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发布时间:2014-9-11      阅读次数:1069

本章节包括执行器的接受、贮存、和安装。 参见外形图,图2-1。

由于在涡轮机环境里作业具有噪声,在TM 执行器周围工作时,必须警告提示进行听力保护。
烫伤危险--产品的表面由于过冷或者过热,从而造成危险的。在这些环境中处理产品时要求使用防护装置。 本手册提供有温度等级说明。
爆炸危险.— 本产品不提供外部防火保护设备,用户有责任满足他们的系统任何适用的相关要求。  
爆炸危险—更换的零部件可能违反了,类别1,部分2或者第2 区域标准的规定。 

Risque d'explosion—Ne pas enlever les couvercles, ni raccorder / debrancher les prises electriques, sans vous en assurez auparavant que le systeme a bien ete mis hors tension; ou que vous vous situez bien dans une zone non explosive.
Risque d'explosion—La substitution de compos ants peut rend re ce materiel
inacceptable pour les emplacements de Classe I, Division 2 ou Zone 2. -


Chapter 2. Installation 
Receiving, storage, and installation for the actuator are covered in this chapter. See the outline drawing, Figure 2-1.
WARNING               ——                                                         —
The engine, turbine, or other type of prime mover should be equipped with
an overs peed (overtemperature, or overpressure, where applicable)
shutdown device(s), that operates totally independent of the prime mover
control device(s) to protect against runaway or damage to the engine,
turbine, or other type of prime mover with possible personal injury or loss of
life should the mechanical-hydraulic governors) or electric control(s), the
actuator(s), fuel control(s), the driving mechanism(s), the linkage(s), or the
controlled device(s) fail. ______ 
Due to typical noise levels in turbine environments, hearing protection should be worn when working on or around the TM Actuator.
Burn Hazard—The surface of this product can become hot enough or cold
enough to be a hazard. Use protective gear for product handling in these
circumstances. Temperature ratings are included in the specification section
of this manual.  
CAUTION                        ~                                               ~                       ~
Explosion Hazard—External fire protection is not provided in the scope of
this product It is the responsibility of the user to satisfy any applicable
requirements for their system. 
Explosion Hazard—Do not remove covers or connect/disconnect electrical
connectors unless power has been switched off or the area is known to be
Explosion Hazard—Substitution of components may impair suitability for
Class I, Division 2 or Zone 2. 
Risque d'explosion—Ne pas enlever les couvercles, ni raccorder / debrancher les prises electriques, sans vous en assurez auparavant que le systeme a bien ete mis hors tension; ou que vous vous situez bien dans une zone non explosive.
Risque d'explosion—La substitution de compos ants peut rend re ce materiel
inacceptable pour les emplacements de Classe I, Division 2 ou Zone 2. 
Be careful when installing the actuator. Do not damage the output shaft. Abuse of the actuator can damage seals, installation surfaces, and alter the calibration of the unit. Protect the hydraulic connections with plastic shipping caps when the actuator is not connected to the normal piping.
