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发布时间:2014-7-31      阅读次数:1146





2.    材料和工艺

3.     承包商对工作的澄清
全部kv电缆电路都将通过NEMA 标准测试。 试验的测验结果和副本有买方完成。
兆欧表测试将在全部电动机上进行,在电力的连接之前进行。 当安装是完成时,完成地接、控制、警报和照明电路兆欧表测试,在电力的连接之前进行。 所有电子电路进行兆欧表测试。
在最后的连接完成后,在工艺设备操作之前,承包商和买方将共同检查电动机的旋转正确方向 (解耦合)。
4.    竣工

1. Scope of Work

The installation work covered by this Appendix shall include the erection of all electrical equipment for the areas specified.

The work will include, but is not limited to, assembly, erection, and all other services that are necessary to put the electrical systems in condition ready for service as judged acceptable by the Purchaser.

2. Materials and Workmanship

In the erection work of all Areas the erection work and workmanship shall meet the quality and requirements given by the Suppliers. In addition the erection work shall follow the Engineering Specification submitted by the supplier and which will apply to all areas.

3. Clarification of Work by Contractor

The Contractor shall install all equipment, starters, control centers relay panel control panels and bench boards, ladders, hangers, supports, fittings, pull boxes, accessories, conduits, as shown on the drawings.

All interconnecting wiring within the drive panels will be provided by the manufacturer.

The Contractor shall install, connect, test and make ready for service all wires and cables, and hardware, required to make ready for service all electrical equipment and systems shown on drawings or described in this Specification.

The Contractor shall carry out the testing and all other services that are necessary to put the electrical system in condition ready for service.

The Contractor shall provide all instruments, equipment and personnel necessary for testing of electrical installations and shall make sure that such personnel are available during final testing of the process system.

All cabling and wiring shall be tested for continuity, shorts and earths.

All kV connections shall be tested under presence of the Supplier.

All kV cable circuits shall be tested to NEMA Specification. Tests shall be made the Purchaser and copies of the test results shall be furnished to the Purchaser.
All electrical work shall base on the Purchaser’s electrical instruction.

Megger tests shall be made on all motors prior to connection of power leads. Megger tests shall be made on each and every power, control, alarm and lighting circuit when installation is complete and before power is applied. No electronic circuits shall be meggered.

The Contractor and the Purchaser jointly shall check motors (uncoupled) for correct direction of rotation after final connections have been made and before process equipment is operated.

Immediately prior to energizing a motor for the first time, the Contractor shall request the Purchaser to check out the motor for proper and adequate lubrication.

4. Finishing

Immediately following final testing, all additional hangers, supports and the like, required by the Purchaser, shall be installed, and the installation shall be left in a condition deemed satisfactory by the Purchaser.

