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发布时间:2014-8-25      阅读次数:1387


定性研究成为了归纳法(发现并发展理论)而不是演绎法(从已有理论中推到证明假设)的理想方案。(Corrie和Zaklukiewicz,1978;Martin和Turner,1986)。Wiseman将这个过程比作“一个没有悬念的侦探故事”。(1978.p.113)。定性研究的部分过程,据描写此话题大部分作者写道,是向现有的理论靠拢,但这个步骤应该是在研究末期实施,当大部分的分析工作已经完成,主概念也已经形成的情况下,。(B. Turner,1981;Strauss,1987)。
定性研究该如何实施呢?由于篇幅有限,这个只能做个简单的介绍。每隔案例都有很多种的定性研究(Good和Walts,1989)。这里我们讨论的重点是扎根理论分析和与定向研究的关联。读者可阅读Wiseman(1978)和Corrie和Zaklukiewicz ,(1978)所著章节B. Turner.(1981,1986)和Martin和Turner合写的论文或是Strauuss所著书籍获得更多信息。里面关于定性实验主要步骤大同小异,如图表12所示。
很多研究者强调数据的多源性:半成型或杂乱的访问,参与者调查,旁观者调查,案例资料,记录或是其他文件。实践中很难找到多重来源的数据,尽管半成型的访问或调查常用于生产公司(B. Turner所举的例子,1983)或医院(Strauuss1987讨论过多例)这样的环境下。大多数的定性研究只采用访问法(Wiseman1978),那一例是采用了政府对大型事故的记录材料(威尔士南部阿伯凡的煤矿坍塌压毁学校的事故)。
Qualitative research induction (discovery and development theory) is ideal solution rather than a deductive method (from existing theory to prove the hypothesis) . (Corrie and Zaklukiewicz, 1978; Martin and Turner, 1986). Wiseman compare the process to a "no suspense of detective story". (1978, p. 1978). Qualitative research is part of the process, according to the description of the topic most of the authors write, and is close to the existing theory, but this step should be at the end of the implementation of study. When most of the analysis work has been completed, the main concept has been formed as well. (b. Turner, 1981; Strauss, 1987).
How to implement qualitative research? Due to the limited space, this can only do a simple introduction. Every case has many kinds of qualitative research (Good and Walts, 1989). Here we are talking about the importance of grounded theory analysis and connection and orientation research. Readers can read Wiseman (1978) and Corrie and Zaklukiewicz, (1978) by section b. Turner, 1981198 (6) and Martin and Turner published papers or Strauuss written books for more information. About qualitative experiment main steps, as shown in chart 12.
Many researchers emphasize data source sex: the more messy access or half molding, participants, onlookers investigation, case information, records or other documents. In the practice of multiple sources of data, it is hard to find though half-formed access or investigation is often used in the production of the company (b. Turner, for example, 1983) or hospital (Strauuss1987 discuss too much) such an environment. Most of the qualitative study only access method (Wiseman1978), the case is to use the government's record of major accident materials (south wales abreu crushing coal mine collapse of school accident).
When the access method is adopted, some qualitative researchers tend to use to access the recording materials as the analysis of material all the way, there are also some tend to use the recording and some like to visit or survey after the visit is to use notes (Corrie and Zaklukiewicz, 1978). After the author used the method. Although some of this information would be lost, but at the time of shorthand late filling into detailed notes (24 hours), will include some of the quotations, and will make more than the ratio of the material need more details. Strauss (1987) also said that the tape is not necessary, unless the analysis is based on the detailed record of verbal or nonverbal actions.
Survey of the problems in the access, content of course is determined by the experiment in front of the goal, but in the early experiments, asking questions is given priority to with open questions as far as possible. To do so is not only to encourage diverse answers, but also to encourage before has not set the new problem is put forward. Although early type test the untidiness of mixed and disorderly way to make those who have been the study of usage, including most of us, the feeling is very uncomfortable, but it is very important step, if the theoretical analysis is firmly architecture on the actual data collected. (so, grounded theory invented by Glaser and Strauss1967, 1987 by Strauss references). The process for those who are not commonly used it, the most strange once downward on the one hand is to analyze the method, the late data collection is determined by the early analysis "data collection and analysis of continuous alternating is the core part of qualitative research..." Without any kind of method of correlation in this method is so obvious. (Wiseman, 1978, P. 1978)

