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发布时间:2014-5-3      阅读次数:1577


1) 电缆终端
控制电缆的终端符合IEC 60439规定。


2). 接地
配电板,保险丝板和配电板上的稀土金属,必须联结在一起,并且与主站接地系统进行地接。接连接地采用150 mm2

5.7. 分线盒,接线盒和编组站信息台

5.7.1. 总则

电子仪器的围护结构将符合1992(655490)的IEC 60529类的下列保护规定。
1). 户外安排的接线盒或者信息台-IP54,以及恒温要求的230 V交流防凝结加热器控制以及隐蔽的疏水孔的安装。
2). 辅助开关和相关终端IP54 (1),带有加热器控制开关,在相同的电路上与其它仪器通用。
3). 户外分线盒 - IP54
4). 户外仪器 - IP65
5). 户外电动机 - IP54
6). 室内的控制继电器和低交流的电压,以及直流开关柜-IP41-的恒温要求,通常装配有230 V交流防凝结加热器和指示

5.7.2. 成套开关设备编组站信息台 

关电路, 例如:汇流排选择器和线隔离开关, 电流和电压变压器等,通过树干多核心电缆,对继电控制面板进行控制。
配有必要接线板, 填料压盖板,等,提供给多核心电缆的终端。
在开关柜内分隔间之间的任何分隔,必须打孔帮助空气流通。 另外,安装一台获准类型的防凝结加热器,由开关柜上

5 . 8.  计量开关柜和控制面板
开关柜的薄金属的最小厚度为2毫米(14SWG)。如果有必要,安装对滚动部件采用标准的折叠技术。 刚度必须能够防

止继电或者其他仪器的l 操作故障的发生。控制面板的前表面必须平滑、完整。
5 . 9.  钥匙和钥匙控制柜



通常,使用的每件锁定装置或者挂锁必须各不相同,并且要求提供3 把钥匙。 全部钥匙系统必须有一把万能钥匙,一

共6 把万能钥匙可以打开提供的任何锁或者挂锁。 开关柜钥匙必须一样,数量为12。


在合同有相关要求的地方,提供这组锁定装置,在电站提供获准设计的开关柜控制室,安排全部的挂锁和/或钥匙。 挂

5 . 10. 标签
在每个分线盒或者信息台里面提供描述设备各种功能项目的标签。 信息台分隔间的每扇门地方,提供一个外部标号,


Substation Specification

The following attachments shall be used on board.

1) Cable terminal

Terminals of the control cable shall comply with IEC 60439.

Part 6 - (3) substation technical specification

2.) Ground

Switchboard, fuse the rare earth metals on the board and distribution board shall be joined together and meet with the main grounding system.

Cross-sectional area of bare copper flat wire

5.7. Cable box, junction box and the info of the marshalling station

5.7.1. General

All cable boxes, junction box and the info of the marshalling station are built by steel or cast iron. Each part shall be equipped with grounding bolt.

All major equipment must be arranged so that on the junction box or the info panel access.

The palisade structure of the electronic instrument would be in the IEC 60529 of 1992 (655490) class the following protection regulations.

1). Arrangement of the junction box or outdoor kiosk - IP54, and 230 V ac prevent condensation heater requires constant temperature control and concealed the installation of the drainage hole.

2.) Related auxiliary switch terminal IP54 (1), with a heater control switch, in the same circuit and other common instrument.

3). Outdoor cable box - IP54

4). Outdoor equipment - IP65

5). Outdoor motor - IP54

6). Indoor control relay and low ac voltage, and dc switchgear - IP41 - constant temperature requirements, usually equipped with 230 V ac prevent condensation heater and instructions

Light control.

5.7.2. Complete switchgear the info of the marshalling station

No matter where there is a requirement, for each circuit studio, you must provide a outdoor arrangement of marshalling yards or all the info to the marshalling station auxiliary equipment and phase

Closed circuit, such as: bus selector and line isolating switch, current and voltage transformer, etc., through multicourse cable trunk, to control the relay control panel.

Equipped with necessary wiring board, packing pressure plate, etc., provided to multicore cable terminal.

I called information for independent type structure and is not affected by the climate and the steel structure design of the pest.

All fixtures must be equipped with lock. Door plank must use hard material, using suitable for the specified climatic condition, is not affected by the climate of sealing material.

Shutter prohidigited ventilation using the pest, including connection brass gauze screen on the frame, so that we can to protect the switch cabinet.

River sub-region (CMS) power station project (Lao people's democratic republic)

Xeset - 1 to Sarah bay 115 kv transmission line and substation projects

Any separation between the compartments within the switchgear, must help the air circulation of drilling hole. In addition, the installation of an approved type of anti condensation heaters, the switchgear

Single switch control

5. 8. Measuring switchgear and control panel

In any case, classifying the instrument and meter and placed right in the switch cabinet.

Switchgear cabin arrangement can't adjust, they can be installed in a flat on the control panel, but it must first obtain the engineer's consent.

Switch cabinet of thin metal, the minimum thickness of 2 mm (14 SWG). If necessary, the installations of rolling parts adopt standard folding technology. Must be able to prevent stiffness

Checks relay l operation failure or other instruments. Control panel of the front surface must be smooth and complete.

5. 9. Keys and key control cabinet

If the key lock switch has been specified, they must provide to lock, lock on their location. Any position for each selector switch

Provide similar locking devices

Provide approved tool lock switch cabinet, the activity at the end of the shutter, such as:

Usually, it is required to use each locking device or a padlock must each are not identical, and required to provide 3 keys. All the key system must have a master key, a

A total of 6 the master keys that can open any lock or padlock. Switch cabinet keys must be the same, the amount of 12.

All lock and padlock with brass materials, in accord with their assembly of switchboard or similar switch cabinet can be in the visible part of the chrome plated.

The contractor must submit a directory, and plan/key and power operation and system key interlock program schedule.

Where the contract related requirements, to provide this set of locking devices, provide to design the switchgear in power station control room, arrange all the padlock and/or key.

Lock and key must be on the front of the authentication code or inscription, in the switch cabinet as well as on the label.

5. 10. Label

Description in each branch box or the info provided various functional items. Kiosk compartment where every door, provide an external label, and indicate the compartment.

