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发布时间:2014-10-13      阅读次数:3140


1.柱子可以选择整块钢底座,要求符合A36 ASIM的规定,或者采用铸钢锚栓基座,要求符合A27 ASTM,等级65-35的规定。
m. 采用两个连续的焊接点嵌入柱子进行保护,一个焊接点在柱子内侧,另一个在柱子基础的顶部外侧的末端上。
3.完工:全部钢材组成部分必须经过热浸镀锌处理,并且符合第09875 部分防腐蚀条款的规定,获得皇室委员会的批准。
I 检测器环路:
1.环路检测器电线由2.5毫米、90°C组成。600 V标准电线带有2个通过环路的弯角。 环路末端留有大约2米长环线,留有通信口方便接入。
2. 承包商有责任削减图纸中规定管沟的尺寸和形状,承包商也可以从每个环到路线的边缘切一个管沟引线。环路的转角可以斜切。保证管沟干净平整。所有的削减由一条单个的圆形通道完成。

5.环检测器电线必须采用以下方式安装。管沟为褐色,在切割后不得有任何碎片和水分留在管沟内,电线的转角处必须放在入槽内,不得有纽结或者卷曲,在槽角落绝缘材料周围不得有拉紧或者伸展。将一根圆角木头放在管沟的底部方便安排电线。在电线安置后,检查电线是否松弛,拉出以部分,检查是否绷紧。 如果发现有任何上述问题,立即进行改正。
 Each arm to include removable cap for tip, grommeted wire outlets, sign support brackets, and signal hanger assemblies of type, quantity and at locations shown on drawings.
1. Poles to have either a one piece steel base plate meeting requirements of ASIM A36 or a cast steel anchor base meeting requirements of ASTM A27, Grade 65-35.
m. Base to telescope the pole and be secured to pole with two continuous welds, one on inside of base at end of pole and, the other on outside at top of base.
3. Finish: All steel components shall be hot dip galvanized and corrosion protected in accordance with Section 09875 and as approved by the Royal Commission.
H. Concrete Materials: Concrete and' other materialist for foundations shall comply with Section 03300, "Cast-In-Place Concrete" including waterproofing corrosion protection and insulation board.
Detector Loop:
1. The loop detector wire will consist of 2.5-mm 90°C. standard wire 600V with two turns through the loop. The ends of the loop wire about 2 meters long will be left in the handhole for splicing purposes.
2. It will be Contractor's responsibility to saw cut a trench of the dimensions and shape specified in the approved drawings. The Contractor shall also saw cut an access trench from each loop to the edge of the route. The corners of the loops shall be cut diagonally to. assure a clean, smooth
trench. All cuts shall be accomplished in a single pass with a circular pavement cutting saw.
3. The trench shall be blown free of debris and moisture after the trench has been cut. If the loop wire is not immediately installed the Contractor shall install either a wood or other filler, approved by the Royal Commission, to prevent the slot from collapsing. If a curb is proposed for construction where the loops are being installed, a conduit shall be installed through the curb below the roadway level and terminate in the access channel.
4. The wire forming the loop shall be continuous throughout its length and installed without splices. The loop wire shall extend from the trench to the nearest handhole. At this point they shall be sealed for future splicing to loop detector leads.
5. The loop detector wire shall be installed in the following manner. After the trench is blown free of debris and moisture, the turns of wire shall be laid in the slot so that there are no kinks or curls, and no straining or stretching of the insulation around the corners of the slot. A piece of wood with rounded corners shall be used to seat the wire in the bottom of the trench. After the wire is placed, it shall be rechecked for slack, raised portions, andlor tightness. if any of the foregoing are found, they shall be corrected.

