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发布时间:2013-9-30      阅读次数:1335




关键词  分子的动能 分子的运动程度



热是组成物质分子的一种运动现象,与其它物质的运动形式相互转化的,无非都是分子所具动能从标量到矢量,从无形到有形,从微观到宏观的运动的扩散与聚合,能量在其间无有增减,不会引起逻辑上的困难。唯独化学能的产生,让人不得其解。化学能仿佛像幽灵,潜伏在物质中,游离在空间,通过物质在化学反应中的释放与吸收得以体现。能量在化学反应中的消失与产生一直困扰着人类的思维。原子核理论的出现,这个问题好像得到解决。有人通过计算,发现组成原子的质子与中子的质量之和竟然大于原子的质量。以碳12为例,它的原子核由六个质子和六个中子组成。质子的质量为1.007825,中子的质量为1.008665,总质量12.09894,而碳12的原子量为12。另外0.09894的质量到哪里去了呢?于是认为这部分质量转化为能量了,这里存在两个问题,一是质量是物质的有形存在。是可以称量出来的,比如碳12与氧, 反应生成CO2,没有证据证明反应前后碳的质量发生了改变,如果说该反应放出的热是由碳多出的0.09894转化而来,这个0.09894在反应前是以什么样的形式存在于碳原子中的呢?第二,为什么碳仅仅只有0.09894的质量转化为能量呢?既然质量可以转化为能量,应该有手段可以使所有的物质都转化为能量的存在,如果所有的物质全部转化为能量,物质消失了,能量又何以为附呢?质能转化的结论将能量物质化与“热质学”相比更是有过之而无不及,将人类的思维陷于新的困扰与混乱中。因此在这里与大家讨论化学反应中的热现象首先要确定热是分子的一种运动形式,物质通过化学反应重组生成新的物质时,其分子运动状态发生改变才能产生热现象。所以在讨论引起分子运动状态发生变化的根本因素应从分子的所具动能谈起。

2. 查理定律
Phenomenon of Chemical Reaction Heating & Kinetic Energy of Molecular
Relevant evidence of Avogadro law and Charles law
Rao Qinwei

This article focuses on the law of molecular movement based on Avogadro and Charlies law, summarized the kinetic energy formula and principle, and give rational explanation to the well concerned natural phenomenon as the material specific heat, gasification, melting heat, melting point, boiling point and chemical energy, explain the essence of a series of material physical and chemical reaction in thermal phenomenon: the change of molecular volume determine to the occurrence of thermal phenomenon.

Keywords: molecular kinetic molecular; molecular movement degree

Exothermic and endothermic phenomenon is very common in chemical reaction, which is considered as the reason of releasing and absorbing chemical energy.

Heat is a movement phenomenon in molecular composition of substance, which can be transform to the other physical form, such as from scalar to vector, from the abstract to the concrete, from micro to macro movement by diffusion and polymerization. The energy does not increase or decrease in this process, which is not difficult to understand. However,the generation of chemical energy is not solved. Chemical energy just like a ghost, latent in the material, free in the space, which recognized as the release and absorption in chemical reaction. Energy generation and disappearing in the chemical reaction has been plagued us for quite a long time. Nuclear theory seems to solve the problem. It was found that the composition of the atom the mass of protons and neutrons is greater than the sum of the atom quality. Take the C12 for example, its nucleus are composed by six protons and six neutrons. The mass of the proton is about 1.007825, and the mass of the neutron is 1.008665. The total mess is about 12.09894. However, and total quality of C12 of the atomic weight is 12, where is the 0.09894 atomic weight? So someone think that this part atomic weight transfer into energy. There are two problems, one is that the material is tangible and the mass of a material can be weighted out, such as carbon and oxygen, which can be transfer into CO2 through reaction. There is no evidence that the mass of material is changed before or after the reaction. If the more heat is transformed by the 0.09894 mass, what kind of form does it exist before reaction? Secondly, why only 0.09894 of carbon mass transferred into energy? Since the mass can be transformed into energy, there should be methods to transform all mass into energy. If all material transform into energy and material disappear, how does energy exist? The conclusion of energy conversion is more assertive than materialization of energy and “heat transfer theory”, which put the human's thinking into the new problems of confusion. Therefore, before we discuss chemical reaction of the thermal phenomenon we should make sure that heat is a form of movement of molecules. When material changed into new substances through the chemical reaction to restructure its formation, the molecular motion state changed so as to produce thermal phenomenon. Therefore, when we discuss molecular motion state change, it is required to start it from the fundamental factors of molecules with kinetic energy.
I. Molecular kinetic energy

When discussing molecular kinetic energy, it is necessary to start it from the gaseous substance of molecular motion state. Because only in this shape body, the molecules can be regarded as individual exist. The law of controlling gas is more simple, intuitive and convenient than liquid solid behavior rule, which is easier to study to molecular individual exist. What is a behavior rule for the material in a gaseous state? The traditional theory may summarize as follows:

1. Avogadro law

The gas with same volume, no matter what nature they are, is made by the same number of particle composition in the same conditions.

2. Charlie's law

When the system temperature rise or fall for one degree, gas volume may increase or reduce the 1/273 of the volume in 0℃. At the same time, it can absorb and give off a certain thermal mass. Hereby we can conclude that when the gas temperature drop to OK, the kinetic energy in the system of molecules is zero.

The law can be obtained by the following points
A. In gaseous state, different the molecules of a material in the same condition, the absolute volume may vary considerably, but the relative volume shall be the same. Such as H2 consists of two H, and Xe131 is composed by 131 hydrogen units. The absolute volume can be differed a dozen of times. But the relative volume shall be 224liters/6.02×1023 in the standard form state.

B. The kinetic energy of the material is not unlimited.

C. The kinetic energy of the molecules can not generated itself, with different energy environment and the environment in a dynamic equilibrium, it can exchange the energy in mutual collision contact.

D. Volume will be reduced when energy releases, while the volume will increase when absorb heat.

E. The movement of molecules in radial and around shall be the same, which occupies a space with ball shape. (No matter what kind of bubble gas we blow out, and no matter how small it is, it is all ball shape).

From above we know when material is in gaseous state, the molecules of a material may transfer the energy in its own system with radial movement and collision with environmental particles. The following format shows that the molecule contact and then assigned to internal molecular, then we have:


