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发布时间:2014-6-3      阅读次数:1154




48 V充电器提供电力。

(1). 总则

全部光纤的安装视为合同的一部分,在最后验收后保证有至少30 年使用寿命。
(2). 光纤的接近电缆/地下电缆

提供36单模光导纤维的松散或者紧的缓冲类型光导纤维接近电缆 (OFAC)。光纤的接近电缆完全适于电缆管内和电缆托架上直接埋线。电缆包括抗拉部件,纤维支持/固定结构,核心包裹/固定,粗化和全部防渗外壳。不允许在两端头之间的接近电缆有任何中间连接部分。 电缆套附有防止啮齿动物攻击附加装置。
? 防火以及无酸气体释放。
? 防紫外变质,
? 防潮侵入,以及

OFAC引入75毫米直径的HOPE管安置在电缆管沟。投标人必须提交牵引说明,包括最小弯曲半径,电缆管沟和电缆托架和全部拼接和终端的施工由承包商负责。 管材的供应由承包商负责。

(3). 调度塞绳

调度塞绳用于各自的光学终端设备接近电缆之间的相互联系。光导纤维的调度塞绳的和接近电缆采用熔合搭接并使用获准类型的接线盒进行保护。 插入损耗不超过0.5分贝并且回波损耗不超过35分贝。光导纤维设备承包商负责建议光学的设备的光学连接器类型。 带有光学连接器,接线盒和可弯曲的波纹管的调度塞绳右OFAC制造商负责供货。

(4). 接合分线箱
与IP55相符的OPGW/OPGW屏蔽线电缆分线箱包括全部必要硬件,终端,保护装置和36条接合纤维,以及无须在变电站龙门架上的塔建筑物上进行任何钻洞作业的合适压板。与IP55相符的OPGW/OFAC 终端电缆分线箱、包括全部必要硬件,终端,保护和72条接合纤维,以及无须在变电站龙门架上的塔建筑物上进行任何钻洞作业的合适压板。

通讯室里的分配架/ 终端分线盒采用独立式, 防害虫,IP55等级的保护措施,采用热镀锌钢。 包括所有必要硬件、终端、保护和OFAC接头、调度塞绳、接续用铜线等等,必须给设备分配不同的电缆夹具位置并适于全部类型的电缆。

(1). 总则
相同设备作为终端使用,通过连接 (转变,中继器)和光传输结合模件的多路复用器。可能会发生音频信道和数据信号点对多点功能的讨论。 设备具有完全标准化的设计,采用9英寸单个基架作为基础。

Details of optical fiber communication system

Multiplexer fault information provided to TMN.

Contractor is responsible for all the connections between various devices.

Contractor is responsible for the supply by transmission of all suitable for signal transmission equipment, to ensure that the specified transmission medium has qualified operation.

Contractor is also responsible for rearranging existing and/or in a variety of places to provide and shall install the new cable according to the needs and complete telecommunication circuit.

48 V battery charger.

Provide all the necessary software and programming tools, and to provide supporting and maintenance of the equipment.

6.7.1. Optical fiber devices

(1). General

In addition to the specified in the relevant part of the optical cable ground wire (OPGW), substation area all fiber optic cable is required for the contractor including all requirements specified in detail elsewhere telecommunications terminal equipment function. Cable and termination equipment requirements shall be described in the tender documents.

As a minimum, description includes all relevant information (including glass manufacturers, fiber grade, optical properties, cable structure and mechanical).

Installation of all optical fiber as part of a contract shall be prepared after the final acceptance guarantee the service life of at least 30 years.

(2). Close of the fiber cable/underground cable

Provide 36 single-mode optical fiber loose or tight buffer type optical fiber (OFAC) close to the cable. The close of the fiber cable is completely suitable for embedded wire directly on cable pipe and cable tray. Cable including tensile parts, fiber support/fixed structure, core packages/fixed, coarsening and complete seepage control case. Not allowed in the middle of the close to the cable between the two end any connection parts. Cable box attached to prevent rodents against attachment.

Close of the fiber cable minimum coat thickness is 3.0 mm and meet the following requirements:

? Fire protection and free of acid gas release.

? Prevent ultraviolet metamorphism,

? Moisture intrusion, and

All other requirements of OPGW.

OFAC introduction of 75 mm diameter HOPE tube placed in cable trench. The bidder must submit drawing instructions, including the minimum bending radius, cable trench and cable bracket and all the stitching and terminal construction shall be the responsibility of the contractor. The supply of pipe shall be the responsibility of the contractor.

(3). Patch cord

Patch cord close to their respective optical terminal equipment used in cable between interconnected. Fiber optic patch cord and close to the cable with the fusion of lap to types of junction box and used for protection. Insertion loss is less than 0.5 db and return loss is not more than 35 db. Fiber optic equipment the contractor is responsible for the optical devices of optical connector type. Containing optical connector, terminal block, and flexible bellows patch cord right OFAC manufacturer is responsible for the delivery.

(4). Junction box

Match the IP55 OPGW/OPGW shielded wire cable branch box, including all the necessary hardware, terminals, protection and 36 joint fiber, and need not on the substation gantry tower structures on the right clamp any drill hole operations. Consistent with IP55 OPGW/OFAC terminal cable branch box, including all the necessary hardware, terminals, protect and 72 joint fiber, and need not on the substation gantry tower structures on the right clamp any drill hole operations.

Communications room distribution frame/terminal distribution box USES the independent type, prevent pests, IP55 protection grade, using hot dip galvanized steel. Including all the necessary hardware, terminals, protection and OFAC joint, patch cord, succeeded with copper wire and so on, must give equipment distribution at different positions of cable clamp and suitable for all types of cable.

6.7.2. Optical fiber terminal

(1). General

The same equipment used as a terminal, by connecting (shift, Repeaters) and optical transmission multiplexer module. Audio channel could occur and the function of data signal point to multipoint discussion. Equipment has completely standardized design, 9 inches single pedestal as the foundation.

