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发布时间:2014-9-7      阅读次数:1166


7. A rollover vent control valve as defined in claim 6, wherein the axial post is slightly curved away from the vent outlet.
8. A liquid-responsive rollover vent control valve for mounting on a fuel tank to selectively vent fuel vapor from the tank to a vapor trap such as a carbon canister, the valve comprising:
8. 安装在燃料箱上的液体反应摇晃止回阀是为了有选择性的从燃料箱中排放出汽油蒸汽到除水阀,就如同碳罐的功能一样,本阀包括:
a hollow valve body having a fuel vapor inlet communicating with the tank interior and a fuel vapor vent outlet communicating with the vapor trap;
valve means associated with the vent outlet, the valve means movable between an open venting position and a closed non-venting position;
a fuel level responsive control element in the hollow valve body connected to the valve means to open and close the valve means in response to the level of liquid fuel in the tank; wherein,
the control element and the vent outlet are axially offset, the valve means including lever means extending between the valve means and the control element to increase the opening force exerted by the control element on the valve means, the control element including hammer claw opening means connected to the lever means to provide an initial pivotal opening moment to the valve means and a subsequent rectilinear opening force to the valve means.
9. A rollover vent control valve as defined in claim 8, wherein the hammer claw means comprise two contact points, the first contact point at a maximum distance from the vent outlet to provide an initial pivotal opening moment to the valve means, and the second contact point providing a locking connection and subsequent rectilinear opening force to the valve means.
9. 摇晃止回阀如声明八中所定义的,其中爪锤锤包括两个触点,第一个稍低的接触点与通风出口之间距离最大,以便为杠杆装置提供初始枢轴开启力矩,而第二个较高的接触点靠近通风出口,以便为杠杆装置提供一个同步连接和直线开启力。
10. A rollover vent control valve as defined in claim 9, wherein the hammer claw means comprise an axial post along which the lever arm freely rides in the axial direction, and an angled flange on the end of the post, the flange angled with respect to the post such that the first contact point is defined by a lower edge of the flange a first greater distance from the vent outlet, and the second contact point is defined by an upper edge of the flange a second lesser distance from the vent outlet.
10. 摇晃止回阀如声明九中所定义的,其中爪锤锤装置包含一个延伸的轴向柱,它的第一个触点被定在一个较低的边沿上,第一个距离通风出口较大,第二个触点被定义在法兰的上沿,第二个距离距离通风出口较小。
11. A rollover vent control valve as defined in claim 10, wherein the axial post is slightly curved away from the vent outlet.
11. 摇晃止回阀如声明十中所定义的,其中轴向柱与排气出口之间有略微的弯曲。
12. A rollover vent control valve as defined in claim 8, wherein the valve means comprise a valve plate having a vent closure portion and a lever arm portion, the lever arm portion extending to and connected to the hammer claw means.
12. 摇晃止回阀如声明八中所定义的,其中阀装置包括一个阀板,拥有一个出口关闭部分和一个杠杆臂,杠杆臂延伸并与爪锤锤装置连接。
