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发布时间:2014-9-9      阅读次数:2156


本章描述TM-25LP 和TM-200LP 执行器的操作。示意图,图4-1,说明了各部件之间的工作关系。

执行器由3 个基本部分组成:
• 一个力矩电动机伺服阀门
• 弹簧中位四面滑阀
• 带线性输出轴的双面、等面积伺服活塞

TM-25LP 和TM-200LP 执行器装备有力矩电动机伺服阀件。使用一个双喷嘴和活动挡板产生不同压力操作第二级滑阀。力矩电动机从电气控制装


板喷嘴两端的液压流体进行节流。 两个喷嘴通过单独固定孔,提供来自执行器的液压流体。 在稳态运行期间,活动挡板集中在喷嘴中间。为

压力 Pel和Pc2,两个压力值相等。





活动挡板的扩展在反馈弹簧和水平(调整弹簧)之间进行。 提高伺服活塞运动增加了反馈弹簧力矩,使活动挡板再次对准中心。当力矩电动机获



Chapter 4. Principles of Operation
This chapter describes the operation of TM-25LP and TM-200LP actuators. A schematic drawing, Figure 4-1, illustrates the working relationship of the various parts.
The actuator consists of three basic sections:
• a torque motor servo-valve
• a spring-centered, four-land spool valve
• a double-sided, equal-area servo piston with a linear output shaft
The TM-25LP and TM-200LP actuators have torque motor servo-valves. They use a double nozzle and flapper to generate a differential pressure to operate the second-stage spool valve. The torque motor received dc current signals from the electric control and applies torque to the single-piece armature and flapper which is supported on a torsion flexure. The servo-valve uses the flapper as a variable flow restrictor and throttles the flow of hydraulic fluid from a nozzle on each side of the flapper. The two nozzles are supplied hydraulic fluid from the actuator supply pressure inlet via separate fixed orifices. During steady state operation, the flapper is centered between the nozzles and the two pressures. Pel and Pc2, are equal.
When input current is increased to the torque motor coil, the limited pivotal movement of the flapper to increase (counterclockwise on the schematic) restricts hydraulic flow from the lower nozzle while flow from the upper nozzle increases. The resulting differential pressure is applied to the ends of the spool valve, raising it from its spring-centered null position.
When raised, the spool valve directs supply pressure to the bottom side of the servo piston and, at the same time, vents the top side to drain at the upper control port, the servo piston then moves up, increasing actuator output shaft position. Servo piston movement also provides position feedback to the servo-valve.
An extension of the flapper is held between the feedback spring and level adjusting spring. Increasing servo piston movement increases the feedback spring torque on the flapper to re-center it. When a force balance is obtained among the torque motor, level adjusting spring, and the feedback spring, the spool valve is re-centered and further servo movement is halted.
Operation of the actuator is similar in the decrease direction. Movement of the flapper restricts flow from the upper nozzle, while increasing flow of the lower nozzle, the pressure differential this time lowers the spool valve and uncovers ports to direct supply pressure to decrease actuator output position, the re-centering action is provided as servo piston movement decreases compression of the lower spring, re-centering the flapper.

