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发布时间:2014-6-11      阅读次数:1488


Double FE ports 10/100/1000 testing acquisition card is a product with independent design, research and development. We claim the independent intellectual property rights.


Independent research and development of special test acquisition card can support data collection, filtration, high precision time stamps, the underlying protocol processing such as ordinary card does not support function, monitoring field data collection and processing is the necessary equipment.



图1 自产10/100/1000M数据采集卡框图

图2  10/100/1000M通用网卡框图

Self produced 10/100/1000 MB of data acquisition card and general 10/100/1000 mn

Block diagram of hardware interface cardü

Figure I   Self produced 10/100/1000 m diagram of the data acquisition card

Figure II  10/100/1000 m general card block diagram


From the hardware block diagram of the comparison we can see that this test card has a lot of content more than the general card, which is specially designed to solve the problem of network testing.

RX  FPGA1 L2PM 是一片百万门级的FPGA(现场可编程门阵列)芯片,相当于奔腾级芯片所用的等效门数。主要完成2路(或4路)GE信号物理层光功率测试、计算、比较;MAC层的全面的统计功能,包括RMON2的统计,MAC层的过滤,另外对收到的错误包进行处理功能;对FPGA2送来的数据加上MAC地址和CRC发送。

RX FPGA1 L2PM level is a millions level of FPGA (field programmable gate array) chip, which is equal to the number of the equivalent gate used in safe chip level. Main completed 2 (or 4) GE signals the physical optical power test, and calculation and comparison; MAC layer of comprehensive statistics, including RMON2, MAC layer filtration, another of the received packet processing functions; To add the MAC address FPGA2 sent data sent and CRC.

RX  FPGA2 L3PM 也是一片百万门级的FPGA芯片。主要完成2路(或4路)GE信号IP层的统计功能,IP层的复杂条件的组合过滤,另外对收到的错误包进行处理功能,还能完成分片包的组装等功能;下面的表会对这些功能进行详细的描述。

RX FPGA2 L3PM is also a door millionaires FPGA chip, with main completed 2 (or 4) GE signals IP layer statistical functions. The combination of the complex conditions of IP layer filtration, another of the received packet processing function, and can also complete the shard package assembly, and other functions; The following table for these functions are described in detail.
FPGA3 是一片40万门级的FPGA芯片。主要完成同主机之间的数据通讯,能主动的控制调节和主机之间的传输流量,有效的防止数据丢失。如果主机忙,它就先把数据存到板卡的存储器中,等主机有空的时候送出;当板卡存储的数据到了一定的容量的时候,会主动通知主机,取走数据。这样保证数据不会丢失。

FPGA3 is a 400000 level FPGA chip. Mainly complete with data communication between the host, which can actively control and traffic between the host and effective to prevent data loss. If the host is busy, it shall be first to the board of the data storage, such as the host is sent out when you are free; When the board the data stored by a certain amount of time, will take the initiative to inform the host, remove data. This data is not lost.

Self produced board can support up to a total of 1 gb storage capacity, ensure enough data cache space. The board of the data cache is up to 3.6 seconds. 



First this paper introduces the function of general network card function.

General network card is for communication between Ethernet device with hardware, therefore, the main function is to complete the data receiving, sending function of the physical layer and MAC layer, and the MAC layer information carry on some simple statistics, such as the received MAC frames and the number of bytes, wrong MAC frame to count. To simple checking of the received data, if the data error, discarded directly, by the upper software complete data retransmission request (for testing, this is very fatal problem, because at the time of test, data packets are lost, the test card can't request retransmission, so actual is packet loss during the test, will cause the upper software can't complete the synthesis function); For the correct data, all through the PCI interface to the host, the host after receiving the data, software for receiving data of layered statistics, there are other subsequent decoding and analysis process.

Self produced data acquisition card is designed for Ethernet hardware test, considering the test requirement for data integrity. The requirement of network comprehensive testing, line speed to receive processing power requirements, software processing speed slow, specially designed for the characteristics of focus on is to solve these problems. From the physical layer signal strength test, collision detection; MAC layer comprehensive data statistics; IP layer of comprehensive statistics, IP layer combination of a variety of filter filtration; TCP/UDP layer statistics, filtered, and statistics of port type and filtering; Can also be multisystem matching, filtering and so on the content, can help users better, faster maintenance of the network.

