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发布时间:2014-5-23      阅读次数:1438


(5) 变压器
a) 检测线圈间和2KV接地绝缘情况;
b) 检测气/油中继站(如果有).
(6) 室外变电站的母线及连接



(7) 接地系统

a) 传动后的每个接地杆
b) 完工后的接地栅极和沟渠的回填。
c) 检测链接端子连接完成后的每组接地杆或接地点

d) 变电站外部没有连接的已完工的装置
e) 承包商应在系统的连接全部完成后,召集人员协助检测每个阻抗
(8) 电池及电池充电设备
(9) 仪器

(10) 联锁
8.3.4 保护、控制、报警、测量及指示设备
(1)     布线
应按2 kV AC,对所有的保护、控制、报警、测量及指示电路作绝缘电阻测试以确保布线正确。可用目测电缆导管、电




Oil/Gas Relay Test

This document is applicable for shutters, interlocking device, grounding and interchangeability of components testing.

(5) Transformer

The following part is the test of electromagnetic transformer:

A) Test between the coil and 2 kv grounding insulation;

B) Detection of gas/oil relay station (if any).

Polar phase transformer and secondary output for testing

(6) Outdoor substation busbar and connections

It is flexible busbar and connections to ensure that in any environmental condition, maintain proper tension, ptosis degrees and clearance, and ensure the load to other equipment

No pressure. If you want to use the dynamometer test prolapse degree and degree of tension, shall be in use before and after use.

Connection must be testing to ensure that the load condition and site within the scope of possible changes in the weather, bus does not lead to support insulators overload. The expansion of the equipment and closed

Completely influenced by active connection

It is required to all attachment and connectors for conductivity detection. Without exception, the test also needs to be done at the site. When the injection current of at least 100, the pressure shall apply drop measurement instrument for testing.

(7) Grounding system

Testing the effectiveness of the connection and grounding, including, in choice of tapping on the main grounding connection point on the structure of the system and equipment with conductivity detection. Also need to

Grounding system of corrosion erosion prevention measures for testing

4.6.2. Detection of grounding resistance coefficient shall be in accordance with sub-clause 4.6.2 instructions.

The grounding impedance shall be in the installation process and measured when the installation is complete.

A) Drive after each ground rod

B) After the completion of the grounding grid and trench backfill.

C) Detect link terminals connected after the completion of each link rod or ground

D) Substation external no connection completed device

E) Contractor shall in connection system, after the completion of all gathered to assist detection each impedance

Detection methods and equipment shall be approved by the employer. All testing shall be provided to prove.

VI - 3-184.

(8) Batteries and battery charging equipment

Test all dc grounding insulation of the equipment

Battery and charger test shall be confirmed with the charger rate and adjustment, batteries and alarm system and battery capacity.

(9) Instrument

Shall be verification testing instrument and transformer circuit polarity or direction and calibration, including plug-in transformer or sensor, this test shall be in the place where possible to do all current transformer ratio test.

(10) Interlocking

It is required to apply the comprehensively from the aspects of electrical and mechanical interlock arrangement of inspection and testing of all

8.3.4 Protection, control, alarm equipment, measurement and instructions

(1) Wiring

Shall press 2 kV AC, the protection of all, control, alarm, measuring and indicating circuit for insulation resistance testing to ensure that the wiring is correct. Use visual cable ducts, electricity

Power cable connection shall arrange the fuse or circuit breaker and small items on the control panel, such as light, etc.

Static equipment, may be damaged in using test voltage, it shall be the corresponding terminal short circuit.

Embedded relay, embedded devices and wiring shall be made on site according to the proper circuit and/or wiring diagram. The bell or buzzer can be used for testing, can also be used

The direct current (dc) of battery supplied for testing using plant. Debugging before it is necessary to make changes to the secondary wiring is found, before debugging circuit, according to the agreed upon by the engineer,

A sign of making appropriate to the wiring diagram,

All of the current transformer circuit loop impedance measurements. Current transformer, wire impedance requirement of numerical respectively, all measurement to a swell in the wires impedance on the drawing.

Use guide cable to transport protection


