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发布时间:2014-8-10      阅读次数:1121



1. 信号机原则上设置于列车运行方向线路的右侧,其安装条件应符合和满足本工程线路限界要求。In principle, the semaphore should be set on the right side along the direction that trains pass by and the installing conditions shall comply with requirements on the line boundary of this project.
2. 信号机构应采用LED光源小型铝合金组合机构,并经电泳或喷塑处理,确保在地铁环境下使用不腐蚀。The semaphore shall adopt small aluminum alloy mechanism with LED, which is treated with electrophoresis or spray coating to ensure that it can be used in underground without corrosion.
3. 信号机的设置和显示应符合中华人民共和国的有关设计规范和标准。Setting and displaying of the semaphore must be in accordance with related design regulations and standards of PRC.
4. 所采用的LED信号机必须满足中华人民共和国铁道部运基信号[2003] 144号公布的《LED铁路信号机构技术条件(暂行)》的要求,并应通过铁道部等权威机构的审查鉴定,具有在城市轨道交通或相关领域的良好运用经验。The applied LED semaphore must satisfy the Technical Specification for LED Railway Semaphore (temporary) [2003] No. 144 issued by PRC Ministry of Railways and pass the examination by the authority as Ministry of Railways, with good operating experience in urban transportation or relevant domain.
5. 配置信号机“灯丝断丝报警仪”,实现单架信号机LED点阵光源故障率达到规定值时的报警。具有二极管短路报警功能。Being equipped with an “alarming device for burnout of a filament”, it alarms when the failure rate of LED dot-matrix light for a semaphore reaches a set value, with an alarming function of shorted-diode fault.
7.41.2 转辙机Switch machine
1. 转辙机及其安装装置的所有技术标准必须满足铁道部的相关技术标准(转辙机通用技术条件TB/T 2614-2005);All technical standards of switch machine and its installing devices must comply with related technical standards of Ministry of Railways (General specifications for switch machines TB/T 2614-2005);
2. 转辙机的所有零部件须检查合格,标准件及外购件必须符合各自的技术条件;All components of the point switch must be qualified through examination, standard parts and outsourcing parts must comply with technical conditions respectively;
3. 转辙机应能满足GB4949.2(低压电器外壳)防护等级为IP54级的规定,在机箱内应设有排油污水的结构;The switch machine shall meet with regulations of GB4949.2 (low-voltage apparatus enclosure), about protection grade as IP54, and a structure for draining oil and water should be set within the machine;
4. 转辙机内为方便维修和更换,应设有插接件端子排,需要维护保养的零部件应便于观察和拆装。Plug connectors and terminal strips should be set in the switch machine for convenience of maintenance, and parts require maintenance and service should be easily observed and disassembled.
5. 转辙机机壳须具有良好的防水、防锈蚀性能及免油饰维护,具有防止杆件进水措施。The enclosure of switch machine must be well waterproof, anti-corrosion and easy maintenance without lubricating oil, taking measures to prevent water entering into the member bar.
6. 三相交流电动转辙机的使用寿命,转辙机无故障动作次数应为100万次以上。The service life of three-phase AC electric switch machine should be that the switch machine is able to operate over one million times without fault.
7. 转辙机的选用应符合和满足2号线线路限界要求和轨道及道床条件,方便维修。The selected switch machine shall comply with requirements of boundary line for line 2 as well as conditions of track and track bed for the convenience of maintenance.
8. 转辙机安装的紧固螺栓应采用防松螺栓,杆件应采用防旷动杆件。The lockage blots are used for installing switch machine as fastening bolts, and member parts adopt anti-sway member parts.
9. 车辆段采用ZDJ9型转辙机。The vehicle depot adopts ZDJ9 type switch machine.
7.51.3 轨道电路Track circuit
1. 车辆段内轨道电路满足中华人民共和国铁道部标准《铁路信号站内联锁设计规范》(TB10071-2000)对站内轨道电路的有关技术要求;The track circuit within the vehicle depot shall be in accordance with related technical requirements on track circuit within the stations from the Code for Design of Railway Signal Interlocking within Stations(TB10071-2000)issued by PRC Ministry of Railways;
2. 在车辆段内采用50Hz单轨条相敏轨道电路。The 50Hz phase-sensitive single rail track circuit shall be adopted in the vehicle depot.
7.61.4 信号轨旁设备箱/盒Signal equipment case/box besides the track
1. 轨旁设备箱盒原则上均采用经铁道部鉴定或审查的产品,铝合金分体式箱盒。The equipment case/box besides the track was approved by the Ministry of Railways, which is made of aluminum alloy.
2. 信号设备箱/盒须采用具有防腐、防水、防尘等性能的材料制成的密封型箱/盒,电缆通过夹紧的密封管进入设备箱/盒。Signal equipment case/box must adopt material with characteristics of anti-corrosion, waterproof and dust resistance, etc. and the cable enters into the equipment case/box through a pinched sealed tube.
3. 信号设备箱/盒的大小尺寸须采用国铁通用的信号设备箱/盒。The dimensions of signal equipment case/box must be the one specified by the National Railway.
4. 每个信号设备箱/盒的前部和后部都须通过适当图例辨别。The front part and rear part of each signal equipment case/box must be discriminated through proper graphic illustration.
5. 须为所有信号设备箱/盒提供安全锁装置和挂锁,并为打开的箱/盒门提供支撑。All signal equipment case/box must be installed with the safety lock and padlock, providing a support for the opened case/box.
6. 在信号设备箱/盒内的终端电缆须易于拆卸以便断开连接,并设有固定装置。The terminal cable within the signal equipment case/box must be prone to disassemble so as to switch off easily, being set with a fixed device.
7.71.5 轨道连接线Track wiring
6.1. 投标人提供和安装的车辆段轨道连接线包括:钢轨轨端接续线、道岔跳线、单轨条轨道电路的回流线、轨旁设备至钢轨的连接线等;The track wiring of the vehicle depot shall be provided and installed by Bidder include: connection wiring of the steel track end, turnout jump wiring, return line of the single-track circuit, connection wiring from the wayside equipments to the steel track, etc.;
7.2. 轨道连接线若采用软电缆,其外皮应采用低烟、无卤、阻燃材料;If the soft cable is used for the track wiring, then its cover shall use the low-smoke, zero-halogen and fire-retardant materials;
8.3. 车辆段道岔伸缩缝处及钢轨伸缩调节器处应设置钢轨接续线;The steel track connection wiring shall be made at the turnout extension gap and the extension regulator of the vehicle depot;
9.4. 轨道连接线应采用通过铁道部鉴定或审查的产品。The products that have passed the certification and inspection of the Ministry of Railways shall be used for the track wiring.
10.5. 投标人提供的各种连接线规格应满足下表:The specification of the wires provided by Bidder shall meet the requirement of the following table:

