规范所要求的配置,不管是安装在机器上还是散供,都须打包提供,且在竞标书中描述。如果在竞标书中遗漏,仍然认为是包内配置。
8.1.2  卖方为标的设备提供的配套设备,需对其原产地、型号、技术参数在投标书中描述,并提供准确的重量组成清单。须详细列出供货规格差别表(提供符合或超过下述订货规格及技术要求的供货规格及技术指标)。详细列出“CCS”备件表、厂方标准备件表,对船东提出的增加备件请预报价。所提供的设备技术规格书须中文或中英文书写。
8.1.3  卖方提供的所有电气控制箱、接线盒等电气设备均须配带足够数量和相应规格的铜质填料函。对电气控制设备连接用的电缆,如果有特殊要求,需由卖方随设备一起提供。
8.1.4 卖方的投标书及标的设备所涉及的图纸资料等均提供光盘。
8.1.5 其他未尽事宜及重大更改需经过有关各方协调,并会签补充技术协议予以确认,补充的技术协议与本技术协议具有同样效力。
4 Relevant Drawings & Documents
4.1 Relevant Drawings & Documents Shall Be Provided
Six (6) sets of approved data and three (3) additional editable soft copies shall be respectively provided to shipowner, shipyard and designing institute by the seller within ten (10) days after the commercial contract comes into force; eight (8) formal working drawings (as master file) and three (3) additional editable soft copies (as secondary file) shall be provided within ten (10) days after receiving confirmation (opinions collected by the shipyard); six (6) hard copies of finished drawing and 6 CD documents shall be provided to the shipowner upon delivery.
For soft copies, the documents shall adopt Office file format while the drawing shall adopt AutoCAD format in accordance with the actual size. The electronic documents shall not substitute for corresponding written documents.
Note: when submitting the working drawing, the opinion collected by the shipyard shall be enclosed after replied item by item which are marked with revcloud.
4.2 Drawings and Documents Provided after Successful Bid
List of Drawings and Documents
NO. Title of Drawing Approval Drawing Working Drawing Finished Drawing
1 System Principal Diagram √ √ √
2 Cabling Diagram √ √ √
3 Exterior View √ √ √
4 Installation Drawing √ √ √
5 Packing List   √
6 Spare Parts List   √
7 Guarantee Card   √
8 Operation and Maintenance Instruction   √
9 Acceptance Certificate   √
10 Receiving Note   √
Except for the above listed drawings and documents, the seller shall provide related date which shall be provided upon required in general circumstance.
4.3 Certificates or Documents Provided upon Delivery
1) Factory Certificate                     one (1) original and three (3) copies
2) Operation and Maintenance Instruction          six (6) sets
3) Installation Instruction & Drawing             six (6) sets
4) Electrical Systematic Drawing & Schematic Diagram & External Wiring Diagram                                                                  
                                                  six (6) sets
5) List of Materials & List of Accessories & List of Spare Parts
                                                  six (6) sets

Except for the above specified certificates and documents, the seller shall provide related certificates and documents which shall be provided upon required in general circumstance.
5 Test & Acceptance & Certificate
The equipment shall receive shop test in accordance with the out-of-factory test program before it leaves the factory with the attendance of personnel concerned from shipowner, shipyard and designing institute who shall be informed a week in advance. Shop test report shall be provided thereafter.
6 Product Service
Buyer shall notify seller seven (7) working days in advance to send related personnel for testing of equipment. Seller shall start the test in accordance with the time agreed upon by the tow sides. After the testing and acceptance, seller shall provide the guarantee card and operation instruction to the buyer.
Seller shall be responsible for the internal wiring of equipment cabinet. Seller shall provide reference drawing related with TV monitoring, cable type and requirements of laying. Buyer shall be responsible for providing cables and processing wiring installation.
7 Guarantee Period
7.1 Guarantee Period
Guarantee period is 24 months after the unpacking acceptance or 12 months after the delivery of ship by the shipyard, whichever comes first.
Seller shall be responsible for replacement and repair without charge if any breakdown caused by problems of design, manufacture and installation, in the situation that it is still under guarantee period. Seller shall send maintenance engineer within 24 hours to go on board and repair any breakdown which may affect the safety and operation of the ship.
8 Other matters
8.1 Relevant illustration
8.1.1 No matter it belongs to the configuration required by the CCS standard or not, no matter it is installed on the machine or supplied as spare parts, object equipments such as accessories, spare parts, and etc., (except for the cables responsible by the shipyard) provided by seller which are not listed in this technical agreement while indispensible for the normal operation of the system, shall be provided and described in the bid book. Even if it is omitted in the bid book, it shall be deemed as packed configuration which shall be provided.
8.1.2 The origin, model and technical parameters of corollary equipment provided by the seller for the object equipment shall be described in the bid book and the weight list shall also be provided. Specification comparison chart shall be provided in detail including specification and technical index which correspond with or exceed the following specification and technical requirements of the ordered goods. CCS standard spare parts and factory standard spare parts shall be listed in detail. Pre-quotation for the additional spare parts asked by the shipowner is required. Technical specification of the provided equipments needs to be written in Chinese or both Chinese and English.
8.1.3 Electronic control cabinet, junction box, and etc., provided by the seller shall be outfitted with sufficient and corresponding copper stuffing box.
8.1.4 CD containing drawings and documents of seller’s bid book and object equipments shall be provided.
8.1.5 After coordinated by the concerned parties, other matters and significant alteration not mentioned herein may be confirmed by the additional technical agreement signed by the both parties. The additional technical agreement has the same effect as the technical agreement hereunder.
8.1.6 Packing
Packing shall be in accordance with GB/T13384-92 Universal technical conditions of casing for mechanic and electric products. Water-proof, dust-proof, anti-collision, signs and labels are required.
  Before packing, the equipment shall be cleaned, dried, oil sealed (period of validity is 12 months), sealed, protected by plastic film. Meanwhile, product specification, ship survey certificate, and other documents required shall be put together in the wooden case which is used for packing the equipment with lining of plastic buckler.
8.2 Attached figure: M50180-669-002 television monitoring system diagram
8.3 Other matters not mentioned herein shall be settled by both parties through consultation.


