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发布时间:2014-9-21      阅读次数:1335


A shallow guide ramp 358 is formed in lower portion 328 of the valve body, having a width corresponding to the width of ribbon valve element 340. Guide ramp 358 provides a shallow ramp surface for supporting the ribbon valve element 340 as hereinafter described.


As float 346 is raised and lowered in response to fuel surge or a rollover situation, ribbon valve element 340 is correspondingly pulled up or down by control arm 348 extending from float 346. With float 346 in the fully raised position shown in FIG. 12, control arm 348 has pulled ribbon valve element 340 to the closed position in which the valve element covers and seals valve seat 334. In its lowermost position as shown in FIG. 16, float 346 has peeled valve element 340 off valve seat 334 and down onto guide ramp 358 to the open venting position.


Still referring to FIGS. 12-16, the details of the ribbon valve element and its opening structure are described as follows. The longitudinal axis of valve seat 334 is aligned with the longitudinal axis of valve element 340 as best shown in FIG. 13. From the closed position shown in FIG. 12, valve element 340 is accordingly peeled off valve seat 334 in the longitudinal direction, beginning at upper end 338 of the valve seat. The long lever arm and slot-like oval opening of vent outlet 332 and valve seat 334 create a strong mechanical advantage which peels the ribbon valve element 340 away from valve seat 334 despite pressure in the fuel tank which resists the opening of the valve.
还是参考图12-16,带状阀芯的详情以及开口通路的结构其描述如下。.阀座334的纵轴是与阀芯340的纵轴联在一起的,最佳显示如图13。从图12所示的封闭位置来看,因此,在纵向方向上阀芯340脱离了阀座334,阀芯是以阀座的上端338开始。通风出口332和阀座334的长.杠杆臂和槽状椭圆形开口通路创建了一个较强的机械方面的优势, 就是把带状阀芯340从阀座334上脱离开来,尽管燃料箱中的压力能抵制开启阀芯。

Further mechanical advantage is obtained with free end 344 of ribbon valve element 344 extending beyond upper end 338 of valve seat 334. When the valve is in the closed position as shown in FIG. 1, there is a tank/canister pressure differential acting in the area of valve element 340 overlying vent outlet 332. This tank/canister pressure differential tends to hold the valve in the closed position, since tank pressure is typically greater than atmospheric canister pressure. Free end 344 of ribbon valve element 340 extending beyond upper end 338 of valve seat 334 has no pressure differential acting across it to keep it closed; i.e., free end 344 of valve element 340 has tank pressure acting on both sides. Accordingly, upper end 338 and free end 344 of the ribbon valve element define an initial pivot point and lever arm through which the float acts to initially break the seal between valve element 340 and valve seat 334. Once the seal has been initially broken by this first independent lever arm action, the valve element 340 defines a single lever arm through which opening force is applied to peel it from valve seat 334.

利用带状阀芯344的自由端可得到进一步的机械方面的优势,就是拓展超出阀座334的上端338。.当阀芯处于关闭位置时,如图1所示,有一个箱/罐压差作用在阀芯340上面的排气口332上面区域。这箱/罐压差趋向于把阀芯保持在关闭位置,由于箱压通常比大气罐压大。带状阀芯340的自由端自由端 自由断 自由344拓展超出阀座334的上端338,没有压差使其处于关闭位置;也就是说,带状阀芯340的自由端344有箱压差作用在两侧。据此, 带状阀芯的上端338和自由端344确定了一个初始的枢轴点和杠杆臂,浮标利用它们最初突破了阀芯340和阀座334间的封口。一旦封口已由第一个独立的杠杆臂被初步打破了,阀芯340界定了一个单独杠杆臂,通过这个杠杆臂,开口力用于把杠杆臂从阀芯334上脱离开。

The opening of ribbon valve element 340 therefore comprises a two-step motion: the initial pivotal break effected by the independent lever arm motion of free end 344 of the ribbon valve element about the pivot point of upper end 338 of valve seat 334; and, the subsequent integral lever-type peeling action of the entire valve element 340. The flexible nature of valve element 340 enables it to form a tight seal with valve seat 334, as well as providing for the powerful peel away opening force. However, when in the open, relaxed position, the flexible ribbon might tend to go slack and bunch up or otherwise deform so as to affect the proper functioning the valve. Accordingly, curved guide ramp 358 serves to properly tension and support ribbon valve element 340 when the valve is in the open position. In this manner the open valve element remains unaffected by pressure changes within the valve which might otherwise tend to deform it. Liquid fuel is also prevented from collecting on the valve element should it somehow reach that level within the valve, since it simply drains off the surface of valve element 340 conforming to guide ramp 358.


