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发布时间:2014-6-10      阅读次数:1459


合同条款要求提供备件,润滑剂和其它消耗品,要求足够能保证设备完成后3 年使用和维护。

Terms of contract required providing spare parts, lubricants and other consumables, equipment requires enough can guarantee 3 years after the completion of use and maintenance.

经过工程师同意,承包商必须提交一份建议的备件目录。目录包括:说明,部分数目,数量,单价,总量 ... 实际零备件目录和提交文件一同提交。

 After engineers agreed, contractor shall submit a recommended spare parts list, including specification, part number, quantity, unit price, total amount... Actual spare parts list and submit documents submitted together.


 After approved by engineer, contractor shall purchase requirements of spare parts.


 If any spare parts used to remedy has defects during the maintenance, the contractor shall immediately replace the spare parts, the fees paid by contractor.


All the spare parts can be strict with the corresponding part of the equipment. The quality of spare parts shall not be lower than the original equipment parts. Spare parts shall adopt adequate protection in suitable containers, which can carry on the storage conditions at the scene, and shall be required to pay four detailed breakdown spare parts catalog.


All spare parts must be finished in the test before delivery, and after the spare parts to the taking over certificate.



2.13 Meter and tools

Contractor is required to provide complete sets of tools including service, maintenance and removal of the necessary wrench and special tools, and placed on the right wall installation of the steel in the cupboard. Tool logos can't remove the labels, as well as a detailed list of tools. The key steel cabinet is equipped with a lock and key. Wrench and tools shall be allowed:




- Ground repair and calibration

- Equipment components removing

- It is applicable to arrange experienced employers in the workshop of the operation and maintenance personnel for repair.


在安装完成之后,承包商将安装投入运行,并且使设备在满负荷条件下连续运行4 周。雇主提供必要的操作人员,在承包商的指示下进行正确的施工作业和整个设备的运行操作。买主提供电源和水源。

2.14 Commissioning and acceptance

After the installation is complete, contractor will be installed in operation, and make the equipment continuous operation at full load under the condition of 4 weeks. Employers shall provide necessary operation personnel, under the instructions of the contractor to correct construction and operation of the entire equipment. Buyer shall provide the power supply and water.

如果设备的性能在不少于一周通过连续运行时期,一直到4 周试运转结束,产生的原水和压力遵循说明,并且辅助设备运转无故障, 工程师接受设备并且发行一份暂时的证明书。不影响设备操作的较小缺陷不耽误这样的影响证明书的发行,但承包商必须在接到工程师的书面通知后尽快弥补缺陷。

If the performance of equipment is fail to has a success operation less than a week, through continuous operation period till the end of four weeks test run, the raw water and the pressure shall follow the instructions, and auxiliary equipment failure-free operation, engineer accepts equipment and issue a certificate of temporary. Does not affect the operation of small defects do not delay the issue of the influence of such certificate, the contractor must make up for the defects as soon as possible upon receiving the written notice from the engineer.


After 2 insure the success of the test, the issuance of certificate of completion at the end of the, after the first season of the bond issuance of a dry or handling during the rainy season in the middle of the test.


During the guarantee period of maintenance, contractor shall be responsible for keeping all installed components in the performance of the continuous state of normal operation. Any defects or invalid part of the requirements in the shortest possible time for repair or replacement are not allowed.


In the late 12 months of maintenance, the engineer to check equipment. If the device performance meets the specification requirements, issue a certificate of the last. If any equipment performance is not up to par, extend the maintenance phase of the project.


The following schedule for the final acceptance of the contract, including technical specifications and conditions of the contract

a.从开始日期到   月28日:施工和安装阶段包括管道试验,结构防水试验以及和管道和结构(如果有的话)的消毒。水和化学制品(如果有的话)的供应安置承包商的比率,价格包括在日程表里

A. From start date to 28: construction and installation phases including pipe test, structure waterproof test and pipeline disinfection and structure (if any). Water and chemicals place (if any) for the supply of the contractor, the ratio of the price is included in the schedule


 B. Raw water production (civil engineering, E&M installation) necessary structure acceptance. Raw water production system of irrigation shall follow the manual mode starting operation:

c.在停车限制时期的 部分电容进行调整和检查缺陷的操作。器械操作和SCADA操作。在该时期,在仪器和机器上进行部分试验。雇主提供生产电源: 从  月28到  月30。

 C. During parking restrictions and check the defect to adjust the part of the capacitance of operation. Equipment operation and SCADA operation shall have a sound operation during this period; the part of the experiment was carried out on the equipment and machinery. Employers to provide power production: from March 28 to 30.


D. Equipment to design power run, with only small finished parts, complete date and issue a certificate of:


 E. If the device will not work with design capability, start application to determine the losses: 30th for each month

f. 设备暂时接管:

 F. Equipment temporarily under supervision:

g. 承包商协助设备操作:

G. Contractor assists equipment operation:


H. Employer temporarily take over (limited to the employer):


I. The actual completion, all production and first comprehensive test to ensure the good compliance:


J. In the first comprehensive test to issue 5% of the retention money after success:


K. If first comprehensive test and ensure the conformity of the good success, publish LWL or the final acceptance certificate of HWL:

l.承包商(包括施工和费用总值)提供完工陈述文件: 在月33之前

K. If first comprehensive test and ensure the conformity of the good success, publish LWL or the final acceptance certificate of HWL。

