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发布时间:2014-8-3      阅读次数:1086

6.1 总则

连接法兰螺丝孔洞的安装不得与油箱的主轴线相合(L.C.和线条0度-90度-180 度-270 度),,但是必须与其对称。
6.2 焊接
油箱采用电焊 (手动或者自动)。 长度和弯环向焊缝裂纹将清楚在图纸中表明。 这些图纸将在适当时候提供给承包商。

在进行金属板料的切割和挖槽作业过程中,金属板料必须与焊接的材料相一致。 这是为了避免由于不适当切割作业和


在任何可能的情况下,焊接必须在一个平坦的和/或水平的位置上进行作业。 主焊缝不得进行打孔或切割作业、焊接强


毛刺,焊熔金属飞溅,气孔或者任何其它缺陷,不允许在油箱的表面上出现。 在涂装前,全部的缺陷如空穴和预测需

对10%焊接部位进行X 射线检查,保证焊接的质量,建议在T型区域。

6.1 General

If the Contractor notices any discrepancy in the reference documents, they shall consult with the Purchaser before starting the erection of the tank. Failure to do so the Contractor shall not claim any charge to the purchaser.

The Contractor has the responsibility to meet all the requirements specified in the reference drawings and in its appendices. The Contractor shall also strictly conform to the latest editions of the norms of construction indicated in the drawings.

If there are any contradictions between this specification and the specific drawings, standards or data list, the latest edition of drawings are valid.

The flanges of the connections shall be assembled in such a way that their screw holes do not coincide with the main axes of the tank (L.C. and lines 0 deg. - 90 deg. - 180 deg. - 270 deg.), but are symmetrically located to these.

The tank supplier shall deliver the brackets, supports and lugs listed below:
- special insulation supports
- brackets for stairs and platforms
- brackets for piping supports
- any other special supports considered necessary

6.2 Welding

The tanks shall be electrically welded (manual or automatic). The longitudinal and circumferential welded seams shall be clearly indicated in the drawings. These drawings shall be given to the Contractor in due time. Except for special cases, the Contractor shall not start the erection of the tank before the drawings have been formally approved by the Purchaser.

The process used to cut and chamfer metal sheets shall be compatible with the materials to be welded. This is to avoid that the quality of the welding is affected by inadequate cutting and preparation process. If any imperfection is detected, or a technical reason so demands, the Purchaser may demand additional tests (X-ray ultrasonic, penetrating liquid) on welded seams and this defect repairs are under the contactors responsibility.

Whenever possible the welding shall be carried out on an even and/or horizontal position. The main seams shall not be interrupted (cut) by holes, reinforcement welds, chips etc. The longitudinal seams of two adjacent body rings shall never be in line. Scratches, burrs or any other imperfections in the chamfers, shall be removed before welding.

Welding with electrodes shall not be carried out under bad weather conditions (wind or rain) nor on corroded, painted or dirty (greasy) chamfer.

Burrs, weld splatters, porosities or any other imperfection shall not be allowed on the surfaces of the tank. Before painting, all imperfections such as hollows and projections shall be removed by welding and grinding. Plasters, glues, fillers or chisel shall never be used to remove the imperfections mentioned above.

10% of the welding joints to be X ray examination to ensure the quality of welding, Prefer  the ‘T’ joining area of the tank shell.

