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发布时间:2013-12-21      阅读次数:1327

With working interface of power distribution
1 FIDS所有前端用电设备的配电由配电系统承包商负责。对于每个TFT-LCD显示位置(含TFT-LCD显示屏及屏组、前端显示控制机) ,配电系统工程承包商提供一路单相三线220V、50Hz交流电源。电源插座为国标。
1. The power distribution of all front electrical equipment is in the charge of the contractor who provides one-circuit single-phase three-wire 220V, 50Hz AC power supply for each TFT-LCD display position (including TFT-LCD and screen unit, front display controller). The socket of power supply complies with the National Standard.
2 FIDS所有硬件设备的配电线路和电源插座等相应的设备、材料及工程由配电系统工程承包商负责提供并实施。承包商提供从现场电源插座到TFT-LCD显示屏相匹配的电源线缆,并完成端接。
2 All power distribution lines and power sockets for FIDS as well as corresponding equipment, materials and works shall be supplied and implemented by the contractor. The contractor is responsible for power sockets in the field and cables matched for TFT-LCD with end connection finally.
With engineering interface of marker guidance system
3 TFT-LCD显示屏的支架由标识引导系统提供。承包商须在FSI的统一管理下,与标识引导系统紧密配合,承包商需向标识引导系统承包商提供TFT-LCD显示屏及前端显示控制机的重量、尺寸、安装方式、安装加固方式、安装图等要求,并配合标识引导系统完成现场安装施工图。负责协调并确认安装施工图的正确性。
3. The support of TFT-LCD is provided by the marker guidance system. The contractor must cooperate with the marker guidance system well through centralized management of FSI. The contractor shall offer the weight, dimension, installation mode, installing and fastening methods, installation diagrams of TFT-LCD and front display controller to the contractor of marker guidance system and complete on-site installation drawings by working with the marker guidance system, coordinating and confirming the correctness of drawings.
4 在标识引导系统需要TFT-LCD显示屏样品进行支架试安装时,承包商需提供并紧密配合。
4 When TFT-LCD sample is required for the marker guidance system during support installation, the contractor shall make good contribution to it with necessary assistance.
5 承包商将全面负责完成将本合同所供TFT-LCD显示屏的安装到标识引导系统提供的安装基础(支架) 上所涉及的各项工作。
5 The contractor shall be fully responsible for installing TFT-LCD onto the installation base (support) of the marker guidance system and other related work.
The working interface of equipment procurement/installation 
承包商负责TFT-LCD的安装,应积极配合the Employer与FSI、标识引导、配电等承包商在安装方面的技术协调与配合,并对工作作出具体安排。所有的工作安排必须取得the Employer的书面同意,如果发生争议,应由the Employer裁决,各方都应遵守,并不得籍此要求增加费用或延长工期。
The contractor shall be responsible for the installation of TFT-LCD and coordinate with the Employer and contractors of FSI, marker guidance, power distribution on aspects of installation through technical coordination and cooperation, making detailed arrangement. All working arrangement shall be approved by the Employer in written form. Any dispute should be determined by the Employer and complied by each party and it is not allowed to ask for additional charges or prolonged construction period. 

投标方在提供投标技术文件的同时提供设备(TFT-LCD 显示屏、附带控制软件和数据线的PC一套) 样品并加以说明。投标方须在投标截止日前20天提供用铝合金把后盖进行全封闭的显示屏样品,送至招标方指定的地点进行烤机,直至评标结束。以上投标方提供的显示设备样品必须是通电后就能进行显示演示,评标后这些样品将被封存,合同谈判结束后,the Selling Party的样品被继续封存,其它投标方的样品将全部退还。
The bidder shall provide bid technical documents as well as sample of equipment (TFT-LCD, a set of PC with accessory control software and data line) with instruction. The bidder must provide a sample of display screen with the back cover being sealed by aluminum alloy for 20 days before the deadline of bidding and submit it to the location fixed by the tenderee for appraisal. The sample of display screen offered by the bidder must be able to indicate and display after switching on, which shall be sealed after appraisal. After the negotiation on the contract, the sample provided by the Selling Party will be sealed still, and other samples will be sent back.  

投标方应提供产品的各项技术指标和性能测试报告等检测证明,如果应答书内容与检测证明内容不一致,以检测证明为准。the Employer保留对产品各项技术性能指标进行验证的权利,如果指标不符实,投标方将承受被废除中标资格的风险。
The bidder shall provide technical index and performance testing report of the product, etc. If the content of the responding letter is inconsistent with the testing report, the testing report is regarded as the standard. The Employer preserves rights to inspect technical and performance index of the product and the bidder shall take risk of being exempt from qualification in bidding.  
在深化设计及订货之前the Employer保留对TFT-LCD安装方式等内容变更的权利,the Selling Party不得因此向the Employer提出索赔和增加任何费用,投标人应在投标报价中充分考虑此部分费用。
Before further design and making order, the Employer shall preserve rights to change installation mode of TFT-LCD and the Selling Party shall not raise a claim on the Employer for any additional charges and the bidder shall take all charges into account during bidding.

Technical requirement of TFT-LCD
TFT-LCD显示屏是航显系统前端主要的显示设备之一,其可靠性是保证航显系统前端正常显示的关键。因此,该设备是应能满足24小时不间断运行要求的显示屏(非液晶电视) 。其具体要求如下:
TFT-LCD is one of the main equipment in flight information display system, which takes a key role in normal display for the system. Therefore, this equipment shall meet demand of running 24 hours without shutdown. The detailed requirements are as below:

Color of shell: be in harmonious with the color of the marker guidance system.
Installation mode: be available for hoisting erection and support installation with original support and hoisting bracket.


