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发布时间:2014-5-26      阅读次数:1144


reater Mekong 附属地区(CMS)动力贸易工程(老挝人民民主主义共和国)Xeset-1到Saravan IIS千伏传输线和变电站工程

5.6.3. 开关保险丝和隔离开关



开关保险丝可以是保险丝的结合接通类型或者单独装置的开关。 无论发生哪种情况,连锁将提供防止接入保险丝入口,直到相关开关断开,制定符合在"打开"和“非工作状态”中的挂锁开关的规定。
保险丝必须是HRC盒式类型,预期的故障率水平不少于40 kA并符合BS 88或者IEC 60269的规定。保险丝的安装必须将是如此进行,当相关汇排流和电路是启动时,容易撤回和替换。


在配电板和保险丝面板的输入电路不配有保险丝或者断路器,电路在每种情况点供应的进行保护。其它400 V面板电路之间连接器在两个面板配有保险丝或者断路器。

控制电缆的终端符合IEC 60439规定。
2). 接地
配电板,保险丝板和配电板山的稀土金属,必须一同联结并且与主站接地系统进行地接。接连接地采用150 mm2的横截面积裸露铜扁线。


电子仪器的围护结构将符合1992(655490)的IEC 60529类的下列保护规定。
1). 户外安排的接线盒或者信息台-IP54,以及恒温要求右230 V交流防凝结加热器控制并且装备有隐蔽的疏水孔。
2). 辅助开关和相关终端IP54 (1),但带有加热器控制开关,在相同的电路上与其它仪器通用。
3). 户外分线盒 - IP54
4). 户外仪器 - IP65
5). 户外电动机 - IP54
6). 室内的控制继电器和低交流的电压,以及直流开关柜-IP41-的恒温要求通常由230 V交流防凝结加热器和指示灯控制。

5.7.2. 成套开关设备编组站信息台 

无论哪里有要求,对每个电路开间来说,必须提供一座户外安排的编组站或者信息台给这个编组站全部辅助设备的相关电路, 例如:汇流排选择器和线隔离开关, 电流和电压变压器等,通过树干多核心电缆,对继电控制面板进行控制。
信息台将配有必要接线板, 填料压盖板,等,提供给多核心电缆的终端。




Articles of Association of Transmission Line Engineering

Reater Mekong ancillary areas (CMS) dynamic trade engineering (Lao people's democratic republic) to Saravan IIS Xeset - 1 kv transmission line and substation projects

5.6.3. Switch and isolating switch fuse

Each switch fuse or disconnecting switch device which shall be installed separately in a metal inside the compartment and by a metal door with hinge and switch mechanism interlocking so that:

When the switch is closed, the door cannot be opened.

When the door opened, automatic switch lock in the "off" position, equipment shall be permitted to release interlock, covenanting in the observed during the operation of the switch position.

Insulation shall be used in isolating switch fuse and neutral connection, when the compartment door already open the entrance of the fuse, internal metal screen will effectively protect the latter's connection.

Switch fuse can consist of a combination of fuse type or single device to switch. No matter what happens, chain will provide to prevent access to fuse the entrance, until the switch, formulates in the "open" and "the provisions of the padlock switch in the non-work state".

Switch shall have a separate quick start and quick disconnect operation, the speed of the operation completely suitable for connected with the motor circuit inductance load.

5.6.4. Fuse

It is applicable to apply HRC fuse box type, the expected level of failure rate of not less than 40 kA and satisfy the requirements of BS 88 or IEC 60269. Fuse installation should be carried out will be so, when the drainage and circuit is started, withdrawn and replaced easily.

5.6.5. Switchboard and fuse panel on the chain

Switchboard and the fuse panel input circuit is not equipped with the fuse or circuit breaker, in each case the circuit supplies for their own protection. Other 400 V panel circuit connector between two panels are equipped with the fuse or circuit breaker.

Distribution board will be equipped with electrical or mechanical key type castle chain, to prevent the introduction of the two kinds of normal power supply.

5.6.6 Attachment

The following attachments used on board.

1) Cable terminal

The terminals of the control cable comply with IEC 60439.

2.) Ground

Distribution board, the fuse board and distribution board mountain of rare earth metals, must join together and to meet with the main grounding system. Successive grounding with 150 was the cross-sectional area of bare copper flat wire.

5.7. Cable box, junction box and the info of the marshalling station

5.7.1. General

All cable boxes, junction box and the info of the marshalling station is built by steel or cast iron. Each part must be equipped with grounding bolt.

All major equipment must be arranged so that in front of the junction box or the info can access.

Palisade structure of the electronic instrument would be in the IEC 60529 of 1992 (655490) class the following protection regulations.

1). Arrangement of the junction box or outdoor kiosk - IP54, and 230 V ac right requires constant temperature control and prevent condensation heater is equipped with concealed drainage hole.

2.) Related auxiliary switch terminal IP54 (1), but with a heater control switch, in the same circuit and other common instrument.

3). Outdoor cable box - IP54

4). Outdoor equipment - IP65

5). Outdoor motor - IP54

6). Indoor control relay and low ac voltage, as well as the dc switchgear - IP41 - usually requires constant temperature is controlled by a 230 V ac prevent condensation heater and light.

5.7.2. Complete switchgear the info of the marshalling station

No matter where there is a requirement, for each circuit studio, you must provide a outdoor arrangement of marshalling yards or the info to the marshalling yards all ancillary equipment related circuit, such as: bus selector and line isolating switch, current and voltage transformer, etc., through multicore cable trunk, to control the relay control panel.

The info will be equipped with necessary wiring board, packing pressure plate, etc., provided to multicore cable terminal.

I called information for independent type structure and is not affected by the climate and the steel structure design of the pest.

All fixtures are equipped with indispensable door and locking rules. Door must use hard material, the use of suitable for the specified climate condition, is not affected by the climate of sealing material.

Shutter prohidigited ventilation using the pest, including connection brass gauze screen on the frame, so that we can to protect the switch cabinet.

