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发布时间:2014-8-19      阅读次数:1094


1. 切断联合整流机(针对预留量高位跳闸的整流机,应已经关闭)
2. 关闭所有联合的电解槽系统中的盐水进料控制阀门。
3. 对于预留量高位跳闸的电解槽,关闭所有联合的电解槽系统中的盐水添加阀门。对于没有预留量跳闸的电解槽,盐水添加阀门不应关闭,因为电解槽中的添加十分重要。
4. 关闭进料侧盐水泵(选择性),对于没有预留量跳闸和从进料侧盐水槽添加补料的阳极电解槽而言,泵不应关闭。





1. 低位进料侧盐水槽



1. 激活所有联合的电解槽低/无流量盐水跳闸系统,触发所有联合整流器的跳闸并开启电解槽的添加。




1.   低位阴极电解槽



1. 激活所有联合电解槽低/无流量阴极电解槽跳闸系统,触发所有联合整流器跳闸,同时启动电解槽的添加。

5.2.8 电解槽出料侧碱液高温跳闸

Trip Actions

1. Shuts off associated rectifiers (these should already have been shut off for tank with reserved volume high level trip).
2. Closes brine feed control valves on all associated Electrolyser systems.
3. Closes brine top-up valves on all associated Electrolyser systems for tank with reserved volume high level trip. For tank without reserved volume trip, brine top-up valves should not be closed, as it is essential that Electrolysers are topped up.
4. Switches off feed brine pump (optional). For anolyte tank without reserved volume trip and top-up supply from feed brine tank, pumps should not be switched off.

5.2.6 Feed Brine Tank Reserved Top-up Volume Trip System

This system is not required if the reserved top-up and flush volumes are contained in a dedicated head tank (see sections 3.2.3 & 4.1). However if the reserve top-up volume is to be held in the feed brine tank, then this trip is essential. It ensures that once the level in the feed brine tank falls to the reserved volume level, then all associated Electrolysers are shut-down, thus ensuring the availability of brine to top-up Electrolysers. (If the reserve brine flush volume is also held in the brine feed tank a high priority alarm is required if the tank level falls below this reserve point.)


Trip Inputs

1. Low level in feed brine tank

Set at such a level that will ensure sufficient volume is available in the tank for topping-up of all Electrolysers.

Trip Actions

1. Activates all associated Electrolyser low / no flow brine trip systems, thus tripping out all associated rectifiers and initiating top-up of Electrolysers.

5.2.7 Catholyte Tank Reserved Top-Up Volume Trip System

This system is not required if the reserved top-up volume is contained in a dedicated head tank (see sections 3.2.4 & 4.3). However if the reserved top-up volumes is to be held in the catholyte tank, then this trip is essential. It ensures that once the level in the catholyte tank falls to the reserved volume level, then all associated Electrolysers are shut-down, thus ensuring the availability of catholyte top-up of Electrolysers.

Trip Inputs

1.   Low level in catholyte tank

Set at such a level that will ensure sufficient volume is available in the tank for top-up of all Electrolysers.

Trip Actions

1. Activates all associated Electrolyser low / no flow catholyte trip systems, thus tripping out all associated rectifiers and initiating top-up of Electrolysers.

5.2.8 High electrolyser caustic exit temperature trip

Set at 92 deg C to protect downstream plastic pipework systems

