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发布时间:2014-8-2      阅读次数:1223



"打开"压力较少的油箱进行密封度测试,将水充满到溢出连接水平。在水充满油箱前后测量地脚的水平。 在渗漏检查

之前,油箱保持24个小时水充满状态。 油箱和地脚必须保持整洁,方便所有连接部位的检查等等,并保证安全。

压力油箱和船只的测试,必须按照设计压力的1.5 倍进行测试(除非另外有规定)。在加压的水温处于相同的温度前,

不直接将试验压力释放到组件上。液压静力试验压力至少在检查进行前,保持30 分钟。测试的流体静力学不适用时,

买方将通知施工开始的日期。买方将 (并且得到全部设备)周期性地对制造阶段进行检查。 在说明里列出的标准将作为


验收才能生效 (用于全部配件的安装)。
8. 验收
8.1   在油箱已经安装之后,执行机械验收,排装好并且准备灌浆,如果有需要,承包商以书面方式宣布,准备验收。
在油箱全部验收之前,如果有需要,承包商可以改正验收过程中发现的缺陷。 新的验收只执行未通过的部分。
8.2    流体静力学测试之后的验收



6.7.2 Hydrostatic Testing
Hydrostatic testing shall be performed with water.
"Open" pressure less process tanks shall be only tightness tested with water filling to the level of the overflow connection. The

levels of the foundation shall be measured before and after water filling. The tank shall be kept water filled for 24 hours before

the leakage inspection. The tank and the foundation shall be clean and access to inspect all connections etc. shall be safe.

Pressurized tanks and vessels shall be tested with a pressured of 1.5 times the design pressure except where otherwise specified.

The test pressure shall not be applied until the components and the pressurizing water are at the same temperature. The

hydrostatic test pressure shall be maintained for a minimum of 30 minutes before the examination is performed. When hydrostatic

testing is not practical, the testing may be substituted with pneumatic or other tests, but this must be approved by the Purchaser.
All the needed drains and vents shall be provided and assembled by the Contractor, and reassembled after the test.
The Purchaser shall be informed of the date on which the erection shall start. The Purchaser shall be allowed (and get all

facilities) to carry out the inspection of the manufacture stages periodically. The criteria established in this specification shall be

used as minimum inspection criteria.

The inspector acting on behalf of the Purchaser may partially or totally reject a tank component during any of the erection stages.

The final acceptance of equipment is valid only after the equipment is installed (with all fittings assembled) on its operation site.
Whenever the inspector demands, the Contractor shall submit for approval the process, electrode types, and the qualifications of

the welder who shall participate in the erection.
The acceptance shall be carried out in two stages.
- Mechanical acceptance (assembled)
- Acceptance after hydrostatic testing
8.1 Mechanical Acceptance After a tank has been erected, lined and ready for grouting, if needed, the Contractor shall

declare it, in writing ready for inspection.
The inspection shall take place in the presence of the Contractor's and the Purchasers representatives, and an inspection chart

shall be filled in.
Before the tank can be accepted all, if any, defects detected in the inspection shall be corrected by the Contractor. A new

inspection shall then be executed only for unaccounted part.
The Purchaser shall accept a defect less erection by signing the inspection test-chart.
8.2 Acceptance after Hydrostatic Testing
After a tank has been grouted and connected to piping the Contractor shall prepare the tank for testing, and inform the Purchaser

about it, in writing.
Before the tank can be accepted all, if any, defects detected during the test shall be corrected by the Contractor. A new test or

inspection shall then be executed. The Purchaser shall decide the extent of the re-testing.
The Purchaser shall accept a defect less test by signing the inspection test-chart.


