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发布时间:2014-8-9      阅读次数:1191




2. 图纸



3. 工程范围


4. 承包商的工作


4.1 在图纸上或规范/说明文件中列出全部机械设备安装及相关材料,如果图纸或说明没有明确说明,承包商应按照买方的要求完成工作。

4.2 全部内部轴、伸缩联轴器、V型带,开放传动装置及链条驱动的保护安装,同时包括必要时所使用的防油压型保护等。全部保护/封盖都必须符合权威当局的安全检验要求。

4.3 买方应尽可能合理安排建筑与土木工程的施工进度以确保设备的安装及时准确。但是,在整体结构上钻孔,临时切口等导致中断而产生的成本,以及工程建设竣工开张的延期产生的额外费用都应由土建承包商负责。

4.4 在买方的监督下由供应商提供全部必需的工作,监督和服务并进行润滑和冲洗。所有的设备安装和设备润滑的工作需按照买方的要求由承包商执行,直至设备经买方验收成功。

4.5 设备的供应包括泵、管路、软管,阀等任何所需测试的全部设备。电器连接、水供应,进行测试及水处理应属于买方的责任范围。

4.6 所有设备的钢结构支架的安装,除说明书中标明不作提供,或者没有必要进行安装,承包商必须按照我方提出的要求进行施工。

4.7 必要时应进行锚栓或嵌入钢材的安装,承包商在水泥地基中的预铸造锚栓除外。

4.8 用所需销与轴键固定设备的相关说明。

4.9 全部基板薄垫片的安装以及必要的机械包装。承包商负责适当的设置,测量及布线和灌浆工作并在其指示下更换。

4.10 在槽底切割临时开口。即:以灌浆为目的,并在灌浆结束后关闭开口。

4.11 工程范围内全部所需涂装工作的运用。

5. 材料与工艺

5.1 排线与标线测量

5.1.1 所有设备必须根据安装工程实践和制造方的说明进行安装。

5.1.2 用光学/激光方法检验布线和测量。必要时将按照买方的判断或传统程序来执行以确保安装的顺利执行。

5.1.3 设备的定位公差应符合制造商建议并通过买方的批准。电动发动机和基板之间的薄片要谨防腐蚀,并注意安装多个发动机时所需的间隔公差。

5.1.4 所有的齿轮减速器,基部安装的联轴器及其他大于4千瓦的驱动器都必须在最终布线后用暗销安全固定。

The purpose of this Section of the Specification is to describe the Machinery and Mechanical Equipment Installation.


The drawings and other documents submitted by the Supplier for mechanical installation work are essentially complete but are not intended to show each and every detail of the work. The drawings are intended to be correlative and complementary, and any work required by one drawing and not mentioned in another shall be executed as though required by all drawings.

Before proceeding with the installation of mechanical equipment the Contractor shall familiarize himself with all features of the building and other installations, which may affect the execution of his work.


The mechanical work covered by this Section of the Specification shall consist of the installation of all mechanical equipment supplied to the Contractor, to provide a complete mechanical installation for the area listed in the Contract. The result of the work should get smooth and high performance of the plant operation.


Without limiting the scope of the foregoing, the Contractor's work shall include the following:

4.1 Installation of all mechanical equipment and related materials as shown on the drawings or described in the Specifications / instructions, if the drawings or specifications are not clear, the Contractor shall follow up the requirement as per the Purchaser.

4.2 Installation of guards for all indrive shafts, for flexible couplings, for V-belts, for open gearing, for chain drives, including oil tight type guards where required, and the like, except those supplied with the equipment. All guarding / covers to be subject to the approval of the local safety inspection authorities.

4.3 The Purchaser will endeavor to schedule the construction of the buildings and civil engineering works to facilitate the installation of equipment. However, the cost of drilling holes and cutting temporary openings in completed structures and subsequent closure, extra cost incurred in delayed completion of buildings or building openings to facilitate equipment erection shall be paid by the Civil Contractor.

4.4 Provision of all labour, supervision and services required for lubrication and flushing under the supervision of the Purchaser, of all equipment installed under this Section and lubrication of all equipment installed by the Purchaser (if any). The Contractor shall carry out all lubrication and flushing work in accordance with the Purchaser's requirements, till the equipment has been accepted by the Purchaser.

4.5 Provision of all equipment including pumps, piping, hoses, valves, etc. to test equipment where necessary. The electrical connections, supply of water, carrying out the test and disposal of water shall be the responsibility of the Purchaser.

4.6 Installation of all equipment supporting steel structures except those indicated in specifications may not supplied and necessary for the equipment installation the contractor need to do I as required.

4.7 Installation of all anchor bolts or embedded steel where necessary, except those bolts which are precast into the concrete foundation by the Civil Contractor.

4.8 Installation of all dowels and shaft keys as required, to locate equipment.

4.9 Installation of all base plates shims and packing for machinery where necessary. The Contractor is responsible for the proper setting, leveling and alignment, with grouting supplied and placed by others under his direction.

4.10 Cut temporary openings in the tank bottoms i.e. if needed for grouting purposes and closing the openings after grouting.

4.11 Application of all paintwork needed for the whole scope of the work.


5.1 Alignment and Leveling

5.1.1 All equipment shall be installed in accordance with good engineering practice and the manufacturer's instructions.
5.1.2 If optical / laser methods are used for alignment and leveling.  Any other methods which need to ensure the installation, that to be carry out as per the Purchasers discretion or as agreed alternative conventional procedure.

5.1.3 Alignment tolerances for the equipment shall be in accordance with manufacturer's recommendations and subject to approval by the Purchaser. Shims between the electrical motors and the base plates are to be used to take care of corrosion and the tolerance when spare motors are installed.

5.1.4 All gear reducers, base mounted couplings and the like for drives larger than 4 kilowatt shall be securely dowelled in place after final alignment.

