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发布时间:2014-8-24      阅读次数:1295


1) 停车装置
例外; 手提式的便携机器和手引导式机器不包括在这类要求之中。玛氏,必须通过实际情况,逐件评价紧急停机装置,确保装置没有减缓危险控制,不论是不能缩短机器停止的时间,或者不能采取特别的措施停止对处理危险进行处理。
• 有清晰视野,清楚方便识别,以便迅速进行控制,对工厂的设施形成统一的标准。
• 尽快停止危险的进程,阻止其它危险的发生。
• 如果有必要,采用或者允许一定安全保护措施。
• 通过切断而不是启动控制装置执行停车功能 。
注意; 紧急停车控制器必须保持启动状态,并且允许通过适当的操作进行解除。机械解除控制不允许重新启动整个机器,只允许重新启动。此外,在机器处于运行时,紧急停车控制器不可引发停止的功能。

Stop Circuits
Interlocks and trip devices are in some cases connected to the emergency stop circuits. Even when they are not, emergency stop circuits and normal stop circuits are an integral part of the overall safety circuitry.
In addition to a control stop, each machine or system must incorporate an emergency stop circuit with at least one manually operated emergency stop device. An emergency stop function is not required where it would duplicate the normal stop function. Actuating the emergency stop should
not interfere with any braking system fitted to the machine to stop it more rapidly.
Design should ensure that all machine motions stopped by an emergency stop function or other stop function can be restarted only by deliberate operator action. Resetting the emergency stop function or other stop function must not restart any part of the machine. All stop functions must
be initiated by de-energizing, not energizing control devices.
Emergency Stop Circuits
E-stop (emergency stop) circuits affect a line or area. An e-stop is a red push/pull button that may illuminates when pressed and meets local requirements for color and labeling. Pressing the button removes power from all actuating output devices. Actuating devices include motors and
solenoids. Power should be maintained to outputs for indicators and inputs such as sensors during an e-stop condition. Disable the output power until all e-stop buttons are pulled out and an e-stop circuit reset is pressed. The e-stop must shut off power to all devices within control of its defined line or area. A line or area can have multiple stop buttons, with at least one reset button centrally located (usually near the central operator interface terminal or push-button station).
•  E-stop buttons must be placed at all operator stations. The Company places no limit on the number of e-stop buttons that can be installed.
•  Place at least one e-stop reset button per line or area, located at a central location such as a control room or operator station.
•  An e-stop reset can be generated through the PLC from a Wonderware button. In this configuration, the output ties to a relay and the relay contact parallels the reset button.
o  The PLC must have logic that holds the e-stop reset output for one second for each instance of an operator reset.
