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发布时间:2014-9-24      阅读次数:1276


测量放线应在风力不大于 4 级的情况下进行,放线后应定时校核,以保证幕墙


3.3 铝合金(钢)型材的加工和安装

3.3.1 铝合金(钢)型材的加工

1) 加工过程

a 检查所有加工的物件。

b 将检查合格后的铝材包好保护胶纸。

c 根据施工图纸按照加工程序加工,加工后须除去尖角和毛刺。

d 按照施工图要求,将所需配件安装于铝(钢)型材上。

e 检查加工符合图纸要求后,将铝(钢)型材编号分类包装放置。

2) 加工技术要求

a 各种型材下料长度尺寸允许偏差为±1mm。

b 各加工面须去毛刺、飞边。

c 螺栓孔应由钻孔和扩孔两道工序完成。

d 螺孔尺寸要求:孔位允许偏差±0.5mm


e 彩色钢板型材应在专业加工厂加工,并在型材成型、切割、打孔后,依次进行烘干,


3.3.2 铝合金(钢)型材的安装

1) 铁码安装及其技术要求

a 铁码须按设计图纸加工,表面处理按国家标准的有关规定进行热浸镀锌。

b 根据图纸检查并调整所放的线。

c 将铁码焊接固定于预埋件上。

d 待幕墙校准后,将组件铝码用螺栓固定在铁码上。

e 焊接时,应采用对称焊接,以控制因焊接产生的变形。

f 焊接不得有夹渣和气孔。

g 敲掉焊渣后,对焊缝涂防锈漆进行防锈处理。

2) 防锈处理技术要求

a 不能于潮湿、多雾及阳光直接暴晒之下涂漆,表面尚未完全干燥或蒙 尘表面不


b 涂第二层漆或以后的涂漆时应确定较早前的涂层已经固化,其表面经砂纸打磨光


c 涂漆应表面均匀,但勿于角部及接口处涂漆过量。

d 在涂漆未全干时,不应在涂漆处进行其他施工,

3.2.7 Should go on to put the line in case of not greater than force 4 in wind-forcing to measure, should be checked regularly after the line put, soed as to ensure curtain wall vertical degree and exactness of the post position.

3.3 Processing and installation of the material of type of aluminium alloy (steel )

3.3.1 Processing of the material of type of aluminium alloy (steel )

1)Processing course

a Check the things of all processing.

b Will check the qualified and back aluminium material and wrap and protect the adhesive tape.

c The drawing is processed according to the procedure of processing according to constructing, must remove sharp angle and burr after processing.

d According to the request of the construction drawing , install the necessary fittings on the material of type of aluminium (steel ).

e Check and process it after according with the request of the drawing, classify and pack and put the material serial number of the type of aluminium (steel ).

2)Processing specification requirement

a The size of length of material unloading of various kinds of types allows deviation to be ¡À 1mm.

b Must go the burr , fly in the side the every processing.

c The bolt hole should be holed and two processes completion of reaming.

d Spiral shell's hole measurement is required: The hole location allows deviation ¡À 0.5mm

The hole distance allows deviation ¡À 0.5mm

e The colored stiff material of steel should be processed in the professional processing factory, and in the material shaping of the type, after cutting, punching, is it dry to go on sequentially, static spraying organic matter coating, high temperature bake paint wait for surface deal with. This kind of type material is not allowed in the on-the-spot processing two times .

3.3.2 Installation of the material of type of aluminium alloy (steel )

1)And specification requirement that the iron yard is installed

a The iron yard must be processed according to the design drawing, the surface is dealt with to soak zinc-platedly heat according to the relevant regulations of the national standard.

b Check and adjust the line put according to the drawing.

c Weld the iron yard and fix it in burying one in advance.

d After the curtain wall is regulated , fix the package aluminium yard on iron yard with the bolt.

e While welding, should adopt and weld symmetrically , in order to control and weld the deformation that is produced .

f Can't insert dregs and air vent to weld.

g Strike and lose it after welding dregs, apply the antirust paint and antirust and deal with to the welding seam.

2)Antirust and deal with the specification requirement

a Can't paint under the circumstances that the moist , foggy and sunshine shine suddenly and violently directly , the surface has not been totally dry yet or been covered with the dust surface and can't paint .

b In conformity with confirming the coating already solidification not long ago while applying the second layer of paint or applying the paint afterwards, its surface is polished by the abrasive paper smoothly.

c The lacquer is even in conformity with the surface, but does not paint excessivly in the angle department and interface place .

d While paint and has not done completely ing, should not be painting in the place and carrying on other construction,

