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发布时间:2014-8-8      阅读次数:1252


Insulated rail joint
4.1. 采用通过铁道部鉴定或审查的增强型轨道绝缘节。Adopt the enhanced mode of insulated rail joint which has passed the appraisal or examining of Ministry of Railway
5.2. 轨道绝缘节包括钢轨绝缘和道岔绝缘,对于不宜或不能安装轨道绝缘的位置应考虑采用胶接绝缘。投标人应了解本工程的线路及车站配线情况,投标人在招标人要求的时间内提交与轨道专业关于轨道绝缘节的安装配合资料。The insulated rail joint comprises of rail insulation and turnout insulation. As for the area which is not or can't install the rail insulation, it is applicable to apply the glue joint insulation. The bidder shall be familiar with the line situation of this project and the wire condition of station. The bidder shall submit the installation materials of track specialty of insulated rail joint within time required for bid inviting party.
6.3. 投标人应与轨道专业和杂散电流防护专业配合,使铺轨满足轨道绝缘节的安装要求和确定防迷流的绝缘节的安装位置。The bidder shall cooperate with the professional and protecting specialist of stray electric current of track, which may meet the requirements of track laying in installation of insulated rail joint and confirm the installation site of insulated joint of stray current resistance.
7.91.2 其他材料Other materials
7.1. 投标人提供的材料应能适应预期功能,且适应工程现场条件。投标人应对所使用材料的标准、强度特性、疲劳特性、抗腐蚀性等进行详细说明。The material provided by the bidder shall be able to meet with the requirements of anticipated function, and adopt on-the-spot condition of the project. The bidder shall provide the detail description for the standard, intensity characteristic, fatigue property and corrosion resistance of the used material.
8.2. 投标人提供的材料、加工和零部件应经选择后实施,以使其能够满足合同中关于性能、物理和功能特性的要求,以及关于安全性、可靠性和可维护性的要求。材料、加工和零部件应按相应的规范和图纸进行控制。Material, processing and spare part provided by the bidder shall be selected before putting into the implementation, so as to meet with the requirements of the performance, physics and function characteristic of the contract, and the requirements of the security, dependability and maintainability as well. The material, processing and spare part shall be controlled according to corresponding norm and drawing
9.3. 投标人提供的设备的机械结构应保证散热性能好,室外设备应做到有效地防潮、隔热及防尘。The mechanical structure of equipments provided by the bidder shall guarantee the sound performance of thermal dissipation. The outdoor equipments shall process the effective function of damp proofing, thermal insulation and dustproof.
10.4. 投标人所提供设备的插接件应接触可靠、易于插拔、结构坚实、不发生机械变形、并应具有防松、防插错措施(含插接式封连线等)。The connecting clip of the equipments provided by the bidder shall ensure the positive contact, easy-plug, solid structure, no mechanical deformation, and also have locking and protecting measure of incorrect plug (including plug-in type sealing wire, etc.).
11.5. 投标人提供的设备的插接件的工艺处理应保证长期使用接触良好、不发生锈蚀、接触电阻不超过规定值、插拔次数在103以上。The process of connector clip of the equipments provided by the bidder shall be well-contacted in long term operation, prevent the rusty corrode, the contact resistance does not exceed the regulated value, and the times of capable of being inserted and pulled out shall be above 103.
12.6. 投标人提供的其他器材的规格应满足下表:The specifications of other apparatus provided by the bidder shall meet the requirements of following forms:
序号 名             称 规格、型号或要求
1 信号点灯单元 应为铁路专用器材
2 各种防雷单元 应为铁路专用器材
3 各种变压器 应为铁路专用器材
4 电阻/电容 应为铁路专用器材
5 增强型轨道绝缘60kg/50kg 应为铁路专用器材
6 杆上电缆盒HG-6(配二柱端子六个) 若应为铁路专用器材(铝合金分体式)
7 终端电缆盒HZ-12 应为铁路专用器材(铝合金分体式)
8 终端电缆盒HZ-24 应为铁路专用器材(铝合金分体式)
9 方向电缆盒HF-4 应为铁路专用器材(铝合金分体式)
10 方向电缆盒HF-7 应为铁路专用器材(铝合金分体式)
11 变压器箱XB2(扩孔) 应为铁路专用器材(铝合金分体式)
12 非直埋缆线槽 不锈钢材料
13 直埋缆线槽 水泥材料
14 缆线金属防护管/槽 不锈钢材料
15 区间缆线支架 不锈钢材料
16 所有室内、室外接线端子 采用弹簧夹持结构端子(如WAGO等)
17 液压电磁式断路器 应为铁路专用器材
No. Name  Specification, type or requirement
1 Signal lighting unit Special-purpose apparatus for railway
2 Various lighting protection units Special-purpose apparatus for railway
3 Various voltage transformers Special-purpose apparatus for railway
4 Resistance / electric capacity Special-purpose apparatus for railway
5 Enhanced insulated track 60kg/50kg Special-purpose apparatus for railway
6 Cable terminal box on a post  HG-6 ( with six two-post terminals)   Special-purpose apparatus for railway ( The detachable aluminum alloy )  
7 Cable terminal box HZ-12 Special-purpose apparatus for railway ( The detachable aluminum alloy )  
8 Cable terminal box HZ-24 Special-purpose apparatus for railway ( The detachable aluminum alloy )  
9 Direction cable box HF-4 Special-purpose apparatus for railway ( The detachable aluminum alloy )  
10 Direction cable box HF-7 Special-purpose apparatus for railway ( The detachable aluminum alloy )  
11 Transformer box XB2 ( Reaming)   Special-purpose apparatus for railway ( The detachable aluminum alloy )  
12 Non-direct buried cable trough Stainless steel material
13 Direct buried cable trough Cement material
14 The metal cable tube / trough Stainless steel material
15 Interval cable support Stainless steel material
16 All in-door and out-door, terminal box Adopt the spring slow-wave structure (i.e. WAGO, etc.) 
17 Hydraulic electromagnetic type circuit breaker Special-purpose apparatus for railway
82 投标文件技术部分组成8Composition of Technical Part of Bidding Document
投标文件技术部分由以下文件组成:The technical part of bidding document is composed by following parts:
1. 技术条件偏离表(参见附件格式)Technical Specifications Deviation Table (see the appendix)
2. 投标人提供的设备、材料、服务清单(参见附件格式)Lists of equipment, materials and service provided by the bidder. (see the appendix)
3. 组织机构图及人员资质证明文件Organizational structure and qualification document of personnel
4. 施工组织设计Organizational design for construction
5. 质量保证措施Measures for quality assurance
6. 施工安全保证措施Measures for safety during construction
7. 工期保证措施Measures for guaranteeing the time limit of project
8. 接受招标人管理、协调的承诺和措施Acknowledgement and measure of accepting management and coordination by the bidder
9. 招标文件中要求的其他文件Other documents required by the bidding document
10. 投标人认为必要的材料和建议Essential materials and suggestion concerned by the bidder
技术条件偏离表Technical Specifications Deviation Table
项目名称Name of the project:                   
招标编号Bide reference no:                  
投标人名称Name of bidder:                                         
序号 招标文件
条目号 招标要求 投标文件
条目号 投标描述 偏离内容 说明
No. Tender document No. Tender requirements Bidding document No. Bidding description Deviation content Remarks     
声明:除本技术条件偏离表所列的偏离指标外,其它所有技术要求条款均完全响应“招标文件”中的要求。Statement: except for the deviation items listed in the Technical Specifications Deviation Table, all technical requirements and clauses shall entirely comply with those in the “bidding document”.
注:投标人在填写本偏离表时,不得只填写说明栏而不填写招标要求栏、投标描述栏和偏离内容栏。未在招标要求栏、投标描述栏和偏离内容栏中填写内容的,均被视为投标人已经对招标文件相关内容理解并同意。Notes: on filling this deviation table, the bidder must fill in columns of tender requirements, bidding description and deviation content besides the remarks. Any blank is left in the tender requirements, bidding description and deviation conten means that the bidder has understood and agreed with related content.
授权代表签字Signature of authorized representative:               
日  期Date:              
附件1  成都地铁2号线平、纵断面图Appendix 1 Plan and profile of Chengdu Underground Line 2.
附件2  正线信号平面布置图Appendix 2 Layout of trunk line signal
附件3  车辆段信号平面布置图Appendix 3 Layout of depot signal
附件4  停车场平面布置图Appendix 4 Layout of parking lot
注:此处附图仅供招/投标阶段使用;工程实施图纸在此基础上可能略有调整,以工程实施阶段开放的资料为准。Notes: The attached layouts here are only applied in biding/tender phases; the construction drawings may be adjusted based on these layouts, taking data issued during construction as a standard.

