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发布时间:2014-9-13      阅读次数:1142


In a fourth embodiment the valve element is a flexible, ribbon-like seal connected at one end to the valve body, and at the other end to the float. The closure portion of the valve element conforms to the vent outlet to tightly close it when the float is raised to the closed position. The valve vent outlet has a length greater than its width to define a longitudinal lever arm along which the ribbon seal is peeled off. In this version the vent outlet itself defines two pivot points about which the ribbon seal is levered at two different stages in the opening process. A first pivot point defines a first lever arm and opening moment sufficient to initially break the seal between the ribbon valve element and the vent outlet, while the second pivot point defines a subsequent longer lever arm through which the float acts to finish the opening of the vent outlet.


In all embodiments maximum opening force is applied to achieve the initial break in the seal between the valve element and the vent outlet.
The valve can include gravity-operated rollover structure associated with the float to force the float to a closed position when the vehicle is tilted or rolled over. In a preferred form, however, the float itself is of a buoyancy which permits it to respond rapidly to liquid fuel surge and rollover orientation to close the valve, assisted by a light bias spring to provide the proper mass balance.
阀件包括重力控制翻转结构,该结构和浮标连接在一起,当车辆倾斜或翻滚时,将浮标推到关闭的位置。 更理想的结构是,浮标有浮力,当液体的用动和翻转方向接近关闭阀时,可以在轻型弹簧提供适度的质量平衡的帮助下,快速做出反映。
Other advantageous features and embodiments of the present invention are described in the following description.


Referring now to FIGS. 1 and 2, a rollover vent control valve according to the present invention is generally shown by the reference numeral 18, mounted in the fuel tank 10 of a vehicle fuel system including a filler pipe 12 for introducing fuel into the fuel tank and a vapor canister 14 to which fuel vapor is vented from the tank through the valve 18 via a vent line 16. When the fuel level in the tank is below valve 18, valve 18 is open and provides high volume venting of fuel vapor to the canister. When liquid fuel reaches valve 18 due to fuel slosh or surge, or when the attitude of the valve is upset during a rollover situation, the valve responds by closing, thereby shutting off flow to the vapor canister and protecting the canister from saturation. In the rollover scenario, gravity, and optimally additional structure, aids in closing the valve independently of the effects of liquid fuel; i.e., the valve will reliably close in a rollover situation whether or not it is submerged in fuel.


