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发布时间:2014-8-7      阅读次数:1261


1.  目的


2.  工作范围


3.  材料和工艺

3.1 防护涂层的选择必须依照申请标准附上的说明,并且满足所认定涂装供应商的要求。 承包商必须保证金属材料和周围的气温以及相关湿度是在涂装制造商材料要求的限制范围之内。买方保留对颜色和规格的最后选择权。







3.8 承包商必须检查管件涂层的厚度和记录以供参考。



5.  涂装的附加要求
a. 对于钢结构,静止设备和管道,吹扫清洁将用于表面准备工作;表面准备工作处理的等级是Sa 2 1/2。
b. 涂装工作将采用气体或者压力喷涂方法。
c. 底漆的涂层将至少进行两次,用于结束该层涂层的施工作业。干燥的薄膜总厚度将由相关工程资料指定。
d. 海洋和热功率环境的涂装必须考虑涂层材料的选择,涂装材料根据工程资料的要求而定。
e. 为了降低生锈的机率,表面处理完成后,进行底漆涂层作业。

6.  不需要进行涂装处理的设备和材料表面:
a. 不锈钢油箱,船用管材等等
b. 具有热绝缘的表面,在操作期间温度经常超过60 ℃。
c. 嵌入混凝土结构的钢材。
d. 塑料,锌涂层钢材,铝材和其它合金等等   

买方保留检查材料表面处理的权利。 承包商有义务在主要产品在经过喷沙,上底漆或者最后涂装施工作业的2个星期前,提前提交报告。

The Purpose of this Section of the Specification is to describe the painting work.


The painting work covered by this Section shall consist of the supply application and touch up of all painting, cleaning and preparation of the surfaces as required to provide a protective coating as specified in Clause 3 of this Section of the Specification, for material and equipment included in the scope of work.


3.1 Protective coatings shall be selected and applied according to the Specifications of standards attached, and to meet the requirements of the selected paint supplier. The Contractor must ensure that the metal and ambient air temperature as well as the reactive humidity are the paint manufacturer's limits for the material to be painted. The purchaser reserve the final selection of colour and specification.

3.2 Where touching up is required for existing coatings, or additional coating is required over existing primers or coatings, the Contractor shall be responsible for checking that the added coatings, the Contractor shall responsible for checking that the added coatings are compatible. If necessary the Contractor will provide a suitable bonding coat between.

3.3 No painting may be done unless the surface to be treated is thoroughly cleaned by means of sand blasting, rotary steel, brushing, grinding or washing with suitable solvent. Treatment is to be accepted by the Purchaser. The surroundings to be properly protected and the possible generation explosive and toxic gases to be taken into account when planning the work so that proper ventilation is provided.

3.4 Sharp edges, wedge splatter and the like must be removed before painting, failure to comply shall result in rejection of the work by the Purchaser.

3.5 Spill and paint stains to be removed immediately.

3.6 Highly inflammable paints, hardeners, water solvents rags etc. to be stored in secure well ventilated shed and disposed of so that no danger is caused.

3.7 Hot dip galvanized parts are to be painted where they are in contact with water spray to give sufficient protection against corrosion.

3.8      The Contractor shall check the thickness of pipe painting layer and record it for reference.


Without limiting that previously mentioned, the Contractor shall maintain and store paints supplied subject to the Mill safety codes and to the satisfaction of the Purchaser.

5. Additional requirement to Painting

a. For steel structure, static equipment and pipelines, blast cleaning shall be used as surface preparation; surface preparation grade is Sa 2 1/2.
b. Painting work will be down by air or pressure spraying methods.
c. Coating for primer will be down at least two times, and so does the coating for finish. The total thickness of dry film will be specified on engineering document.
d. The environment of ocean and thermal power atmosphere will be taken into account for selecting painting material. Painting materials will be decided on engineering document.
e. In order to reduce the chance to get rusting, Primer coating will be done as soon as the surface treatment completed.

6.          Equipments and surface not to be pained,
a. Stainless steel tanks, vessels piping etc.
b. Surface to be equipped with thermal insulation and its temperature always exceed 60 degC during operation.
c. Embedded steels in concrete structure.
d. Plastic, zinc coated steel, aluminum and its alloys etc.  

Purchaser reserve the right to inspect the surface treatment. The contractor is obliged to report at least 2 weeks in advance on major goods being ready for sandblasting, priming or final painting.

