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发布时间:2014-9-17      阅读次数:2073

比如:干预组O1 X O2X O3
      对比组O1  O2  O3
或者 干预组O1 X O2X O3 X O4
     对比组O1  O2  O3   O4
图表10 试验中的假定结果是由断点回归设计推导的。图示中干预的目的是降低pre-和post-方面的得分。
图表11 包含对比组,使用时间序列分析的设计,显示了引进危机干预服务的效果(由Delaney, Seidman 和Willis,1978, 由普莱南出版公司出

图表12 定性研究设计
7. 人性化服务中与工作家分享心理学







Intervention (or repeated) intervention design.
Such as these were specially to rule out intervention to determine the effect of intervention (by example shown below). Late design can be repeated use of intervention.
Such as: intervention group O1 X O2X O3
Control group O1 O2 O3
O1 O2X O3 X X m1 or intervention group
Control group O1 O2 O3 m1
8. The time sequence design (including or not including contrast group) contains variables, or exclude/repeat intervention:
Time series can be designed and design 6, 7.
The chart assumes that the results of the 10 trials is by breakpoint regression design method. Intervention in the graphic purpose is to reduce the pre - and post - in terms of scoring.
Chart 11 contains the comparison group, the design of the using time series analysis, shows the introduction of the effect of crisis intervention services (by Delaney, Seidman and Willis, 1978, published by at south publishing company.)
Diagram 12 qualitative research design
7. Share with work home psychology in the humanized service
This chapter is about the question is directly related to work with others or others, to understand and respond to others sharing the psychology problem. These "other people" including health visitors, teachers, doctors, nurses, police officers and members of the clergy, this is only for a small part. Personalized service home modern forces do psychology most of the work. Also, as already mentioned in chapter 3, psychological problems are common in adults and children, is much higher than that everyone can get the level of professional psychological help. However, teachers, nurses, social workers, lawyers and other work, these people need to deal with more difficult and more psychological problems worthy of concern. But it is not their psychology training focus, understand and respond to psychological difficulties is not a priority when they work.
This is also seeking to share the idea of psychology, as well as intervention humanized service work, things become the main focus of social psychology. From the aspects of social psychology, common hospital between nurses and patients, between the police and the victims of domestic violence, between teachers and problem students, compared to a few, but by personal psychology expert to solve the problem, for the social psychology health effects more profound. Famous expression which is usable Miller (1969), for a nurse, a policeman and a teacher, these actually psychology practitioners, "psychological distance".
This is the psychology is beyond doubt, however, some people advocate the psychology of widely Shared wisdom and professional will dilute the impact, lose the control for the work of psychology, in the process also endangers the emerging development of psychology as a professional discipline.
(O1.1 = situation of variables under 1 1 estimate
O2.1 = situation of variables under 1 2 estimates)

