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发布时间:2014-10-12      阅读次数:1864


Site :  Department:  Revision No. :  
Job :  Boiler Generating Tubes Cleaning Cross Ref Document:   Date :14/may/2007
Task Description
1 管线放空,降温,隔离阀门 Pipeline venting, decompression and isolating valve
2 申请进行锅炉水管清洗的冷工作业许可证  Cold work license application of boiler pipe cleaning
3 做好施工前的准备工作,然后拆卸管接头 Preparation for construction, then disassemble the seal head of heat exchanger
4 使用高压水进行管线清洗疏通 Apply the high pressure water to perform the cleaning and dredge of pipe line
5 恢复管线工艺流程、清理现场 Restore the pipe line procedure and clearing the site
Step Hazard Identified Hazard Effect Risk Evaluation Control Measures Action Residual Risk Is Residual Risk ALARP
 Use checklist as guide Type of injury, damage or environment impact HE P R Required (including existing & proposed) Person Responsible Date Completed HE P R 
3 高空坠落
Falling accident  致命
Fata;  4 2 8 高空作业时,安全带必须挂在固定点和结构上
The safety belt must be hung on fixed point and structure during aloft work.   3 1 3 Yes
3 高温介质烫伤
Burned by high temperature medium 工伤
Working injury 3 2 6 在阀门内漏需加盲板前事先确认管线内介质温度在40℃以下,方可进行下步工作
Before further procedure, ensure the medium temperature inside the pipe line is below 40℃ prior the blank off isolation of boiler system.   3 1 3 Yes
Falling object 致命
a. 在高处作业时,使用合适的容器或绳子运送工具。要确保容器的安全和载荷的重量
Working at height, a proper container or rope shall be used to convey tools. Ensure the container safety and load capacity to meet the related requirements.
b. 吊物下方禁止站人,人员合理站位带好安全帽并系好下颚带,作业现场用警示带隔离
No personnel are allowed in the operating range of hoisting object; wear hard hat and fasten the belly.
c. 保持一个良好的现场清理习惯,材料工具及其他物品放在合适位置,避免其从高处掉落
Foster a sound habit of site cleaning, place the material and tool in a proper place and avoid resulting people hurting or material damaging by falling. 
d. 高空作业时,工具要系尾绳,防止坠落
Working at height, tools shall be fastened with rope to avoid falling.   4 1 4 Yes
4 高压水伤人
Hurt by high pressure steam  致命
Fatal  4 2 8 a. 出海前及施工前分别进行一次高压水设备的检查,确认设备运转正常,高压管线状态完好
Before sea duty and construction carry out an inspection on hydraulic equipments respectively; ensure equipments are in a regular operation and high pressure pipe line is in a good condition.
b. 作业现场用警示带隔离,广播通知设施上所有人员高压水作业进行的位置
Isolate the site with caution sign, inform all the related personnel on duty about the hydraulic procedure through broadcast. 
c. 高压水设备操作人员与清洗现场使用对讲机保持联系,脚踏阀操作人员与持枪清洗人员必须相互看得见、正常说话听得见
Operator on hydraulic equipments shall keep contact with the personnel on site cleaning.  Space between the foot valve operator and water jet holding personnel shall be seen each other and audible in normal condition.     4 1 4 yes
其它的危害和预防措施  Other hazard and preventive measure.
1. 阀门隔离要经过设施上工作人员和施工人员双方确认,避免误操作,关闭的阀门挂牌上锁
Valve isolation and equipment dissembling shall be confirmed by the person on duty and construction personnel to avoid error in operation; close the valve; display caution sign and lock it.   
2. 在工作开始前要召开班前会,确保所有相关的工作人员知道他们的职责和要采取的防范措施
Hold briefing before operation; ensure all the related personnel were informed with their duty requirements and applicable preventive measures.
3. 如遇到临边作业时作业人员要佩戴安全带
In case of limb operation, operation staff shall fasten the safety belt.
4. 如需要搭设脚手架时应满足相关搭设及使用标准,并应另作一份脚手架搭设的风险评估
If scaffold is required, it is necessary to meet the related construction and application criterion and prepare another scaffold risk evaluation.

