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发布时间:2014-9-6      阅读次数:1095


United States Patent
美国专利 5,313,977

Bergsma ,   et al.  May 24, 1994
Fluid-responsive vent control valve with peel-away opening action
The present invention comprises a rollover vent valve for mounting on a vehicle fuel tank to selectively vent fuel vapor from the fuel tank to a vapor trap such as a carbon canister. The valve includes a liquid fuel responsive control element connected to a valve element via lever arm structure to move the valve element between open and closed venting positions on a valve seat. The mechanical opening advantage obtained with the lever arm structure provides for a powerful peel-away action to ensure opening of the valve despite a tank/canister pressure differential acting to maintain the valve element in the closed position. In one embodiment the lever arm structure includes a hammer-claw mechanism to provide an initial pivotal opening force using the maximum potential of the lever arm, and a subsequent rectilinear opening force.

发明者:  Bergsma; Rudolph (Ann Arbor, MI), Waldorf; Lindsey E. (Whitmore Lake, MI)
专利权人: G. T. Products, Inc. (Ann Arbor, MI)
Appl. No.:
使用编号:  07/974,655
归档时间: November 12, 1992
Current U.S. Class:
美国专利分类号: 137/43 ; 137/202
国际专利分类号:  F16K 17/36 (20060101); B60K 15/03 (20060101); B60K 15/035 (20060101)
Field of Search:
研究领域 137/39,43,202,587
References Cited [Referenced By]
参考举例 (由*引用)
U.S. Patent Documents
Primary Examiner: Nilson; Robert G.
Attorney, Agent or Firm: Krass & Young
律师,代理人或公司:Krass & Young

We claim:
1. A liquid- and gravity-responsive rollover vent control valve for mounting on a fuel tank to selectively vent fuel vapor from the tank to a vapor trap such as a carbon canister, the valve comprising:
1. 安装在燃料箱上的液体和重力反应摇晃止回阀是为了有选择性的从燃料箱中排放出汽油蒸汽到除水阀中,如碳罐装置,阀件包括:
a hollow valve body having a fuel vapor inlet communicating with the tank interior and a fuel vapor vent outlet communicating with the vapor trap;
valve means associated with the vent outlet, the valve means movable between an open venting position and a closed non-venting position;
fuel level responsive control means in the hollow valve body connected to the valve means to open and close the valve means in response to the level of liquid fuel in the tank; wherein,
the valve means include lever means extending radially from the vent outlet and connected to the control means at a point spaced radially from the vent outlet to amplify the opening force applied to the valve means by the control means, the lever means connected to the control means by lever actuator means, the lever actuator means comprising an axial guide defining a first axial range of travel for the lever means relative to the control means, the lever actuator means further comprising a contact element defining a second pivotal range of travel for the valve means relative to the control means, the contact element including two contact points of varying height relative to the control means to limit the second pivotal range of travel of the lever means relative to the control means.
2. A rollover vent control valve as defined in claim 1, wherein the two contact points are aligned with the vent outlet, a first lower contact point at a maximum distance from the vent outlet to provide an initial pivotal opening moment to the lever means, and a second higher contact point nearer the vent outlet to provide a locking connection and subsequent rectilinear opening force to the lever means.

